
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 80 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro

@Carl Love



Thank you for your teaching about my question.

pl := plot(sin(x), x = 0 .. 5, numpoints = 100);
data := plottools[getdata](pl);
M := data[-1];
string1 := cat(seq(sprintf("(%a,%a,)==", M[k, 1], M[k, 2]), k = 1 .. op([1, 1], M)))[1 .. -3];


With the above code, I can do what I wanted to do.

Thank you @Carl Love. I can't understand your second cord: the meaning of ^%T , $ op([1,1], pt3), 

though I know op([1,1],pt3) is 4. 


Thank you for your code @Kitonum. I checked your code and could obtain the result I wanted to get.

Seeing your code, I thought it was complicated to do what I wanted to do.

The form of (2,3)==(4,5)==(8,5)==....is that of Tikz, the graphic package of TeX.


Best wishes.









Thank you for your reply.


What you explained is that assign(a=d,b=2) and a:=d, b:=2 are different.

But, then, what does assign(a=d,b=2) mean?


Is it a:=d and d:=a and b:=2?


Best wishes.



I did the same thing.

At  Format -> Style, I made several styles.

Then, at Format-> Manage Style Sets, I applied each styles I made with "Apply Style Set."

Applying Italic and underline worked well, but Bold didn't apply well.

As for the output already shown on the screen it went well, but the outcome which appears after I typed a code

after then was that which does not reflect the change about Bold.




@Carl Love 


Thank you for teaching me a lot. I think I could obtaing great helf from you.

I wanted to put the equation with d Ω as a paper I am reading has it.

And, as I couldn't find, by my self, other way than writing c*g(c) dc and using Integration package 

but wondered whether there were better way than that and couldn't get so useful a clue in the help page

 of Statistics[ExpectedValue], I asked the question, and you gave me the answer to me.

And, as for the distribution, I think I might ask you if I can't specify how to write the distribution.

Anyway, I will report how things were later.



@Alejandro Jakubi 


Thank you for your kindness of showing me materials to study the POLY data structure.

I will study it later some day. I couldn't understand why similar figures are written in Heck's book

before this time when Roman taught me about dismantle.

Thank you for teaching me a lot.


Best wishes.







@Carl Love

Thank you for explaining me about Roman wrote. I could know it well now owing to you.


I'm sorry for not having understood what you kindly wrote to me.

And, thank you for giving me some motivation to learn Maple. 

This is the first time I could know that there is a internal structure.

And, as for explanation of commands wrote there, I could find it in a help page of

ToInert. where Appendix of Programming Guide was listed.

Thank you.


Best wishes.








Thank you for your teaching me about "dismantle," and that the function of ordering monomials is relatively new.

I had thought why the outcome was not the same as that I wrote, which was different from the description written

in Heck's book. 


  But, on the other hand, I can't understand what appears on using that command.

As is modified to the outcome below, (x*y+2) comes first with 2y^3 +x^2 +3 x*y coming second.

And, in the outcome of dismantle, there are DEGREES(HW). But, no items appeared when I looked for it in the help page of maple.


If possible, please tell me what occurred in ordering polynomials, (x y +2) and (3 y^3 +x^2 +3 x y).


Best wishes.








            NAME(4): x
            NAME(4): y
         DEGREES(HW): ^2 ^1 ^1
         INTPOS(2): 1
         DEGREES(HW): ^0 ^0 ^0
         INTPOS(2): 2
      INTPOS(2): 1
            NAME(4): x
            NAME(4): y
         DEGREES(HW): ^3 ^0 ^3
         INTPOS(2): 3
         DEGREES(HW): ^2 ^2 ^0
         INTPOS(2): 1
         DEGREES(HW): ^2 ^1 ^1
         INTPOS(2): 3
      INTPOS(2): 1
      NAME(4): y
      INTPOS(2): 1
   INTPOS(2): 2




Download dismantle.mw


@Mac Dude 

If you know the way to split a execution group which contains multipe equations into multipe parts  

 so as for each one to contain one equation, please tell it to me.


@Alejandro Jakubi

 As you say, using names to each equation is good. Anyway, 

e1:=...., e2:=.....are the same using labels.

On the other hand, as there is a tool of label in Maple, I feel like to use it.


Thank you all of you.


Best wishes.





Actually, the file nm showed is written in worksheet mode, not document mode, as ">" appears in almost all lines containing maple command.

Though there are some markers of document block, it is at the place of sentences, so I think the autor of the file

used "Format (at Menu bar)-> Create Document Block for that sentences.


Things nm are mentioning is only that it was written in Italic and black characters, which nm can change to 

red, no-italic and bold characters, and by changing the font from 2D math to Maple Input with drag menu after 

selecting all with "Edit->Select all."


Document mode is just a worksheet mode with one document block from the start of your opening a new file.

And, even if you opened a new file with document mode, you can remove the document block with Format -> remove document block, and click ">", then you get worksheet of worksheet mode.


On the other hand, transforming the already written document mode to worksheet mode shows some messy codes as acer points out, as for example, when I write solve(x^2-1=0,x) in document mode and expand that document block,

solve(x^2-1 = 0, x);
output redirected...
print((2)); # input placeholder


output redirected, and print((2)) are surplus. 


Best wishes.



@Alejandro Jakubi 


Thank you for your answering this question as well as the last one.

I owe a lot to you.


Best wishes.




@Alejandro Jakubi 


Thank you. I read the item of patmatch. And, I learned that whether 'a' being free of 'x' or not is not determined 

at the instance when 'type(a::(freeof(x)))' appeared, so probably error appears when that command is executed.

So, to delay the determination whether 'a' being free of x, '_type' is used. And, as you teach me, 

define require to use inert form like _type.


Best wishes.





@Axel Vogt 


Thank you.

CompleteSquare(aa, a[j, D], a);

as well works, doesn't it.

Owing to you, I could know about complete square. 


Thank you for your notification of the meaning of D and gamma.

I haven't noticed them till now.

Best wishes.




@Carl Love 

Thank you for teaching me.

@Alejandro Jakubi 

By the way, in my case the following code is better.

collect((-eta*M[n]/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))-1/(eta*M[n]+gamma))*p[i]+(int(p[i], i = 0 .. M[n]))*eta/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))+alpha/(eta*M[n]+gamma), {p[i], int(p[i], i = 0 .. M[n])}, factor)


Best wishes.





@Alejandro Jakubi 

Thank you for teaching me.

I looked for the same problem for algsubs after reading your reply, and found this page:



And, following things written there, I found that the next works well:


student[powsubs](-eta*M[n]/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))-1/(eta*M[n]+gamma) = factor(-eta*M[n]/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))-1/(eta*M[n]+gamma)), (-eta*M[n]/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))-1/(eta*M[n]+gamma))*p[i]+(int(p[i], i = 0 .. M[n]))*eta/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))+alpha/(eta*M[n]+gamma))


As the original equation was C in the following and as I wanted to change the coefficient of p[i], the above works well.


C was

(-eta*M[n]/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))-1/(eta*M[n]+gamma))*p[i]+(int(p[i], i = 0 .. M[n]))*eta/(gamma*(eta*M[n]+gamma))+alpha/(eta*M[n]+gamma) 

Best wishes.



P.S. Though the student package has been deprecated, it is in Maple 17 I am using.

powsubs itself can't be found in other places than in student package. And, I don't know to which package it went.

Do you think that applyrule is that powsubs though only the name has been changed?




@Alejandro Jakubi 


Thank you for your teaching.

I wil use applyrule in the case that the warning appears.

By the way, isn't there a way to have maple look eta as a constant, so as not for the warning "Error, (in algsubs) cannot compute degree of pattern in eta" to appear?

constants:=constants, eta

was not enough.

Best wishes.





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