
455 Reputation

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8 years, 170 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by emendes


I have used Groebner[UnivariatePolynomial] extensively on my procedures and I wonder whether there is an improvement in speed and memory use in Maple 2020 in relation to the version I am currently using, that is, Maple 2017.  

Many thanks.


Hello (again)

I thought I won't need help with that type of question but I came across an example that says otherwise.  Here it is


model7 := [x*(-RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)-5/4)+y*alpha[1, 2]-33/(32*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)), x*z*alpha[2, 6]+y*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561), x^2*(17*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)+17)/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6])-17*x*y/alpha[2, 6]+2*z*x-z-(163/32+RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)^2+5*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)*(1/4))/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6])]

then I issued the command 


to get 


[-33/(32*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)), -RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)-5/4, alpha[1, 2], RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561), alpha[2, 6], -(163/32+RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)^2+5*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)*(1/4))/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6]), -1, (17*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)+17)/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6]), -17/alpha[2, 6], 2]

clearly the order does not follow model7's.  

I have also tried

[seq(coeffs(expand(model7[i]), indets(model7[i], suffixed({vars[]}))),i=1..nops(model7))];

Is there a solution to it?

Many thanks (again)






I have the following set of coefficients 

coef7 := [-1, 2, alpha[1, 2], alpha[2, 6], (17*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)+17)/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6]), -17/alpha[2, 6], -33/(32*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)), -(163/32+RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)^2+5*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)*(1/4))/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6]), -RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)-5/4, RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)]


Considering that alpha[1,2] and alpha[2,6] are always real, how can I extract only the real solution from coef7?  

Many thanks.




I need to count and separate the nonlinear terms in a list.  Example:

w:=[[z, y, x, 1], [x*z, x*y, y, 1], [x*z, z, x*y]];

there are 4 nonlinear terms, x*z, x*y, x*z, and x*y.  

The terms can be any combination of the given variables, that is, x, y, and z.  

My solution to the problem of counting the nonlinear terms is 




It works but I wonder whether there is a better solution that includes showing the nonlinear terms themselves.

Many thanks



Although I am (remotely) running the following piece of code in a linux machine with 256 GB of ram, the error msg "Execution stopped: Stack limit reached" comes out 


NestList:= proc(f, x, n::nonnegint)
local R:= rtable(0..n, [x]), k;
   for k to n do R[k]:= simplify(f(R[k-1])) od:
end proc:
yreal:=NestList(y-> 4*y*(1-y),1/8,n):

I have tried to increase stacklimit issuing the command "kernelopts(stacklimit=256000)" but to no avail.  Is there anything else I can do?  A similar code run successfully in a mac with Mathematica. 

Many thanks 



PS. The default kernelopts(stacklimit) shows 8192 on the linux machine and  but 32736 on the mac pro.  I was expecting a higher number on the linux machine.  


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