
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 80 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro

@Christian Wolinski 

Thank you for telling me and showing me the code whose way to write is new to me.

I will study the code you taught me.

But, the outcome looks not the same one as that I want to obtain.




Thank you for your reply and codes.

I am trying to understand codes in this thread.

Previously as well, you kindly taught me a code.


I referred to the above your code at first. But, I couldn't modify the this-time expression.

I owe you a lot.


Best wishes.



@Carl Love 

Surely,  a little complicated, but it helped me a lot with no doubt.

I have a lot of expressions to modify. And, I think that your code is very useful to me, as 

from your code, I could learn a lot. Anyway, thank you very much.

And, I thought your code is in the line of recent, though it might be a temporary one, trend of using freeze/thaw in mapleprimes.



Best wishes.



@Carl Love


Thank you for teaching me. To me, it is a little surprise that expand-command returns (x^a)^2

for the argument  x^(2*a) , as in the help of expand-command it is written only that command-expand expands just for terms of sum not for product and power, so I didn't notice that it does the additional thing.

And, another point I wondered whether this should be is that

(2*(-sigma+k+1))/(-1+sigma) , where {2 times (-sigma+k+1)} being divided by (-1+sigma), which I write A here, is not exactly the same as 2*((-sigma+k+1)/(-1+sigma)), which is 2 times (-sigma+k+1)/(-1+sigma), which I write as B here,

so that I was not certain that the value of (-sigma+k+1)/(-1+sigma), which is the value of a half of B, can be substituted into A, directly, with eval or subs, as I thought that eval or subs requires the exact expression.

But, it could be substituted, actually. I should think that Maple has some flexibility, should not? I don't know.

In Carl's code, as simplify,siderel is used, this is not concerned with his code at all, but in Kitonum's first code,

eval is used so I have the above worry which, though, I know is just a worry.

Both of Carl and Kitonum, thank you for teaching me a lot. I think that to do calculation with maple might be

the same as doing it with pencil, thinking of the necessity or troubles of considering modification of details of expressions.

Best wishes.



@Carl Love 

Thank you. Owing to you, I could transform the expression to the form I want it to be.



@Carl Love 


Thank you for your teaching. acer, and Love.

I will use the first approach as acer taught me.






I checked that as you pointed out, in Task,ConvertExpressionToFunction in the maple help in PC,

f:=unapply((1),x,y) is written. What Kitonum writes is correct, and what I wrote is wrong.

By the way, if the check "Show equation labels" in Display in Preferences is undone, that (1) in maple help in PC changes

to the original expression, so that

f := unapply((1/2)*x^2+sin(x+y), x, y) appears there.

And, in its another help page written in Japanese, so that it is the one of the previous version of Maple, I guess, from the reason that translation takes some costs,

ex:= 1/2 * x ^ 2 + sin(x * y);f := unapply (ex, x, y); is the one written there.

@Carl Love

I'm so sorry for my wrong post which has you write as  "Taro is correct."


As you write, expressions in webpage can't be the same one pasted into maple. For example, algsubs(a+b=y,(a+b+c)^2)

, though writtten in 2D in webpage not 1D here, is pasted as algsubs(a+b=y,(a+b+c)2) lack of ^.
Surely, there is a worry that the difficulty in using the help in webpage, including mistakes in type, might have less customers use maple. As Carl writes, a program which generates the webpage might need some modification.


@Adam Ledger

I noticed now that you changed a profile icon from that easy mule to the present one of the horse which has critical eyes and sharp fangs.


Thank you for your explanation. I could understand well what you wrote.




Though the following sorting is easily done, that is

a:=x^3 + x^2 + x + z + y^3 + y^2 + y + x*y

sort(a, order=tdeg(x,y,z));

the result is x^3 + y^3 + x^2 + x*y+y^2 + x + y + z, not the one Kabilan wants to obtain.


If you would give me an easy example of what you explain above, I will appreciate it.

with(DifferentialAlgebra): with(Tools):
R:=DifferentialRing(derivations = [z],blocks=[[g,y]]);


By this code with Tools:-Coeffs(aa,g[z],R),

coefficients of [diff(g(z), z, z, z), diff(g(z), z, z), diff(g(z), z)] are obtained as [g(z)^5, g(z)^4, y(z)/g(z)^2],

though this is not what @mskalsi wanted.

 see ?DifferentialAlgebra,Tools,Coeffs







See ?type/list


I have an interest in this question, as I as well want to know how to study maple.


Though I have tried to study how to use maple, I haven't accustomed to it yet.

But, while having used help, I feel that I got to use maple more easily than before.

Maple's commands have a lot of options, so it is necessary to read help.


I think the following is easy to understand.


And, I think Getting Started with Maple by Mead etal. is very easy to read.

As for me, after reading a book of analysis with maple, though I had read it before,

now I am reading the user's guide of maple 9, as it is transtslated into Japanese.



@Carl Love 

Thank you very much. I have owed you a lot.

I think your code will be very helpful to me.

Best wishes.






@Carl Love 

Thank you.

I have one more question.

When there already is an output: Limit(f(a+h) - f(a), h= 0),

how can I distribute the Limit to each f(a+h) and f(a)?

Isn't other way but to copy the output and modify it manually?




Thank you telling me the answer.

Owing to you, I could obtain this.

alias(`δx`=dx, `Δx`=Dx,`Δy`=Dy,`Δz`=Dz):

Best wishes.


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