
200 Reputation

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4 years, 95 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jrive

@acer  -- perfect, thank you!!!

@acer thank you.

There's something I don't get...I have three unknowns (assuming C1=C2), so not sure why I can't use the inequality.  I occurs to me I could instead use C1=C2 in the system of equations (restricting the gain to 1)  - maybe that'll work. 

I still need to look at this further, though.   The solution for  R1 results in an imaginary value which shouldn't be the case....


Thank you for your help!

@acer what you're seeing are typos when I entered the data on here, since I could not cut and paste it directly from my Maple doc.

Currently, I get this error and have not been able to resolve it, no matter what I try:

sys := {`&omega;res` = 0.1635*10^8*2*Pi, simplify(z3res) = 9 + 0.000150*I, 1 <= abs(vores/vin)}

sol2 := solve(sys, {C1, C2, L1, R1})

Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.
Error, (in unknown) invalid input: SolveTools:-Inequality expects its 1st argument, eqns, to be of type ({list, set})({`<`, `<=`, `=`}), but received [C2 < 0, And(-(-1+signum(0, C1+C2, 1))*Pi <= Pi, -Pi < -(-1+signum(0, C1+C2, 1))*Pi)]

(I can't figure out how to copy Maple input onto here --the formatting gets all messed up.)  Please see attached file.

Thanks for any pointers!  filter.mw


assume(vin, real)

assume(C1, real)

assume(C2, real)

assume(L1, real)

assume(R1, real)

assume(omega, real)

assume(vin, real)

z1 := R1/((I*omega*C1)*(R1+1/(I*omega*C1)))



simplify(-I*R1/(omega*C1*(R1-I/(omega*C1))), 'size')





z2 := z1+I*omega*L1



z3 := z2/((I*omega*C2)*(z2+1/(I*omega*C2)))







voc := vin/((I*omega*C1)*(R1+1/(I*omega*C1)))






zthev := simplify(z1)



vounloaded := voc/((I*omega*C2)*(zthev+I*omega*L1+1/(I*omega*C2)))











sol1 := solve(Im(vounloaded) = 0, omega)

Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.


0, (C1*C2*L1*(C1+C2))^(1/2)/(C1*C2*L1), -(C1*C2*L1*(C1+C2))^(1/2)/(C1*C2*L1)


`&omega;res` := sol1[2]






vores := simplify(subs(omega = `&omega;res`, vounloaded))





z3res := simplify(subs(omega = `&omega;res`, z3))







sys := {abs(vores/vin) >= 1, `&omega;res` = (0.1356e8*2)*Pi, simplify(z3res) = 9+I*0.150e-3}

{(C1^2*R1-I*(C1*C2*L1*(C1+C2))^(1/2))/C2^2 = 9.+0.150e-3*I, (C1*C2*L1*(C1+C2))^(1/2)/(C1*C2*L1) = 85199992.78, 1 <= abs(C1/C2)}



sol2 := solve(sys, {C1, C2, L1, R1})

Warning, solve may be ignoring assumptions on the input variables.


Error, (in unknown) invalid input: SolveTools:-Inequality expects its 1st argument, eqns, to be of type ({list, set})({`<`, `<=`, `=`}), but received [C2 < 0, And(-(-1+signum(0, C1+C2, 1))*Pi <= Pi, -Pi < -(-1+signum(0, C1+C2, 1))*Pi)]


sol := sol2[3]



R1sol := sol2[4]



C1sol := sol2[1]





subs(C2 = 0.10e-10, L1sol)



subs(C2 = 0.10e-10, R1sol)





@Kitonum thank you.  What did you change to get it to solve for you?  I never was able to get the solution you got; is it because you entered the formulas into sys, as opposed to the variables to which they were assigned?  (eg. you entered 1<=abs(C1/C2, instead of abs(vores/vin)>=1? 

Thanks again


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