
75 Reputation

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13 years, 288 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by peter137


I wonder why trigonometric functions in the Trig Identities context menu in this new release are now suddenly printed italic like cos(x). It's not only inconsistent with the display of functions everywhere else within Maple, also every LaTeX user with very little knowledge of mathematical typesetting rules will frown at the sight of this.

I know it's not a big thing but Maple always stresses to produce pretty-print textbook style output. Powers of trigonometric functions like tan(theta)^2 as shown in the attached screenshot would however be printed like tan^2(theta) in textbooks just as when written by hand.

There are quite some examples where Maple uses significantly strange typesetting like total derivatives dx dy dz in the Physics package that are typeset as partial derivatives. I wonder why Maple introduced a partial-d but not also a total-d operator - doesn't that kind of hurt the eye even if the functionality is beyond critique? That's actually the only case that comes to my mind right now where even Mathematica's typesetting resembles mathematics in textbooks more closely and displays mathematical content more pleasantly than Maple does.


I wanted to ask whether it's possible to use the taylor command together with vectors from the physics package, maybe I am just doing something wrong here. I tried the following:

and get an error message that diff cannot handle vectors. Of course I could do the expansion by hand an enter the result in Maple but I think it would be a very nice feature because an expansion of vector fields which vary in space and time is such a common problem e.g. in classical electrodynamics. I think of an expansion with non-projected vectors such as

+ higher order terms.

Thanks a lot!




1) I would like to ask how I can force Maple to explicitly evaluate a summation over repeated indices. As an example: I would like to do a very simple thing, namely to evaluate the Lagrangian of a free particle in let's say cylindrical coordinates, as follows:

Setup(mathematicalnotation=true, dimension=3):

Setup(metric = drho^2 + rho(t)^2*dphi^2...


I want to report a strange behaviour when working with bras and kets from the physics package. Working in a discrete basis, Ket(Phi,m) and Ket(Phi,n) should be orthogonal as long as m neq n. At least this is said so in the Physics-Example document.

However when I enter Bra(Phi,0).Ket(Phi,4) Maple returns 1! Just with 4 - all other integer values n > 1 give zero, as it should be! Maybe I am completely misunderstanding something here or this result is...

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