
64 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 293 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by nix

How can I convert this equation v''(t)+v'(t)+v=0, to a Maple differential equation and make it solved. Thanks
How can I give the general solution to v''(t)+v'(t)+v=0, because I can only draw the solution. deq:=diff(y(x),x)=x^2+x+1; value(%); Thanks nevulosa
Hello I have a table of x values and y values and after plotting them I found a trend line by least square. But at the moment of plotting the values and the trend line, this last one doesn't reach all the plot width. How can I enlarge its reaching? Thank you,
Hello! I would like to know if there is a way that Maple finds the equation on its own. I have a table of x values and y values and after plotting them I would like to find a trend line by least square.
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