
202 Reputation

8 Badges

7 years, 139 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by radaar


Is there any other package in maple other than Statistics for normal distribution. Since it generates hardware float it is mostly useless. Since there are 15 digits in the random number generated function evaluation using the generated random number becomes too difficult. Hope there will be package which will generate normal distribution but software float.


Is there any problem using this. Can you please explain the difference between hardware and software float?. Thank you. 


Your second method is faster than third method. Am I right?. So best way is to use statistics package.


Yes I forgot this command. Thanks a lot.


Can you send me the code?. Thank you.


Yes you are right?. It was a mistake from my side. Thank you.


What I usually does is that run the code with the same parameter say 10 times. So each time it should give different answers. For eg say I have code A . I run this code ten times and each time I should get different answers since it uses random numbers. Thank you


Are you using it in metropolis algorithm or such algorithms? rand(0.0..1.0)() is very faster. 



Yes I will upload the file soon. Thank you.


Thank you. HASHTAB is eating lot of memory. Is there a better way to assigning. For eg I am using 

for i from 1 by 1 to 500 do

AA[i]:=some evaluation:
end do:

Thank you.



How can i use map function to evaluate function ff.thank you


The posted code is just a piece from the original code. The memory usage of the whole code is given above.

So when i run my full code I get the following memory usage. Can you please explain which command takes up more memory.


Matrix(63, 3, [[INTNEG, 1, 32], [INTPOS, 15, 592], [RATIONAL, 31, 744], [FLOAT, 150, 4800], [HFLOAT, 15182, 242912], [COMPLEX, 18, 352], [STRING, 4003, 153024], [NAME, 3045930, 145345968], [MEMBER, 245, 5880], [TABLEREF, 1131, 27144], [DCOLON, 182, 4368], [CATENATE, 8, 192], [POWER, 8, 192], [PROD, 83, 3272], [SERIES, 0, 0], [SUM, 351, 13656], [POLY, 0, 0], [ZPPOLY, 0, 0], [SDPOLY, 0, 0], [FUNCTION, 9830, 235920], [UNEVAL, 1245, 19920], [EQUATION, 5247, 125928], [INEQUAT, 425, 10200], [LESSEQ, 73, 1752], [LESSTHAN, 264, 6336], [AND, 1056, 25344], [NOT, 348, 5568], [OR, 374, 8976], [XOR, 0, 0], [IMPLIES, 2, 48], [EXPSEQ, 1547246, 62085480], [LIST, 2579, 41264], [LOCAL, 788, 12608], [PARAM, 478, 7648], [LEXICAL, 838, 13408], [PROC, 786, 69312], [RANGE, 354, 8496], [SET, 945, 15120], [TABLE, 28, 896], [RTABLE, 304, 36480], [MODDEF, 38, 3040], [MODULE, 74, 2368], [ASSIGN, 4587, 110088], [FOR, 361, 21792], [IF, 2656, 94584], [READ, 0, 0], [SAVE, 0, 0], [STATSEQ, 1777, 64272], [STOP, 0, 0], [ERROR, 231, 3696], [TRY, 91, 3000], [RETURN, 1473, 23568], [BREAK, 17, 136], [NEXT, 13, 104], [USE, 0, 0], [BINARY, 1093, 268769008], [HASH, 69937, 68690040], [HASHTAB, 825, 365856], [GARBAGE, 0, 0], [FOREIGN, 0, 0], [CONTROL, 0, 0], [DEBUG, 0, 0], [temporary, 0, 0]])


So for loop is much much faster. But maple help tells to use more of in built command such as add instead of loops. 

@Carl Love 

So there is no way right?

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