
390 Reputation

8 Badges

11 years, 356 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by digerdiga

r(t) = RootOf(Int(_a/sqrt(-4*_a^4+5*_a^2-1), _a = 1 .. _Z)+t), r(t) = RootOf(Int(_a/sqrt(-4*_a^4+5*_a^2-1), _a = _Z .. 1)+t), r(t) = RootOf(Int(_a/sqrt(-4*_a^4+13*_a^2-9), _a = 1 .. _Z)+t), r(t) = RootOf(Int(_a/sqrt(-4*_a^4+13*_a^2-9), _a = _Z .. 1)+t)

ist my result of an ODE

g := dsolve([oder, r(0) = 1, (D(r))(0) = 0])

oder := diff(r(t), t, t) = 4*sqrt(1-(diff(r(t), t))^2)+(1-(diff(r(t), t))^2)/r(t)

Now usually maple gives me one solution, so I can just plot with



why doesnt maple simplify this expression any further?

I tried radnormal and simplify.

but he complains when using combine saying:

Error, (in combine/ln) second argument must be a maple type

Why is that?

i have a list of numeric values like this:


now i want to calculate the quantity


which in turn should give me a list again whose entries are:


but just doing

s:=lambda-r^2 doesnt work.

lambda is an arbitrary number

ode := diff(x(t), t, t) = 1^2*(cosh(x(t))-1)/cosh(x(t))

ics := x(0) = 2, (D(x))(0) = 0

xs := dsolve({ics, ode})


plot(xs, t = 0 .. 3)


why do i get this error?

Error, invalid input: plot expects its 1st argument, p, to be of type {set, array, list, rtable, algebraic, procedure, And(`module`, appliable)}, but received x(t) = RootOf(Int(1/(-4*arctan(exp(_a))+4*arctan(exp(2))-4+2*_a)^(1/2), _a = _Z .. 2)+t)

How do I define an algebra in Maple?

Say for example Quaternions:



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