
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 79 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro






In this case, to get du/dv, I think it just good to calculate a solution of the next system of equations with

v being set a parameter and {dx,dy,du} bing considered to be variables.


F_x * dx + F_y * dy = 0

du=G_x * dx + G_y * dy

dv=H_x * dx + H_y * dy


take care.


taro yamada


 Thank you Dr. Lopez, @rlopez,

I found this page.


Probably, the improvement of algorithm which is mentioned in that page might be what you explain.



Thank you @vv for teaching me your answer. I hadn't thought there is such a way.

And, @Preben Alsholm, thank you for writing your question to @vv.

In the case that theta can takes any value, does maple show a value of directional derivative even though

for certain values of theta it doesn't have any value of limit, like ignoring various cases when simplify is used with symbol?





I think it better to have a correspondence to that past student, and to ask a favor to permit you to use

the codes which he wrote, and, ask him to send the code after having changed it to some language you are

accustomed with.

At least, otherwise, there might be a case he wouldn't agree.




Tools->Tutors->Calculus-Single Variable->Tangents

shows the screen of Maplet which enables you to show multiple tangents in the form of animation etc.

And, at the bottom of the screen there is a code to draw that animation.


Student[Calculus1][NewtonQuotient](x^2-1, 1, 'showderivative'=true, 'h'=[4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, .5], 'output'='animation');

But, surely, your animation is easier to see, with big size points etc.




Thank you. I could change df(t1)/dt to be shown as f ' (t1).Best wishes.taro



With maple, doing this homework is a little taking time for the beginner of Maple.


@Preben Alsholm 


Thank you for your reply.

Your explanation makes my understanding clearer.


By the way, if you write your reply as Answer, I can mark vote up.

It's a pitty I can't do so now.



@Carl Love 



Thank you for teaching me a calculus text book.

By the way, it was me that removed the vote up.

I checked whether I had voted up people who gave answer to me.

I think, on that time, I had clicked the bottan so that I removed the vote up.



Best wishes


@Carl Love 

Thank you for your teaching again.

I haven't seen them explained as the first and the second part so far.

I think that books you read are neatly written.

Please teach me in which book it is written, and

please recommend some book which you like as a

calculus book.


Best wishes.



@Carl Love 

Thank you. I didn't know that differential is a kind of Fandamental Theorem of Calculus.

Thank you for teaching me.

(Diff=diff)(Int(f(t), t= a..x), x);

is shorter.

Best wishes.


Thank you @vv for showing your code to me. The use of " ' " surrounding f(x), and 

the use of D(F) with integral, and the use of continuous for the option of int will help me a lot, of which I am sure.

On the other hand, I found that the following code is easier than what I wrote at my question.






@Markiyan Hirnyk

@Carl Love 


Thank you for sharing your impression about the tool bar of maple with me.

As for the calculation power, I don't have any words about it, overwelmed by the abundance

of functions in maple. I wonder whether the day will come when I get to using maple well.


And, as for the red on tool bar, if it were, it is like the movie of sin city where only part of the picture has a

color red or gold.







I installed maple 2016 today for the first time.

And, what surprised me was the change of the design of tool bar.

It looked avant-garde to me. It's awfully splendid.

And, I wonder whether there isn't any way to change the screen of input and output like the change above.

Aren't there epoch making fonts or such things to change the look of that screen dramatically?



Thank you @acer, and @Kitonum

I couldn't think of the command with option, simplify/exp, and the use of combine with options trig and power.

Thank you.


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