brian bovril

904 Reputation

16 Badges

18 years, 67 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by brian bovril


Hot on the heels of my previous question

I have attempted to maximize growth while keeping variance below a fixed level (with not much success), but 

can any of you maximize the growth of a 3 stock portfolio while minimizing the variance.


This worksheet by Jason Schattman, I cant work out how he gets vector r, the expected value (in bold). I did ask him. Anybody shed any light?

I thought EV was calculated by averaging each stocks yearly returns. EV for Q[1] is (0.08-0.2+.05)/3   (<> 0.05)

Obviously i'm going to get a different r to him, but out of interest what maple commands do i need to convert Q into r using my method for EV?



When i export an animation as a gif the dimensions are (by default it seems) 400x400 pixels (w x h).

But my slide show requires a dimension of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

How to I tell maple to export a gif of predefined dimensions?

I can manually adjust the dimensions of the animation by grabbing a corner and pulling it right and down and then export it, but its hit and miss.

Here is an example animation written by Kitonum

rho := 0.1:
w0 := 2:
sys := a->[diff(x(t),t) = y(t),diff(y(t),t) = -2*rho*y(t) - w0^2*(x(t)+a)];
P:=a->DEplot(sys(a), [x(t),y(t)], t = 0 .. 20-2*a, x=-2..2, y=-1.9..1.7, [[x(0) = cos(a)-a, y(0) = sin(a)]], scene = [x(t),y(t)], linecolor=blue, numpoints=1000):
plots:-animate(plots:-display,['P'(a), size=[600,300]], a=-0.7..1.4, frames=90);





I found this example in the Help.

I'm wanting to export the encrypted file (the gibberish between local and end proc) to friend running another M2018, and want it to run.

I would need to rerieve "abc.mla" repository that we saved it in. But I cant find it. and if i did send it, he would be able to decrypt it surely?


On CBS tv show Survivor S38E4, an interesting scenario arose. There was initially 2 teams comprising 6 persons (blue team) and 9 persons (yellow team). Then they decided to mix it up, and split it into 3 teams. Each player was randomly assigned a buff, (red, green or orange =3 colored buffs *5).= 3 teams of 5.

What was interesting was 5 out of the original 6 blue team are now in the new red team. 5 of the original yellow team are in the new green team and 4 of the original yellow team are in the new orange team. 

What is the chances of that happening?
A couple of attempts:

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