
52 Reputation

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16 years, 294 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by benc13

Ok, I didn't know this option,

Thanks a lot...

Ok, thanks to answer me.

So it's impossible to obtain a good look form for v(t) without the integral term? There is a methodology to solve (or approximate) this equation of v(t) in order to obtain something to plot in maple?

You're right, and I had a bug during some minutes.... but R et i are time dependent so the problem is the same. For a sinusoidale input current :
----------- * diff(v(t),t)+v(t)=sin(w*t)


all is in the subject :)


Great !!!

"When you can't do something, do something else..."

Thanks a lot for your support.

Hello DJ Clayworth,

Thanks for your response, I will stop my search on the forum. I would plot this function : ( 1 - exp( -sqrt(x) ) ) / sqrt(x).

Unfortunately I need to set the limit of the x-axis from 10^(-7) to 10^(-5). So, I need at least 10^(5+7+1) points. I don't think my computer will support it.

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