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12 years, 116 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by nm

Owner  is not place holder. This is the default user name you get when you buy PC with windows on it from the store.

On my windows 10 PC, this is my name also.  On command line on windows, type whomai

And you will your user name.

To change the user name, just google "windows 10 change owner user name" and you will see step by step instructions how to change it. But it might break things, so I would be careful doing this.

If you mean you want to remove the string "Owner" from the output of libname, then this can be done using StringTools commands.


Same with maple.mla. Its size on disk is 268 MB. But adding the sizes of all .m files is much less than that.

There must be lots of other overheads/information inside the mla besides what ShowContents  shows.

It is binary file and I do not know its internal struct and what else it contains besides what the command LibraryTools:-ShowContents shows to account for the extra storage. 

Someone else might know. 


The problem you linked to [this] was fixed in Physics update when using Maple 2024.0, 6 months ago.

I am now using Maple 2024.2, that is two versions ahead.

I thought by installing a new Maple version, all earlier fixes in earlier Physics updates will be now in Maple itself.

I did not know that I need to keep Physics update on path to get fixes for very old bugs.

Second, in Maple 2024.2, if I keep Physics update on path, odetest now hangs on some ode's. As reported [here]

So these are the options I have: 

1. Keep Physics update on path to make latex typesetting work all the time, but live with odetest hanging sometimes.
2. Remove Physics update from path to make odetest not hang sometimes, but live with Latex not working sometimes.

I do not understand why you say I am not clear about things.

I am just reporting problems I see using Maple.


Was there additionally to the Physics Update lib a Physics lib that you removed.

I have not removed or made any changes. I do not ever change anything in Maple. I just installed the update Maple 2024.2 and type Physics:-Version(latest) once in few days to get latest version of Physics. 

Maple automatically adds Physics lib to libname path.

So now I find if I remove Physics from libname then odetest do not hang on this test as you see.

I have same set as you for layout. I just do not use Natural language stuff.

As I said, I do not touch or change any of this.

But clearly having the Physics lib in the libname path causes this problem. So for now I removed it from libname path until I find what is going on. I do not use Physics package directly myself. 


I found the problem. Please see my update. It was the Physics package. Is same Physics package I was using on your libname also? What is your libname looks like?

By removing Physics package from libname, the problem went away. I just do not know for sure what effect this will cause on my main program. I will have to run full test to find out which will take 1-2 days.


Then there is something different. I am using windows 10 PRO with 128 GB, latest Maple.

Which Maple version are you using?

Here is also a movie I just made. I have nothing in my Maple .ini (I do not even use these anymore).

I have each worksheet uses its own engine. This is also after rebooting windows and from clean start of Maple. So I have no idea why it does not do the same on your PC. This is very strange. Could you try with larger timelimit? say 60 instead of 30? in some cases this can make difference.

Right-click on the movie and select OPEN IN NEW TAB to see a larger/magnified  version.


Here is my answer that was in your deleted question that you asked for. 

worksheet below


data:=[ [P=m^2,Q=-(1+m^2),R=1],
the_result :=Array(1..0):
the_result ,= [P,Q,R,"current ode","solution"]:
for item in data do
    the_result ,= [rhs(item[1]),rhs(item[2]),rhs(item[3]),current_ode,sol]:        