
495 Reputation

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4 years, 149 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by vs140580

I have a n cross n matrix M I need help to write a function f say which takes the Matrix M as input function and Normalize each column of independent data.

Here normalization is  subtract by mean and divide by Standard deviation kind help if possible

If anyone has  idea of other different types of normalization please help it will help me a lot 

Kind help your ideas will all be acknowledge Please help

I have say a

1) n cross n matrix A

2)  n cross 1 matrix B

I want to elementwise divide that is /~ each column of  by B and store in A itself like this 

If b_1 is in B and a_11 is in A i want   b_1/~a_11 in a_11

That is i divide

B /~ A first column

B /~ A second column

Like that for all its n columns

Kind help please

I have give this below fit command my data is only continous data either positive or negative float data. Their never any complex number at all.

I use the below fit command

Error, complex argument to max/min

It can be observed it is running into error in C1 I dont know why can someone suggest where should I check and why is this happening kind help.   In Excel we can see the intercept coming big.


I attach the toycode to see the error I get too


I have been try to code the 

mdl:-Fit(x, y, opts)
command in Deep learning package

But i feel new to that command I am making errors 

Can I get a small toy code how to call it and its output on train and test

so that i could learn

kind help please

Say I have 20 userdefined functions defined by me say

Now i required function which picks one of the userdefined from the above 20 functions randomly

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