
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 80 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro

@Carl Love

Thank you for your teaching me a lot.
I hadn't noticed how data of Array and Matrix was stored in a computer as the rtable, 
before I read what you kindly wrote to me above.




@Carl Love 

Thank you for your detailed explanation.
As for as long as what you wrote, I could digest it well.

But, on the other hand, there are other things I couldn't understand in the result of the original code of
showstat(`convert/list` :: convert_rtable_to_nested_list);
That is,  its part of 

elif rtable_num_dims(rt) < dim then
   3       return rt[args[3 .. nargs]]
   4       return [seq(procname(rt,dim+1,args[3 .. nargs],i),i = `if`(rtable_num_dims(rt) = 1,rtable_dims(rt),rtable_dims(rt)[dim]))]
       end if

Though I can guess that dim corresponds to your 2, then I can't understand why 2 is alloted to dim.
And, what is "args[3 .. nargs]" there? I understand the grammar of args[3..nargs] in itself, but
I don't understand why and how it is used in the present context. 

And, firstly, I can't understand why "convert_rtable_to_nested_list", which means a property following double collon"::"  in 

`convert/list` in showstat(`convert/list` :: convert_rtable_to_nested_list);

, can be, in turn, a procedure name which is shown in the contents of the result of the code 

 showstat(`convert/list` :: convert_rtable_to_nested_list);


convert_rtable_to_nested_list := proc(rt, dim).

And, then, I can't understand why, for example, 


does not work to bring some meaningful result other than convert_rtable_to_nested_list(the contents of A,3), though I just alloted the argument of (A, 3) to that procedure.

So, I will appreciate very much if you think further that you will teach me about these things.
But, I might be begging you too much. 



@Carl Love 

Thank you for your teaching.
By the way, what is the order attribute you mention.
I will appreciate if you give an example.




I sometimes feel that my ability on understanding anything is not so much.
In this case as well, I cannot find any essential distinctions except for comma between numbers.

To me CC and DD looks the same basically.



Thank you for teaching me.


@Carl Love 

Sorry, Carl.

I couldn't understand the code of convert/list.
I will appreciate if you write some comments on the code.





Thank you for teaching me a lot.
And, thank you for your detailed worksheet.
I could understand that 3 means the hight z, owing to you.



Thank you. Owing to you, I could understand what I hadn't understood before.
I have another question.

1 of (3, 2, 1) = HFloat(-.832293673094284814) means 1 of x_1, and 2, which is at the end of (3,2,2), means 2 of x_2. So, I did understand. Then,
what is 3 at the end of (3, 2, 3)? What is 3 at the end of (2, 2, 3) = HFloat(1.)?

As vector has only two dimensions of x_1 and x_2, so I can't understand from where 3 appeared.
I hope you will give me an answer to this question of mine.




Thank you.
I could get the output file with the way you kindly taught to me.



@Preben Alsholm 

Thank you for teaching me quite a lot.
As for the principal root, I couldn't understand till you teach it to me.
And, reading your answer, I found it necessary to solve the cubic equation to obtain 1+RootOf(_Z^2 + 3, index = 1).

I had thought only modifying x^3 + 8=0 was necessary to do it, and I couldn't do it.

Thank you for teaching me.





Your way of how to use maple to have maple calculate step by step is, I think, one which is applicable widely to various calculation. It will be very helpful to me in using maple hereafter.

Thank you very much


Simplifying the double square was very difficult to me.
Your way to solve the problem is very helpful.
Thank you.

I tried what you mentioned, but even with parameters not numbers, factoring worked well.


So, please append your file.

I think your worksheet might be necessary.



Thank you for telling me the difference of the outputs according to the expression to which
the code is directed.


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