
132 Reputation

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17 years, 130 days

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These are replies submitted by smokeybob

Thanks for the solution; I would've done something similar but I did learn something from your code so thanks.

But in general, I mean is there a way to simply pass an argument to the dsolve function to say "only give me the particular solution?" I feel like I've dealt with this in the past as well and just forgot to check my "oddpart" for terms that were linear combinations of the others (i.e. contribute to the homogeneous solution).


Thanks for the solution; I would've done something similar but I did learn something from your code so thanks.

But in general, I mean is there a way to simply pass an argument to the dsolve function to say "only give me the particular solution?" I feel like I've dealt with this in the past as well and just forgot to check my "oddpart" for terms that were linear combinations of the others (i.e. contribute to the homogeneous solution).


Hey Ken - that's exactly what I'm looking for.

The solution you proposed preserves the actual formula, so that when I call solone(a,b,c,d) I actually get an explicit formula, and not just a reference back to solving the original polynomial.

Thanks very much.

Thanks!  that kind of works. In general this case is simple, since I explicitly know what the integration is. In order to evaluate and still get the same expression I was looking for, i would need something like:

B:=(r,t)->int(-Curl(E(r,tt),tt=infinity*sqrt(-1)..t); in order for the second term to evaluate to zero.

Weird kinda bug though. I've also experimented setting: tt=dummy..t and then dummy=-j*infinity but it still has problems evaluating limits. Error, (in limit) invalid limiting point.

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