
15 Reputation

5 Badges

10 years, 130 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by federave

Hi everybody,

is it possible to define an homokinetic joint in MapleSim for multibody modeling? How can I do that?




I have a problem with a 1D loockup table with a Data set file. It seems that there are some problems with the file but I don't understand which.


I tried to use a .xlsx file and the result is this error (note that the table in excel has 17 rows, so at the 18 there is nothing):


Then I tried with a .csv file and I had this error:

I put below the MapleSim file, is not completed: just to have a look at the errors and the attached file, so don't consider other things.


the .xlsx attached files is the following, while i'm not able to upload the .csv but it's the same one just saved as .csv:



Thanks a lot.



I need to build a multibody model in MapleSim 6.4 in which with few global parameters I can describe all the other parameters. In other words the final user will enter this few parameters, that are coordinates of specific points, and then the model will calculate all the relative distances on the base of those coordinates.

The problem is that if I apply trigonometric function and square root (like in the screenshot) the model is not calculating any value. Is it possible to make those calculculations?


this is the model (don't worry about the nonsense plots, it's because it's not ultimated):






Hi everyone,

I have to create a double wishbone suspesione model that can be edited by different users, only introducing some reference point values (called Hard Points). So I need some tool that, in some way, passes from the entered reference point values to the actual values of the bodyframes link. 

I found an already done model (from this link) that seems to be perfect to me because contains an attached Maple document that does exactly what I need working on the base of symbolic parameters applied to the MapleSim model. Now my problem is that I need to deeply change the model and so having the possibility to change the parameter set and insert for example nex parameters. But when I try to do that some problems come out with the Maple document: the syntax of the nex parameter set is different from the default (in the sense of already built in the model I downloaded) one and there are some syntax errors. Below I'll put a screenshot of the error.


under the XData code line, you can also see the syntax of one of the parameters that is very long and complicated: below I'll insert another image from which it can be seen the syntax with the original parameter set.

Now if you another idea for solving the initial problem, that would be great! Instead do you have an idea on how to fix the problem with the downloaded model? In my opinion there is a different MapleSim version problem, in the sense that could be thatn the model I downloaded has been done in another MapleSim version in which the parameter set syntax was different.

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