
110 Reputation

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2 years, 268 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by charlie_fcl

Hi, @Carl Love 

I see your point; hadn't considered that! Thanks very much.

Thanks very much, @Carl Love 

It worked just as I wanted!

Hi, @Carl Love 

Thanks for the quickly reply!

Sorry but I wasn´t clear on what I was trying to accomplish. What I'm looking for is to do a multiple assignment using the piecewise expression, like (just an example) a regular multiple assignment,

but extended to the piecewise expression:

such that, if c < d, e = a and f = 2*b or, if c >= d, e = 3*a and f = b.

It looks like I got more questions!!

How could I do multiple assignments in the following form?

Hi, @Carl Love.

Thanks for the promptly reply!

It works now!!

Hi, @Samir Khan.

One more question: why this one doesn't work:




d := ifelse(a > b, (ifelse a>c, a, c), b)

Hi, @Samir Khan.

Thanks for the quickly reply.

I have use for both of your suggestions! Thanks very much.

Hi, @acer.

I tried that but it didn´t work. Stilll the same...

I cannot check the installation/re-install because it is installed in the university lab and I'm not in charge of it!

Hi, Samir.

I watched the Seminar this morning and it was very useful. Thanks vry much.

You mentioned in the seminar that MapleFlow suports most of the packages Maple support, but mainly those most used by designers. So, I'd like to suggest if MapleFlow could (in future versions) also support a few more palletes, like Calculus, Common Symbols and Constants and Symbols.

Best regards

Hi,@Preben Alsholm , @acer.

Really strange! Even if I don´t use any initialization file, I still got the same problems.

hi, @acer.

Sure, no problem.

And no, there is no code in the Startup region of the worksheets nor any hidden inputs. I initially didn´t attached the worksheets because I've got them directly from Maple website. But they're attached now, along with my "C:\Users\charliec\maple.ini" file (I had to rename it in order to upload it!)


Hi, @Preben Alsholm.

not that I'm aware about.

I would suspect the changes wouldn't affect libraries, since it could break compatibility with previous versions. Imagine you have to update/change your worksheets every time a new version comes out.

Hi, @Preben Alsholm .

That was one of my first thoughts but then, why would it work with Maple 2023 but not with Maple 2024? Nothing changed but the Maple version.

Hi, @brownr .

thanks for the reply. I'll try that.

yes @acer, it is confusing!

but thanks very much for the promptly reply.

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