
390 Reputation

8 Badges

11 years, 355 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by digerdiga

Why does maple not simplify this expression any further:


How do I plot the imaginary or real part of a complex valued function



I tried:



but which does not work

Hello I have the following system of equations and I want to solve for rho1 and z1

E := (1/2)*(1/rho1^2+1/rho1^2)-1/sqrt(z1^2+rho1^2)-1/sqrt((R-z1)^2+rho1^2)-1/sqrt(z1^2+rho1^2)-1/sqrt((R-z1)^2+rho1^2)+1/R+1/sqrt((2*rho1)^2+(R-2*z1)^2);

Er1 := diff(E, rho1);

Ez1 := diff(E, z1);

solve([Er1, Ez1], {z1, rho1});

The system is a function of R.

The solve command spits out Kernel lost after some time. So my question is how can I solve it ?

Is it possible when solving a differential equation to get the corresponding recurrence relation of the series expansion instead of the actual solution?



the solution is obviously exp(\pm omega*x)

But I want

a_(n+2) = omega^2/(n+1)(n+2) * a_n

or something like that

t0 := arccosh(lambda/(s*(1-lambda)))

f := int(sqrt(lambda-s*cosh(t)/(1+s*cosh(t))), t = -t0 .. t0)

s := 1/10


g := f-Pi*(0+1/2)

Roots(g, lambda = 0 .. 1, numeric)

Why does maple say:

Error, (in mod/Expand) too many levels of recursion?

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