
5 Reputation

4 Badges

12 years, 222 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by xiao2788


This equations should have numerical solution, but they can’t be calculated. The result is too long, and include ‘RootOf’

It just like this:

> t := 15000; S := solve({n = b+2*c+f+2*g, (a+b+c)/(a+b+c+p+q+f+g) = 5*(1/10), q^2-3.47*p*10^27*t^(3/2)*e^(-10.97*10^4/t) = 0, n*b-(2.407*a*10^21*8)*t^(3/2)*exp(-18.27*10^4/t) = 0, n*c-(1/2)*(2.407*b*10^21*5)*t^(3/2)*exp(-32.035*10^4/t...


My result is complicated, ant it was very large, when I simplified the question, it just as this program.


The main problem is that result in YY is not in order, so the converted result is also disorder, please help me to store the result in order. Thank you!


I get the result which was stored in table, such as:


I can't export it to excel, because the type of m is table, the export  instruction must be array or matrix.

Please help me, Thank you!


I have a problem:

Graph a (in blue) and graph c (in red) are plotted, the value of ax,ay and cx, cy are in list.

program as follows:(also in file q3.mw)

with(plots); ax := [13300, 17400, 12500, 20300, 12100, 22100, 11800, 23100, 11600, 23800, 11400, 24300, 11300, 24700, 11200, 25100]; ay := [.2, .2, .3, .3, .4, .4, .5, .5, .6, .6, .7, .7, .8, .8, .9, .9]; cx := [17700,...



I have a question on result storage of for loop.  The program in attached.

The program is relative complex, it is not necessary to look part 1.

The question is in part 2.

The result I proposed is:


but, the real result of r is:


what should I do to modify the program?

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