
9779 Reputation

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12 years, 65 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by nm

@Carl Love 

I can confirm that adding `plotsetup(inline);` to the code fixed the problem. Maple 17.02, windows 7. thank you

When I run your code on my Maple 17.02 on windows, the plot is text based, not graphics. I wonder why. It does not look like anything like yours



@Alejandro Jakubi 

I can't even read the help pages. Here is an example:


Hard to read the Maple commands. I am using firefox on windows. Terrible way to present something when the fonts/images are so bad and hard to read. And a page on signal processing no less.

May be Maplesoft managers do not read these pages and so they do not know. someone should tell someone at Maple to have a look one day.

@Joe Riel 

I see it now. thanks

@brian bovril 

I pasted some code into worksheet. Now each line had a ">" on its left.  Then selected all the code including the ">". Then did CTRL-F, put > in the search box, click replace all, then closed the find/replace window. The ">" are still there.

Maple 17.02, windows 7.

change "If" to "if" and add "()" around boolean expressions and add "*" between letters for multiplication (you also seem to have defind functions F and G but not using them).


F:= x-> (-c-a*x)/b;
G:= x-> (-d-e*x)/f;
if (-a/b = -e/f) then
   print (false)
   print (true);
end if;


does not Maple tell you on your system where the syntax errors are?

@Carl Love 

Yes thanks. So that is why  this worked: 

What it did is this: given the above, which is really map(igcd(op(_)),  lst ), now map handed to op() the operand [1,2] (according to help).

Then the argument to op "_" is [1,2]. Now "op" took this input [1,2] and it in turn found the operands in it, which now became  1,2, and so what igcd saw as its argument is just 1,2 (expression sequence, not a list) and not [1,2], and hence it worked. 

This is repeated for the second operand [3,4] in lst.

@Adri van der Meer 

thanks. But I am still a little confused.

according to help, it says on map, the following:
     "The map commands apply fcn to the operands or elements of expr."
my expression is this:


Now op(lst) returns the operands:

      [12,8] , [16,3]

So, there are two opeands, or 2 elements in the expression lst. So far so good.

Since map says the fcn is supposed to be applied automatically to each operand, why then map(igcd,lst) did not work?  Why one had to ask op for help first in extracting the operands? It seems to me that what op did, which is extracting the operands, is what map should have done?




Yes, once the idea is clear, now one can find many ways to do it. Like this:



@Carl Love 

nice. But what does the tilde in ~set:=  do?  I know that func~ mean to apply func element wise, but do not know what ~func is supposed to mean. I tried help, but too many "~" around. May be if there a link I can read on this.


@Alejandro Jakubi 

" Integration is an area where bugs are  being reported quite frequently, but has not been improved for many versions (years) already."

Why would that be? There are so many PhD math people out of work looking for a job. Can't Maple hire one or two or three of them and have them fix all these math bugs? very strange.


You do not need to explicitly declare Array, etc..  you can do it on the fly?


@Axel Vogt 

Thanks Axel, it displayed US. But I followed  Markiyan Hirnyk instructions and found the thing to click on at the bottom of the web page, and now it is in English. I agree with you, this is normally put at the TOP of the web page in clear place, not hidden at the bottom of the page to change the language.ANd I still have no idea why it switched to French on me. But now I know what to do it this happens again :)



sorry, not following you, so not able to know what to do, But I am sure someone who knows this better than me will be able to help. good luck.

@Carl Love 

Great. thanks. So may be this is a skill that needs to be acquired to know which command to use and which not to use each time, and it is not something one can reason about using logical steps.

For example, why would


work, but not


and not


and not


and why simplify was needed to tell Maple that is same as

I mean, if this processes is based on trial and error method, then that is not a good way to go about it, but if there is a logic behind it, then that will be better.

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