
130 Reputation

2 Badges

3 years, 44 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by charlie_fcl

@Samir Khan 

thanks very much, Samir.

best regards,

Hi, @Samir Khan.

Oh, OK.

Thanks very much for clarify it! Is there any way to change the display precision in Flow?

Best regards

Hi, @Samir Khan,

Thanks very much. I've just run the update.

It helped with the context menu formatting but how about the interface(displayprecision)? Even if I change interface(displaypresion = 5) it still only show the default (unless I change it with the context menu).

best regards,

Hi, @Samir Khan,

do you have any idea on how to change the displayed digits without the use of the context menu?

I've changed Digits and also interface(displayprecision) but the number of displayed digits still the same! And if I use the conext menu, it changes the number of displayed digits but as soon as I leave the context panel, the displayed digits change back to the default.

Best regards,

hi, @Scot Gould 

thanks for the reply!

Yes, I know. I just thought that someone with more experience would have an idea!

Best regards

Hi, @Scot Gould.

No problem.

I'm attaching it to this post (Ihad to rename it to mapleflowrc.txt to be able to upload it) so someone else might have a clue and I'm also sending it to you by e-mail.

Best regards and Happy New Year.

Download mapleflowrc.txtmapleflowrc.txt

Hi. @Scot Gould.

Well, thanks for the reply!

yeah. Right now I'm using it as an user defined variable in the .mapleinit file.

best regards and Happy New Year.

Hi, @Scot Gould.

I'm using the linux version of MapleFlow, so the file is located in $HOME/.maple/2021/mapleflowrc.

And yes, MapleFlow only shows 4 palletes but mapleflowrc lists all the palletes that you can see in Maple.

hi, @Scot Gould.

thanks for the reply. Indeed, it works perfectly in Maple.

But, in MapleFlow, it is strange! If I manually define i:=sqrt(-1) - taking a clue from your reply - I can use i as an imaginary number without any problems (not even a complain that i is already defined as a internal constant/variable!). I can perfome any calculations using this (user) defined i. But, if I use the i from the context popup menu (with the Esc escape key), I get the above mentioned error.

thanks to both Samir and Carl for the promptly replies and explanations!

It worked perfectly!

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