Maple Flow Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple Flow

I got the proportional symbol to work once, typing "proportional" + CRTL + Space.  Went for wlak came back and could not get it to work at all.

Does it actually work or am I imagining things?

hello maple team,

i'd really like to know more about the differences among the products ticked above in their different license types

thank you very much in advance for your help dear friends and some who are brothers in Christ Jesus

much Love and regards to you all


Axis properties and line width reverts to some set of defaults each time my work recalculates the plot. Is there a way I can keep the axis properties and line width from changing each time recalculation occurs?

I've used LinearSolve(A,b) to find three unknowns. How do I assign these values to three named variables?

I assigned the resulting vector to a new one


and then, one by one, assigned the elements to variables

C1:= V[1}

C2:= V[2]

C3:= V[3]

But there perhaps is a more elegant way to do this?

A Flow and Maple user wonders why Maple Flow may evaluate to high-precision, floating point numbers compared to the same commands used in Maple that evaluate to simple, concise answers.



We suggest the same results can be achieved by toggling the numeric/symbolic evaluation mode toggle in the Flow math container(s)





For more information, please see section 3.5 of the Maple Flow User Manual (Numeric and Symbolic Evaluation Modes). 



Is it possible in Maple Flow to reference to another worksheet as you can in Maple? If so, how would you do that? Thanks in advance for your help.

I've tried some simple uses of solve in MapleFlow without success. For example


does not return


Does solve work in MapleFlow? Is there a problem with this Maple syntax in MapleFlow?

map won't work with left quotes


I cannot get this to work:

Print all the non-string entries in a list:

L := [1, 2, "abc", "a", 7.0, infinity]:

for x in L do
    if type(x, 'string') then
    end if;
end do;


I'm trying to recreate a Mathcad sheet in Maple Flow

I could use some help figuring out how elementwise operations are made:

From mathcad, what i want to reproduce:

What I have in Maple Flow so far:

1) How do i get MF to output numerical valus in sigma_t ?

2) How would H look in MF? 

Thank you!



When I try to enter units using the units palette Maple Flow 2023.1 will erase the numerical value entered. That never happened before in previous releases of Maple Flow. No problem if you enter the units yourself, the problem is when you use the units palette. What is going on? A couple of weeks ago I also posted a question about not beeing able to enter an equal sign when entering a math expression in a text region. Agai, this never happened before in previous releases of Maple Flow. What is happening? Am I doing something wrong?

If I select Insert | Header Footer ... and choose the Custom Header tab, I don't see a way to create a multi-line header. How do I create a custom multi-line header?

Today, I trried to enter an equation into a text region using Ctrl+R (In Maple Flow 2023.1), like I have always done in previous releases of Maple Flow. Well, today it did not work. I tried to enter the equation Q=W+mCv(T2-T1). When I tried to enter the equal sign after the Q, the program would not allow me to do it. I would press the equal sign and nothing happened. I tried :=, but it would only enter the :, it would not let me enter the =. Any help will be appreciated.

Hello everyone,

I am coming from Mathcad Prime wanting to use Maple Flow so I have no underlying knowledge of Maple language.

I just want to simply compare two numerical variables and check whether one is greater than or less than the other.

I have found the verify() function and found that it could not evaluate it, as it results in a "FAIL", however, a simple integer test would correctly test the inequality.


1. Is there another way to test this? What am I missing?  On Mathcad, i just use: Ve>Volcalculated and it would return a 1 or 0

2. Maple flow help (2023) does not really bring up the verify() function, I had to browse through examples and mapleprimes to get to it.  Is there a Maple Flow specific help to search for functions I can use?


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