
130 Reputation

2 Badges

3 years, 44 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by charlie_fcl

Hi, @Preben Alsholm.

not that I'm aware about.

I would suspect the changes wouldn't affect libraries, since it could break compatibility with previous versions. Imagine you have to update/change your worksheets every time a new version comes out.

Hi, @Preben Alsholm .

That was one of my first thoughts but then, why would it work with Maple 2023 but not with Maple 2024? Nothing changed but the Maple version.

Hi, @brownr .

thanks for the reply. I'll try that.

yes @acer, it is confusing!

but thanks very much for the promptly reply.

Hi, @Christopher2222 

I've tried that before posting the question; I keeps giving me the following error message:

that's why I asked. But thanks very much for the suggestion!

Hi, Samir.

Very nice! Will there be a version for linux?

hi, @acer .

Thanks. I'll try that.

Best regards,

hi, @acer.

Thanks, I completely missed that part in the Help page.

DO youknow if ther is any global variable to make animations play automatically?

Best regards,

hi, @Samir Khan.

I'll try the Edit>Code. The for loop I wrote was just an simple try, just to see if it worked. Thanks very much.

Best regards,

Hi, @tomleslie 

oh, OK. I got it. Thanks.

Hi, @tomleslie 

I got it to work; just re-installing the package solved the problem!

Just one more question: how do you enter the parallel sign (&//)? Eveytime I try to enter "&//", Maple converts it to a fraction.

Best regards

Hi, @tomleslie 

Well, I use Linux. I'll look at the installation log.


Hi, @tomleslie

With the new version of Maple (2022), I get the following error message when I call Syrup:




Error, (in Syrup:-ModuleLoad) global variable(s) %1 are assigned, please unassign them



divider := "
              V 1 0
              R1 1 2
              R2 2 0

Solve(divider, 'returnall')

              V 1 0
              R1 1 2
              R2 2 0
             .end", returnall)





Hi, @tomleslie 

Yes, it was really obvious!! I missed that and, since in Document Mode it didn't show anything, I though (without thinking) that I had done something wrong.

Thanks for replying, even if the answer was just so obvious.

best regards,

hi, @Kitonum and @tomleslie.

both solutions worked! Thanks very much.

best regards,

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