
100 Reputation

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10 years, 105 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by anton_dys

Hello everyone!

I have a vector field defined in spherical coordinates and I want to plot a sphere colored according to the magnitude of the vector field on that sphere. Is there a simple way to do this?

Many thanks in advance!


Hello everyone!

I miss a convinient way to build interactive plots with parameters assigned to sliders. E.g. of such expressions as "a*sin(b*x+c)". Before Maple 2017 I could just right-click the expression, choose "plot builder" and then select "interactive plot with three parameters". That's it. Since the introduction of the new interactive plot builder I am at a loss because that way have been lost and I don't know any other way equally quick and convinient. "Interactive plot builder" now means quite another thing!

Any suggestions?



Hello everyone!

I am wondering why the Tabulate command does not work with Explore. E.g.:

Explore(`DocumentTools:-Tabulate`([plot(sin(a*x)), plot(cos(x-a))]), parameters = [[a = 0 .. 10, controller = slider]])

I know that I can display an array of plots with the display(Array([....])) which works fine with explore but Tabulate is another good way to display multiple plots and it gives better control over individual plots properties (e.g. setting different size to different plots). Is this a bug or Tabulate is just not meant to work in that context?  

Hello everyone!

Is this a bug that the following two commands work differently?:

densityplot(sin(x*y), x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, colorscheme = ["zgradient", ["blue", "green", "yellow", "red"], zrange = -5 .. 5], style = surface)

plot3d(sin(x*y), x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, view = -10 .. 10, colorscheme = ["zgradient", ["blue", "green", "yellow", "red"], zrange = -5 .. 5], style = surface)

The second one works fine in that if you increase the magnitude of sin(x*y) (e.g. 3sin(x*y)) the coloring changes accordingly. But the first one plots sin(x*y) or 5sin(x*y), etc. just the same!

Many thanks for you comments in advance!

Hello everyone!

Does anyone have an idea about the keyboard shortcut for right-clicking with a mouse? Strangely enough the standard context-menu key won't work in maple. Neither does shift+F10. I tried remapping this function to other keyboard keys but without any success so far...

Couldn't find anything about it in the manuals, maple help, google, etc.. It's such a frequent action, I just can't believe there is not a quicker alternative to grabbing the mouse, pointing it to what you are editing and right-clicking...

Many thanks in advance!!! :)

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