
52 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 145 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by benc13


I have some difficulties with the transfert function of a circuit. After a lot of simplification I find this equation:

R*C*diff(v(t),t)+v(t)=i(t) with R=K / i(t)

I have never seen this kind of equation before, I hope someone could help me, google is un-useful to this.
Then, I would solve this for a heavyside and sinusoidale current. How can I make a heavyside with maple ?


Hello all,

I would study the time response of a electronic circuit and to this I need to evaluate the laplace transform of the function :

G(I)=( 1-exp( -sqrt(I) ) ) / sqrt(I)
with I = sin(w*t)

Someone can tell me where how to do this. I have no idea.... :-(




I would plot a function over a large range on the x-axis (from 10^-10 to 1).
So I use : "semilogplot(G,10^-10..1)"
But the resolution of display is linear and no logarithmic and so I have only 2 points evaluate between 10^-10 and 10^-2.
Someone could tell me how to have a logarithmic resolution on the x-axis ?


Thanks a lot,

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