
186 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 28 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by srozek

Got a Maple application that will knock our socks off? Something with cool images, elegant math, or just a great introduction to using Differential Equations? We want to see it! Maplesoft is running a contest to find the best new Maple applications out there. To enter, simply contribute your document on the Maple Application Center, including the line “The Maplesoft Great Application Contest” in the Comments box. (However, all submissions to the Maple Application Center will automatically be considered.) Submissions must be received by January 15, 2008. One grand prize will be awarded, consisting of one of:
    Apple iPod Nano Canon Powershot digital camera A460 4.5” (114mm) reflector telescope Deluxe wooden chess set
Runner-up winners will receive their choice of:
    Maplesoft laser pointer pen Maplesoft mug Maplesoft hat
Submission Guidelines: Award-winning applications will:
    Be created in Maple 11 Make use of the new Maple “Document Interface” including 2-D math input Be well-formatted and laid out; for instance, you could use tables to format your document
They may additionally have some of the following characteristics:
    Use Embedded Components Use the “Point-and-Click” paradigm
Make sure your application includes instructions. Some things to consider while writing the instructions are whether the document can be modified and re-executed, if a user will interact with the document using Embedded Components, and whether a user needs to follow instructions to use interactive tools. The following Maple documents are good examples of appropriate applications:
Some of the most significant members of Maplesoft’s math team are interviewed in this episode: Dr. Juergen Gerhard, Dr. Edgardo Cheb-Terrab and Dr. Allan Wittkopf, who give an inside look at just what is involved in designing and building sophisticated algorithms for advanced mathematics. They discuss symbolic computation, the new Physics package in Maple 11, Maple's DE and DAE solvers, future developments, and ballroom dancing.
The latest MapleCast episode, Can't Touch This, is now available on the Maplesoft website. Stephanie Rozek (that's me) guest hosts as Tom Lee is out exploring new frontiers… Paul Goossens interviews a group from Quanser about their control solutions for industry, education and research.

MaplePrimes couldn’t exist without the generous contributions of many talented users. They answer others’ questions and post their own valuable insights and experiences for the rest of us to benefit from. In many ways you are true mentors. The MaplePrimes editors would like to acknowledge their contributions and to encourage others to be inspired by their leadership. We will be awarding a series of prizes for exceptional and continued contributions to this site.

In this episode, Tom Lee has an engaging conversation with Prof. Jack Weiner from the University of Guelph, about the impact of new math teaching tools and the appropriate use of emerging technology in the classroom. Jack is an award winning teacher and the author of "The Math Survival Kit”. Tom also sits down with Jan Bakus, a senior applications engineer at Maplesoft, to talk about BlockImporter and why someone in the simulation and modeling world should get excited about this new product. Click here to get the latest episode.
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