
130 Reputation

2 Badges

3 years, 19 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by charlie_fcl


I would like help with 2 questions regarding complex plots and Euler's formula:

- I'm trying to plot a complex (simple) plot in Maple Flow (2024.2) but got into a problem:

does anyone would know how to fix/solve it?

- how could an complex exponential function be expanded with Euler's formula

Thanks very much in advance.


I would like help on accessing an element of matrix which is itself  an element of another matrix, like:

how could I reference the element "1.0" or "6.0"?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I'm trying some number theory functions and got a problem with prime factorization.

When I try the function ifactor in Maple, it works perfectly, but when I try it in MapleFlow, I get:

ifactor(50) = 50

Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance for any help.


I just got 2 questions regarding symbols and answers in MapleFlow (I might be doing something wrong here).

- In trying to input the integral int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5) - this is just an example! - as a symbol,

int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5)

MapleFlow doesn´t accept fractions or multiplications for bondaries values, unless I input "int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5 =". Is there anyway to do it?

- is it possible to have the answer as 2*cos((3*Pi)/10), like in Maple, instead of 2.00*cos(300e-3*pi) ()symbolic expression) or 1.18 (numeric expression)?

Thanks in advance for your help.


just a simple question: Is it possible to write if statments in Mapleflow, like (this is just a simple example, not what I would like to code!):

a:= 2


if ( a > b ) then c:=a else c:=b end if

and, if so, how to do it? I've tried the above code but got the error

"internal error: unhandled case IF in subsindents"

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