
15 Reputation

3 Badges

14 years, 72 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fbauer

Hi everyone,

I would like to use structs

    struct sname {

in my C code defined elsewhere. How do I get CodeGeneration to produce variable names like



The appoach to use the respective maple data type

  sname := Record('smem1', 'smem2'):

results in

    Warning, procedure/module options ignored
    double smem1;
    double smem2;

and the appoach to define it as name


results in

    Warning, the following variable name replacements were made: sname.smem1 -> cg0
    cg = cg0;

Your answer is appreciated


Hi all,

I need to define a state machine in MapleSim. A Maple procedure would help to solve this issue. How do I include a Maple procedure in my MapleSim model?

I am looking forward to your answers.


Hi all,

I'm working on systems with discontinuities and need to define a finite state machine.

I tried to define one by myself and encountered some errors. The computation of initial conditions complains about either cycles and suggests using a pre-block - I am allready using one - or about inconsistent initial conditions and ignores some constraints. Does the initial condition computing algorithm loop insufficiently?

I also tried to use the modelica...

I am working on hybrid dynamical systems an encounter the warning: "dependencies in discrete equations cannot be ordered". What does this mean and should I care about it?

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