Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

in this to plot (a,e)? thank you guys

Can you change f(eta) to upflow curve and theta(eta) to downflow curve.

In my Problem,Boundary Conditions are

theta(infinity) = 0, (D(f))(infinity) = 1 , (Take, eta =infinity)

Flows will be correct for what value is taken for infinity .

I take  eta = 5. and also tried changing ranges  but could't find it.Please Help to fix the curve.

my code is,

How to solve ordinary differemtial equation system with initial conditions and boundary conditions. Here, some initial conditions are unknown variables. So how to find these  values of parameters.

eq1 := diff(f(x), x, x, x)+(1/2)*cos(alpha)*x*(diff(f(x), x, x))+(1/2)*sin(alpha)*f(x)*(diff(f(x), x, x)) = 0;

eq2 := diff(g(x), x, x)+diff(g(x), x)+(diff(g(x), x))*(diff(h(x), x))+cos(alpha)*x*(diff(g(x), x))+sin(alpha)*f(x)*g(x) = 0;

eq3 := diff(g(x), x, x)+diff(h(x), x, x)+1/2*(cos(alpha)*x+sin(alpha)*f(x)) = 0

ics:=f(0)=0, f'(0)=1, f''(0)=a[1], g(0)=1, g'(0)=a[2], h(0)=1, h'(0)=a[3];

bcs:=f(x) , g(x), h(x) tends to 0 ad x tends to infinity

How to find series values.I got this error.Please Help.

Maple code for the problem is

  Could you please give maple code for Shooting Method/Kellor box Method or any numerical method except RK Method to this system of Differential Equations.

Please help me to solve this error.   or

Can you give the maple code for Shooting method/ Kellor Box Method for this problem.

How do I label the curves in Maple graph.

Please, I need commands to tweak my maple 18 graph.

I have some ODE system contains unknown variables with  boundary conditions  (see the attachment). How to solve these system and find the vales of unknown variables.

In this problem, the boundary conditions tends to 0, when x tends to infinity.


eq1 := f(x) = x+a[1]*x^2-(1/48)*sqrt(2)*a[1]*x^4-(1/120)*a[1]^2*sqrt(2)*x^5;

h(x) = -0.3535533905e-3*x^5*a[2]*a[1]*a[3]-0.3333333334e-9*x^5*a[3]*a[2]^4+0.4166666668e-7*x^4*a[2]*a[3]^3-0.3333333334e-9*x^5*a[2]^2*a[3]^3-0.5000000000e-9*x^5*a[3]^2*a[2]^3+0.1250000000e-6*x^4*a[3]*a[2]^3-0.8333333336e-10*x^5*a[2]*a[3]^4+0.1250000000e-6*x^4*a[3]^2*a[2]^2-0.8333333336e-10*x^5*a[2]^5+0.4166666668e-7*x^4*a[2]^4+a[3]*x-0.1473139128e-1*x^4*a[1]*a[3]+0.2946278254e-1*x^4*a[1]*a[2]-0.3240906080e-3*x^5*a[1]*a[2]^2+0.2798964342e-5*x^5*a[2]*a[3]^2+0.4714045206e-5*x^5*a[3]*a[2]^2-0.6629126071e-3*x^4*a[3]*a[2]+0.7812499998e-3*x^5*a[3]-0.2946278254e-1*x^3*a[3]-0.5892556508e-3*x^4*a[2]^2+0.1915080866e-5*x^5*a[2]^3+0.5892556509e-1*x^3*a[2]-0.4687500000e-2*x^5*a[2]+0.5000000000e-2*a[2]^2*x^2-0.1666666667e-4*x^3*a[2]^3+0.5000000000e-2*a[2]*x^2*a[3]-0.3333333334e-4*x^3*a[3]*a[2]^2-0.1666666667e-4*x^3*a[2]*a[3]^2+1.


bcs := f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = 1, f(10) = 0, g(0) = 1, g(10) = 0, h(0) = 1, h(10) = 0;

f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = 1, f(10) = 0, g(0) = 1, g(10) = 0, h(0) = 1, h(10) = 0


sol := dsolve([{f(x), g(x), h(x)}, bcs], numeric)

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/process_input) system must be entered as a set/list of expressions/equations




Greetings! I have solved a nonlinear equation by Newton iterative method. Now i want to plot basins of attraction. Being a beginner, I have no clue how to plot it? Its totally different rom other simple plotting commands. Need help in this regard.Thank

I'm new in maple.I'm just learning, i couldn't get the solution.Please help me to solve this Error.

Here is my code.

I have solved the  system with dsolve (using numeric option).But i got this Error.

Here is my code.

hallo every body 

Please, I have a small problem in this program in Maple 18 at the end of the programme when i want to calculat the intgral given in variable (f2i)  i see this message and I can't calculate the integral 

Please what is the solution to calculate this integral?

The program in Maple 18 is below 

Thanks a lot

hallo  every body 
please i have a simple question 
how do i calculate this sum in maple 18 
thank you 

hi every body 

please How to write these solutions in fraction form

sol := {S[0] = 0., U[0] = 0., V[0] = 0., W[0] = 0., Z[0] = 0., r[0] = 84.85281372}, {S[0] = 13.43136878, U[0] = -1.505103614, V[0] = 3.811200525, W[0] = 25.03669048, Z[0] = -66.61776811, r[0] = 45.45242389}, {S[0] = 19.84202712, U[0] = -182.3505467, V[0] = 0., W[0] = 19.66995891, Z[0] = 0., r[0] = 40.87682398}, {S[0] = -19.84202712, U[0] = 0., V[0] = 19.66995891, W[0] = 0., Z[0] = 182.3505467, r[0] = 40.87682398}, {S[0] = 0., U[0] = 7.778720282, V[0] = 22.80551297, W[0] = 22.80551297, Z[0] = -7.778720282, r[0] = 26.37225141}, {S[0] = 0., U[0] = -7.778720282, V[0] = 22.80551297, W[0] = -22.80551297, Z[0] = -7.778720282, r[0] = 26.37225141}

{S[0] = 0., U[0] = 0., V[0] = 0., W[0] = 0., Z[0] = 0., r[0] = 84.85281372}, {S[0] = 13.43136878, U[0] = -1.505103614, V[0] = 3.811200525, W[0] = 25.03669048, Z[0] = -66.61776811, r[0] = 45.45242389}, {S[0] = 19.84202712, U[0] = -182.3505467, V[0] = 0., W[0] = 19.66995891, Z[0] = 0., r[0] = 40.87682398}, {S[0] = -19.84202712, U[0] = 0., V[0] = 19.66995891, W[0] = 0., Z[0] = 182.3505467, r[0] = 40.87682398}, {S[0] = 0., U[0] = 7.778720282, V[0] = 22.80551297, W[0] = 22.80551297, Z[0] = -7.778720282, r[0] = 26.37225141}, {S[0] = 0., U[0] = -7.778720282, V[0] = 22.80551297, W[0] = -22.80551297, Z[0] = -7.778720282, r[0] = 26.37225141}




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