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These are replies submitted by gulliet

Well, I am afraid that the situation is not better with Maple 12 for Mac OS X (except that the operating system is packed with some very nice utilities, such the above mentioned Preview program, which does much more than just allowing one to view files). Anyway, I agree that Maple is missing a much wider spectrum of import/export formats. 97_mapleexport2dplot.jpg 97_mapleexport3dplot.jpg Best regards, --Jean-Marc
I am afraid Alec is right. A workaround exists, though. You could use the program Preview to convert the clipboard content to a suitable format for Maple. (Preview is located in the /Applications folder.) Here is an example where we want to import, say, a PDF copy of some Mathematica cells. In Preview, select from the menu New From Clipboard 97_importwithpreview1.jpg and as you can see, Preview automaticaly creates a new document with the clipboard content. Now select whatever part (or the whole document) you want to import in Maple with the select tool, 97_importwithpreview2.jpg and copy the selection. 97_importwithpreview3.jpg Now, from within Maple, paste the clipboard content where you want in your document, 97_importwithpreview4.jpg And voila! 97_importwithpreview5.jpg Regards, --Jean-Marc
Great stuff, Alec. Just a quick note to let you know that your code also works like a charm on OS X, one has just to use "/usr/lib/libc.dylib" rather than "/lib/" (tested with Maple 12.02 on 64-bit Intel Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.6).
> mktime := define_external('mktime', 
    'LIB' = "/usr/lib/libc.dylib");

> T := table([tm_mon = 0, tm_mday = 31, 
tm_year = 109, tm_hour = 22, tm_min = 28, 
tm_sec = 30, tm_wday = 6, tm_yday = 30, 
tm_isdst = -1, tm_gmtoff = 0, tm_zone = ""]);

> mktime(T); 
   StringTools:-FormatTime("%c", timestamp = %); 

                         "Mon Feb 02 17:55:58 2009"

> kernelopts(version);

        Maple 12.02, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Dec 10 2008 Build ID 377066
Best regards, --Jean-Marc
plots:-conformal(2^z+I*cos(z), z = -1-I .. 1+I)
97_conformalfun.jpeg HTH, --Jean-Marc
plots:-conformal(2^z+I*cos(z), z = -1-I .. 1+I)
97_conformalfun.jpeg HTH, --Jean-Marc
The above mention function exists in Maple 12, I do not know when it was introduced for the first time, though (and I do not have at hand any earlier version of Maple). Note that there also exists complexplot3d.
> restart;
> with(plots);
> complexplot(2^x+I*cos(x), x = -Pi .. Pi);
97_complexplotfun.jpeg HTH, --Jean-Marc
The above mention function exists in Maple 12, I do not know when it was introduced for the first time, though (and I do not have at hand any earlier version of Maple). Note that there also exists complexplot3d.
> restart;
> with(plots);
> complexplot(2^x+I*cos(x), x = -Pi .. Pi);
97_complexplotfun.jpeg HTH, --Jean-Marc
97_palettes.jpg 97_lnexp.jpg Regards, --Jean-Marc
97_palettes.jpg 97_lnexp.jpg Regards, --Jean-Marc
Arguments must be enclosed by parentheses. For instance, sin(x) is the correct Maple syntax for sin x. So,
> restart;
> solve(2*x-a/x+a-(x+3*a*(1/a)-x)-a^2*(1/a^2)+x^2 = 3, x);

  /                                                (1/2)\     
1 |                 /    3       2                \     |     
- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                              
                             6 |- a - --|                              
                               \3     9 /                           2  
   - ------------------------------------------------------------ - -, 
                                                            (1/3)   3  
     /                                                (1/2)\           
     |                 /    3       2                \     |           
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /           
     /                                                (1/2)\     
  1  |                 /    3       2                \     |     
- -- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                                   
                             3 |- a - --|                                   
                               \3     9 /                           2   1   
   + ------------------------------------------------------------ - - + - I 
                                                            (1/3)   3   2   
     /                                                (1/2)\                
     |                 /    3       2                \     |                
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /                

         /                                                         (1/3)
         |  /                                                (1/2)\     
   (1/2) |1 |                 /    3       2                \     |     
  3      |- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                        \  
                             6 |- a - --|                        |  
                               \3     9 /                        |  
   + ------------------------------------------------------------|, 
     /                                                (1/2)\     |  
     |                 /    3       2                \     |     |  
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     /  
     /                                                (1/2)\     
  1  |                 /    3       2                \     |     
- -- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                                   
                             3 |- a - --|                                   
                               \3     9 /                           2   1   
   + ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - I 
                                                            (1/3)   3   2   
     /                                                (1/2)\                
     |                 /    3       2                \     |                
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /                

         /                                                         (1/3)
         |  /                                                (1/2)\     
   (1/2) |1 |                 /    3       2                \     |     
  3      |- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                        \
                             6 |- a - --|                        |
                               \3     9 /                        |
   + ------------------------------------------------------------|
     /                                                (1/2)\     |
     |                 /    3       2                \     |     |
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     /
Also, you should check whether the expression you wrote was not missing some parentheses.
> 2*x-a/x+a-(x+3*a*(1/a)-x)-a^2*(1/a^2)+x^2;

                                  a            2
                            2 x - - + a - 4 + x 
Or did you mean the following (or even something else)?
> (2*x-a)/(x+a)-(x+3*a)/(a-x)-a^2/(a^2-x^2);

                         2 x - a   x + 3 a     a    
                         ------- - ------- - -------
                          x + a     a - x     2    2
                                             a  - x 

Regards, --Jean-Marc
Arguments must be enclosed by parentheses. For instance, sin(x) is the correct Maple syntax for sin x. So,
> restart;
> solve(2*x-a/x+a-(x+3*a*(1/a)-x)-a^2*(1/a^2)+x^2 = 3, x);

  /                                                (1/2)\     
1 |                 /    3       2                \     |     
- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                              
                             6 |- a - --|                              
                               \3     9 /                           2  
   - ------------------------------------------------------------ - -, 
                                                            (1/3)   3  
     /                                                (1/2)\           
     |                 /    3       2                \     |           
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /           
     /                                                (1/2)\     
  1  |                 /    3       2                \     |     
- -- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                                   
                             3 |- a - --|                                   
                               \3     9 /                           2   1   
   + ------------------------------------------------------------ - - + - I 
                                                            (1/3)   3   2   
     /                                                (1/2)\                
     |                 /    3       2                \     |                
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /                

         /                                                         (1/3)
         |  /                                                (1/2)\     
   (1/2) |1 |                 /    3       2                \     |     
  3      |- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                        \  
                             6 |- a - --|                        |  
                               \3     9 /                        |  
   + ------------------------------------------------------------|, 
     /                                                (1/2)\     |  
     |                 /    3       2                \     |     |  
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     /  
     /                                                (1/2)\     
  1  |                 /    3       2                \     |     
- -- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                                   
                             3 |- a - --|                                   
                               \3     9 /                           2   1   
   + ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - I 
                                                            (1/3)   3   2   
     /                                                (1/2)\                
     |                 /    3       2                \     |                
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /                

         /                                                         (1/3)
         |  /                                                (1/2)\     
   (1/2) |1 |                 /    3       2                \     |     
  3      |- \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     

                               /1     25\                        \
                             6 |- a - --|                        |
                               \3     9 /                        |
   + ------------------------------------------------------------|
     /                                                (1/2)\     |
     |                 /    3       2                \     |     |
     \180 a - 568 + 12 \12 a  - 75 a  + 1080 a - 4704/     /     /
Also, you should check whether the expression you wrote was not missing some parentheses.
> 2*x-a/x+a-(x+3*a*(1/a)-x)-a^2*(1/a^2)+x^2;

                                  a            2
                            2 x - - + a - 4 + x 
Or did you mean the following (or even something else)?
> (2*x-a)/(x+a)-(x+3*a)/(a-x)-a^2/(a^2-x^2);

                         2 x - a   x + 3 a     a    
                         ------- - ------- - -------
                          x + a     a - x     2    2
                                             a  - x 

Regards, --Jean-Marc
One can enter mathematical expressions, matrices, greek symbols, to name a few, thanks to the numerous palettes located on the LHS of the screen. 97_partdev1.jpg To define a function of one variable, click on and to define a function of two variables, just click on Having done that, you can see that a template for the definition of a functioin of two variables has been inserted in the document on the RHS of the screen: 97_partdev4.jpg Now, you must enter/replace the name of the function template (here f) by the name you want to give to your function, say q, and same thing for the variables name (a and b in the template), and after the arrow, you must specify the definition of the function (so replace z by a*x+b*y). Note that one can navigate from one place holder to the other by hitting the shift key. When you are done, hit the return key to validate your entry and Maple should return the result of the evaluation (in this case the definiton of q(x,y)). 97_partdev5.jpg Differentiating q(x, y) w.r.t. x, taking y constant, is called partial differentiation and can be enter as Click on the template for partial differentiation to get it in the document, 97_partdev7.jpg enter the relevant information and voila! 97_partdev8.jpg From here, you should be able to proceed with the rest of the question. Regards, --Jean-Marc
One can enter mathematical expressions, matrices, greek symbols, to name a few, thanks to the numerous palettes located on the LHS of the screen. 97_partdev1.jpg To define a function of one variable, click on and to define a function of two variables, just click on Having done that, you can see that a template for the definition of a functioin of two variables has been inserted in the document on the RHS of the screen: 97_partdev4.jpg Now, you must enter/replace the name of the function template (here f) by the name you want to give to your function, say q, and same thing for the variables name (a and b in the template), and after the arrow, you must specify the definition of the function (so replace z by a*x+b*y). Note that one can navigate from one place holder to the other by hitting the shift key. When you are done, hit the return key to validate your entry and Maple should return the result of the evaluation (in this case the definiton of q(x,y)). 97_partdev5.jpg Differentiating q(x, y) w.r.t. x, taking y constant, is called partial differentiation and can be enter as Click on the template for partial differentiation to get it in the document, 97_partdev7.jpg enter the relevant information and voila! 97_partdev8.jpg From here, you should be able to proceed with the rest of the question. Regards, --Jean-Marc
This might be what you are looking for:
> restart; with(Student[Calculus1]);
 f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 3*x^4-4*x^3 end proc;

                                         4      3
                            f := x -> 3 x  - 4 x 

> ExtremePoints(f(x), x = -1 .. 2); map(f, %);

                                 [-1, 1, 2]
                                 [7, -1, 16]
> plot(f, -1 .. 2);
97_extrema.jpeg Regards, --Jean-Marc
You are right in assuming that the warning messages you reported are not related to and do not prevent Maple to launch Having said that, I am clueless at what could be the issue. Not really helpful... [Updated] Yet, I am still convince that the issue is related to file authorization. Here is what I get on my system when using Maple in command line mode: 97_MapleCmdLine.jpg --Jean-Marc
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