
62 Reputation

6 Badges

15 years, 49 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by andrewfortune

If you create a Maplet using the Maplet builder, how can you insert it into your worksheet ? ... e.g. having a hyperlink or button which when clicked runs your Maplet ?

I have found out that you can change the attributes of a style via Format/Sty;es, clicking the style in the list and then clicking the Modify button. This only seems to last for the lifetime of the current worksheet.

Was wondering if there was a way of making the change stick, i.e. so you can close down Maple, open it up again and still having the style change applied ?


Was wondering why I am getting such a variety of outputs when I input what is essentially the same expression each time ?

See attached screenshot.



Maple 13 here. Is there a tutor which gives you a step-by-step solving process for linear 1st and 2nd order ODEs (similar to the one for Calculus/Integration Methods) ? I have been disappointed in not being able to find this, unless I am missing something.


Hi all,

I've just downloaded and installed the Maple 13.02 update, and when I go into the Maple Portal, I am finding that it sometimes locks up when I click on a hyperlink. When I say "locks up", I mean it simply stops responding.

It is 64-bit Maple running in a 64-bit Win 7 environment.

The only thing that I can think of is that the issue is related to Java somehow (which is what Maple is based on, correct ?)

Andrew J Fortune,

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