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12 years, 206 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by nm

You can not integrate    z(x)*y'(x)  or z(x)*y''(x) if z(x) is not known.

How would you do this by hand? Even if you use integration by parts, since z'(x) is not known.

If you know what z(x) is, then it should be possible.


diff(diff(y(x), x), x)


diff(y(x), x)


z(x)*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))


int(z(x)*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x)), x)


z(x)*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))-(Int((diff(z(x), x))*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x)), x))



Download int_feb_4_2025.mw

Your 2D code does not seem to be valid Maple code.

I convert it to 1D input and this is what Maple gave me

0 < solve(%, Cv)*Assuming*d, 0 < Am, 0 < R0er, 0 < Clm, 0 < s1, 0 < Ce, 0 < s2, 0 < Clr, 0 < l, 0 < g1, 0 < g2, 0 < Aer, 0 < Rer;

This is your last line

First of all, it is assuming and not Assuming. You also have multiplication signs in wrong places.

Use 1D Maple language instead of the 2D one.

Did not look at your work, but try moving eveything to one side first and then call simplify. Like this



d*y+h*x+x = f*g+h*x


d*y+h*x+x = f*g+h*x


d*y-f*g+x = 0

Download one_side.mw



               i didn't delete it i don't know why they do that

Maybe then forum manager deleted it. Any way, here is my answer I was going to post. I was going to delete the worksheet. I do not if this is what you wanted. I assumed you wanted each b[i,j] be replaced by (k[i] - k[j] + (k[i] - k[j])^2)/(k[i] - k[j])



f := 1 + exp(eta[1]) + b[1, 2]*exp(eta[1] + eta[2]) + exp(eta[2]) + b[2, 3]*exp(eta[2] + eta[3]) + b[1, 2]*b[1, 3]*b[2, 3]*exp(eta[1] + eta[2] + eta[3]) + b[1, 3]*exp(eta[1] + eta[3]) + exp(eta[3])

1+exp(eta[1])+b[1, 2]*exp(eta[1]+eta[2])+exp(eta[2])+b[2, 3]*exp(eta[2]+eta[3])+b[1, 2]*b[1, 3]*b[2, 3]*exp(eta[1]+eta[2]+eta[3])+b[1, 3]*exp(eta[1]+eta[3])+exp(eta[3])

C :=(i,j)->(k[i] - k[j] + (k[i] - k[j])^2)/(k[i] - k[j])

proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; (k[i]-k[j]+(k[i]-k[j])^2)/(k[i]-k[j]) end proc

   local i,j;
   i:=op(1,F); j:=op(2,F);
   if i<j then
end proc:







Download fix_b.mw



Why your questions gets deleted after posting? You posted this question not long ago and I was about to give you an answer but it is gone. Do you delete them or the forum manager deletes them? It seems it was a good question.




Sure. After the fact, it seems to make sense that Set() should be used only after Setup().

But one would think help will say that. Looking at the help page for Set() there is no mention at all of this.

It will also be nice if calling Set() before calling Setup() would issue a warning to the user to alert them. This would have saved me 2 days of work trying to find what is wrong and why I was not seeing output on the screen.

A simple warning message is all what was needed.

If I was the programmer who wrote Grid, that is what I would have done. I am sure inside the Grid package, it knows if Setup() was called or not before. A simple flag internal and private to the package would do the job.

#somewhere inside Grid package

local SETUP_WAS_CALLED::truefalse:=false: #this flag will be set to true by Setup()
export Set:=proc(....)

      if  not SETUP_WAS_CALLED then
           print("WARNING: You are calling Set() before Setup().");
end proc;

Update 1/29/2025

An important note for those who might read this later:  Set() works if no Setup() is called after it. i.e. using the default numnodes, which for my pc is



Set() does not work if called before doing explicit Setup("local",numnodes=24).  So to be safe, do not call Setup() at all, unless you want for some reason to change numnodes from default value.

So in summary

# OK



Using Maple 2024.2 on windows. The above could change in future versions of Maple.





Thanks. You did not say why yours worked and mine did not.

I guess you wanted one to find out, right?. But I did :)

The trick is to write


Instead of what I was doing, which is


When writing Grid:-Set(foo): after Grid:-Setup("local",numnodes=3); files are created OK now.

Did you find this by trial and error? Or was it by accident? Is this documented anywhere? Or do you think this is a bug I should report it?

Why does the order makes difference?

Btw, I tried your trick on the print() issue I have not showing,


and this also fixed it !

So you hit two birds with one stone. All what is needed is doing Grid:-Set() after Grid:-Setup("local",numnodes=...); May be you can add this as answer to the print() question I have, saying to change the order of Set and Setup and I will be happy to accept it.

I'll add this to my cheat sheet. 


I also could not make printer option work with numnodes set.

It works if there is no numnodes option. But once this option is there, it no longer works.

An example in help page would be nice to show how this option can be used. But Maple help is horrible to say the least. Sorry, but it is true.

Very little examples to illustrate things for users.

And what does "line of output available" actually mean in the following? Available how? Available to whom? 

The printer procedure will be called with a string every time there is a line of output available from an external computation.

Instead of saying things in mystery like the above, why not just show an example??

Here is my attempt.



   OUTPUT_STRING:=cat("Entered foo, n=",n);


   OUTPUT_STRING:=cat("leaving foo, n=",n);

end proc;

proc (n) local OUTPUT_STRING; OUTPUT_STRING := cat("Entered foo, n=", n); print(OUTPUT_STRING); OUTPUT_STRING := cat("leaving foo, n=", n); print(OUTPUT_STRING) end proc

   print("Entered    my_print_proc");
end proc;

proc (s::string) print("Entered    my_print_proc"); print(s) end proc



#nothing is printed from foo



Download grid_question_jan_27_2025_V3.mw

This below is same thing as above but without numnodes option. Now it works and printer proc is called indeed. This shows that printer proc only works if numnodes is not used.

But printer proc is not really needed if one is not using numnodes, as print() from node shows on the screen on its own and no need to use print proc in first place.

So now I am having hard time debugging my Grid code, since when I print something it does not show on the screen. But I need to use numnodes option, as I found there are problems that go away when I use this option. So I have now to find a way to print debug messages. May be send them to file and look at them later.  

I do not think numnodes is supported well in Grid package.




   OUTPUT_STRING:=cat("Entered foo, n=",n);


   OUTPUT_STRING:=cat("leaving foo, n=",n);

end proc:

   print("Entered    my_print_proc");
end proc;

proc (s::string) print("Entered    my_print_proc"); print(s) end proc



"Entered    my_print_proc"

"Entered foo, n=0"

"Entered    my_print_proc"

"Entered foo, n=1"

"Entered    my_print_proc"

"leaving foo, n=0"

"Entered    my_print_proc"

"Entered foo, n=2"

"Entered    my_print_proc"

"leaving foo, n=1"

"Entered    my_print_proc"

"leaving foo, n=2"

"Entered    my_print_proc"

"Entered foo, n=3"

"Entered    my_print_proc"

"leaving foo, n=3"



Download grid_question_jan_27_2025_V4.mw


I have not tried that. I do not even know now what options and settings I need to change to tell Maple to run/use only one core.

my PC has intel CPU with 16 cores and 24 logical processors. 

I just run Maple/start using whatever defaults it uses on windows 10.


Thanks for the fix. Great job.

But could you please explain to us in terms we could understand, why it was happing at random? This is the part which I do not understand.  

Should not Maple, after a restart behave the same way each time given same input?  You said

             There was a recursion error in `trig/normal` which has now been fixed:

Does Maple uses random number generator somewhere inside trig normal that was causing different behaviour even though the commands were all issued after restart?

I will do more tests, but initial tests shows this bug is fixed. But I need to run it on my main script which takes days to finish to make sure. 

Thanks again for the fix.


opps, thanks,. I did not read help carefully. It is 


and not like I did


Btw, you have to give a node number, If you do not, like you showed, it will run the command on all nodes. I have 26 logical cores, so it solved it 26 times, in parallel.

So this is what I changed it to and now it worked



Grid:-Run(0,dsolve,[P],'assignto'='ans1'); #result of dsolve in ans1

And now it gives same answer as not using Grid.


Thanks, I was using link that google search gave and I did not know I landed on a "review" page of the application and that there was a "main" page also with more download links. 

if you have access to google AI, you can type this. It even gives code


ps. I assume code works. I did not try it.


fyi, I found another example of this random behaviour. I also tried your forget(all) before each call to odetest, but it had no effect.

Also this time the error is not related to sincos, but new one related to  too many levels of recursion.  But the common thing, is that it is also random.

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