
75 Reputation

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13 years, 287 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by peter137

I really very much like this package since it works just perfectly converting units and also supports CGS for people doing calculations in theoretical physics. I have just a suggestion concerning the formattig: As is explained in many physics books and also at the units standard website, units shouldn't be placed in square brackets since these brackets are defined such that [m] = kg means: unit of m is kg. To write is m = 3 [kg] is a very common and unharmful mistake, also used very often when labelling axes in figures, e.g. m [kg] instead of the correct m/kg or m (kg). Another issue is that units shouldn't be printed italic but upright and any physics journal requests its authors to consider this rule. Again, this is not a "mistake" but on the other hand the Maple pretty-print output is already so nice that considering such rules would even make it perfect.

I am fully aware that omitting the brackets could be considered harmful if someone has an algebraic expression in front of the unit where symbols and units could be mixed. On the other hand having the usual interspace between unit and expression, the unit being upright and maybe even coloured (analogously to e.g. operators in the physics package) units and symbols could be easily held apart.

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