
200 Reputation

6 Badges

4 years, 95 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jrive

@acer good eye...the space was the reason it didn't work for me the first time.  Thanks!

@Hullzie16 ---don't know what is different...but after retyping it it worked...

@Hullzie16 this is what I get....

@Joe Riel, indeed, I inadvertently (or maybe knew to do so at the tme, ;-)) had the first section which worked correctly named and language selected as Plain Text....thanks again.

@Joe Riel and @Carl Love thank you both for the responses.  I unfortunately do not use Maple as much as I would like to and find myself stumped by some of the errors I get (because I don't fully understand how Maple works).   I appreciate the help.  Syrup is a great toolbx for Maple.

So my issue was that the document I uploaded was a section from another document in which I had two identical sections, configured differently (with a 'restart') in between.  The first section ran without issues,but the second one complained.  In the first section, I must unknowingly have done what Joe said because it worked fine.   I need to go back and check!

Thank you both,


@Carl Love  --got it,..thank you!

@Carl Love thank you for your response.  What do you mean by nontrivial solution?  I wanted x1 and x2 expressed in terms of DC and T, instead of ton and toff.

@acer thank you for your response, that solution gives me what I am looking for.  But, out of curiosity, how else might I have asked the question to be more clear?  How should, " solve this equation in terms of x,y,z" be phrased?   The intent with that phrase (or phrasing) is that the solution be expressed in terms of those variables, using whatever relationships are available between those variables and the ones in the solution they can "replace"...I wouldn't know how else to say that, so I look forward to your response!

In my my case, I didn't want ton or toff in the solution, but instead wanted it expressed in tems of DC and T which have relationships to ton and toff, and each other, as shown in eqs 3 and 4.....

anyway, you understood what I meant, so much appreciated.

@acer Perfect! thank you.  Thanks for picking up on the typo and proceeding with the solution!

@acer appreciate the help!



@Kitonum thanks for the assist!

@tomleslie   Thank you!  I appreciate the help!!

@Carl Love  thank you!! Makes sense.  

@Carl Love-- Thank you.  Did you try it on my worksheet?  I just did, and I get, 



assum := R1::real, C1::real, omega::real, vab::real

R1::real, C1::real, omega::real, vab::real


Pab := `assuming`([expand(rationalize(vab/(R1-I/(omega*C1))))], [assum])



Pabmag := `assuming`([abs(Pab)], [assum])



Pabang := `assuming`([argument(Pab)], [assum])





could you show me how to do it?

Download complex_power_RC.mw

btw.....I think it would be extremely helpful to newbies like me if the invlaplace help page explained why the answers are given in trig hyperbolic functions instead of the more traditional (at least for EEs, perhaps not for mathematicians?) and cover how the results can be converted to exponentials via the convert instruction.  The intuitive action is to try simplify --- I had no idea "convert" existed.  Simple documentation like that goes a long way and saves a lot of aggravation!!! 

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