Maple 2020 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2020

Hi..What I want should be self explanetary. Trying to Explore 2 plots on the one graph.

I want to solve the equation x^(1/x) =1.2

The output is 1.257734541376526421
How do i get the other solution, numerically.

Is it possible to restrict or stipulate the domain to look for roots over a specific interval, some rootfinding command over the real numbers.
I also tried solve(x^(1/x)=1.2,AllSolutions,explicit)
Wolfram immediately gives me the second solution.


I am trying to use Explore command to model the CSA  of a trough.

So I want to  be able to change the variables: length of the walls (l:, slider 0..20) and the width (w:slider 0..20) and the angle (theta: slider 0..Pi/2)

Want to be able to see the diagram change and also display the area using the formula [output (15)] on the graph

Here is my attempt.

How to change the distance (spacing) between 2D Input cells and 2D Output cells so that this procedure can be inserted into a style sheet and thus applied to multiple documents?



Run these codes


y := t -> invlaplace(exp(-s)/s, s, t)

The following gives correct answer

y(t - 1)

The following gives junk answer

y(t - 1.1)

and I cannot plot added shifted signals in time domain if their shifts are not integer numbers. Maple goes into infinite calculation loop.

In the worksheet below is an equation for non-Euclidean lines. How can Maple plot these?

I want to know how to remove an error message from the last line of using Maple.  I must have made some kind of error, but I want to move on but I can't get past the error message.  How can I remove the error message.  I have tried using "restart" but nothing happened.  I'm stuck until I clear this error message from the last line of my worksheet.  Can you help please?



PS: as you can guess I'm pretty new to Maple.


I have a problem regarding the physics package, which concerns, more specifically, the Define command.

It seems to be the case that it provides the wrong answer, and blatantly so, and I can't see what I am doing wrong for the life of me.

I want to build a fast way of doing coordinate transformations in general relativity, for which the basis vectors are called E[mu,~nu]. XX[~alpha] is the old coordinates expressed in terms of the new (in this case, the spherical coordinates are expressed in terms of cylindrical ones, i.e. [t,r, theta, phi]->[t, rho, phi,z].) As can be seen, only the first component in XX depends on time, but E contains weird elements (look at, for example, E[1,~2].) But when I do the calculation manually, it returns the expected results.

What am I doing wrong? I really appreciate any help you can provide.


This worksheet creates geodesics in the Poincare disk by transformation of a series of circles of diminishing radii in the complex plane.

The intersections of the geodesics are meant to create the first few pentagonal uniform tilings in the Poincare disk.

I do not know the mathematically correct way to create such a display, so the radii of the circles are only a trial and error approximation.

What Maple code will provide the radii of the complex circles which produce an accurate uniform pentagonal tiling?

Is there a better overall strategy for producing uniform tilings of the Poincare disk?

I've been trying to implement numeric integration by using different methods of Int, for example _d01ajc, but when I use it, the following error comes up:

W := -16*(x - 1/2)*x*(t + 2*w)*(ln((m^2 + w*x*(-1 + x))/m^2)*ln(-1/(w*(t + w)*x^2 - w*(t + w)*x + m^2*t)) + ln(-x*w^2*(-1 + x))*ln((x^2 - x)*w + m^2) + ln(1/m^2)*ln((t + w)*(-1 + x)) + ln(-1/(x*w))*ln(m^2) + dilog(x*w^2*(-1 + x)/(w*(t + w)*x^2 - w*(t + w)*x + m^2*t)) - dilog(x*w*(-1 + x)*(t + w)/(w*(t + w)*x^2 - w*(t + w)*x + m^2*t)))/t^3 + 8*(x - 1/2)*((t + w)*x - t/2)*(-t*(w*x^2 + m^2 - w*x)*(t + w)*ln((x^2 - x)*w + m^2) + w*(x*w*(-1 + x)*(t + w)*ln((t + w)/w) + m^2*t*ln(m^2)))*(2*w*x + t)/(w*(t + w)*(w*(t + w)*x^2 - w*(t + w)*x + m^2*t)*t^3*x) + (16*x^2 - 8*x)/(t*w*(-1 + x)) + (2*t*x + 2*w*x - t - 2*w)*(2*w*x + t - 2*w)*(1 - 2*x)*ln((t*x + (-1 + x)*w)/((-1 + x)*w))/(((-1 + x)^2*w^2 + w*t*x*(-1 + x) + m^2*t)*t^2) + (-1 + 2*x)*(2*m^2 + w*x - w)*(2*w*x^2 + 2*m^2 - 3*w*x + w)*ln(m^2/(m^2 + w*x*(-1 + x)))/(w^2*(-1 + x)^2*((-1 + x)^2*w^2 + w*t*x*(-1 + x) + m^2*t)) + (-1 + 2*x)*(2*m^2 + w*x - w)*(2*w*x^2 + 2*m^2 - 3*w*x + w)*ln(m^2/(m^2 + w*x*(-1 + x)))/(w^2*(-1 + x)^2*(w*(t + w)*x^2 - w*(t + w)*x + m^2*t)) + (2*w*x + t)*((t + w)*x - t/2)*(x - 1/2)*ln(w^4/(t + w)^4)/(t^2*(w*(t + w)*x^2 - w*(t + w)*x + m^2*t)) - 8*(x - 1/2)*((-2 + 2*x)*w + t)*((-1 + x)*w + (x - 1/2)*t)*((t*x + (-1 + x)*w)*w^2*(-1 + x)^2*ln((t*x + (-1 + x)*w)/((-1 + x)*w)) + (-(t*x + (-1 + x)*w)*((x^2 - x)*w + m^2)*ln((x^2 - x)*w + m^2) + ln(m^2)*m^2*w*(-1 + x))*t)/((t*x + (-1 + x)*w)*w*(-1 + x)*t^3*((-1 + x)^2*w^2 + w*t*x*(-1 + x) + m^2*t)) + 16*(x - 1/2)*(ln(1/m^2)*ln((t*x + (-1 + x)*w)*(-1 + x)*w/((-1 + x)^2*w^2 + w*t*x*(-1 + x) + m^2*t)) + ln((x^2 - x)*w + m^2)*ln(1/((-1 + x)^2*w^2 + w*t*x*(-1 + x) + m^2*t)) + ln((-1 + x)^2*w^2)*ln((x^2 - x)*w + m^2) - dilog((t*x + (-1 + x)*w)*(-1 + x)*w/((-1 + x)^2*w^2 + w*t*x*(-1 + x) + m^2*t)) + dilog((-1 + x)^2*w^2/((-1 + x)^2*w^2 + w*t*x*(-1 + x) + m^2*t)))*(t*x + 2*(-1 + x)*w)/t^3

f3 := (mm, ss, tt, ww) -> Int(eval(W, [s = ss, t = tt, w = ww, m = mm]), x = 0 .. 1, _d01ajc)

A3 := evalf(f3(1, 3, -2, -1))

Error, (in evalf/int) number expected for float[8] parameter, got 0.+0.*I

What's wrong?

restart; with(LinearAlgebra); with(plots); with(SolveTools); eq1 := m1*m2*x^4+(c1*m2+c2*m1+c2*m2)*x^3+(c1*c2+k1*m2+k2*m1+k2*m2)*x^2+(c1*k2+c2*k1)*x+k1*k2



m1 := 2;
m2 := 4;
c1 := 1;
c2 := 0;
k1 := 3;
k2 := 2;

















sol1 := evalf(solve(8*x^4+4*x^3+24*x^2+2*x+6 = 0))

-0.2293604281e-1+.5263956354*I, -.2270639572+1.627879522*I, -.2270639572-1.627879522*I, -0.2293604281e-1-.5263956354*I



Error, invalid left hand side in assignment





Can I specify a unit for a symbol using the Units package, so that when I substitute a value for that symbol into an expression, the units for the value are already known?


Problem description

1) Define a function in terms of variables and parameters,

2) FInd the optimal solution

3) Plot the optimal solution in terms of a single parameter



What I have done is very basic since I haven't use Maple for many years. Here is an example

1) f(x;a,b,c):= ax^2+bx+c; (I don't knpw how to tell Maple that {a,b,c} is a set of parameters)

2) solve(f(x)=0,x); (I could use something like solve(f(x)=0,x,'parametric','real') but I am not interested in so detailed solution)

3) Here is my main problem. I want to save the first solution of x in optx(a;b,c) and the second in opttx(a;b,c) but I don't know how to do it (again, here a is my variable and b,c my parameters)

4) I also don't know hot to plot optx(a) as a increases, whereas the values of {b,c}={e.g., 2,3}


I would appreciate any resources/guidance 


I purchased the license of Maple 2019 and I am using the same version up to now. I am wondering if I download the latest version, can I use the former license? When I click on "check for updates" there is nothing for updating but when I want to run a Maple file written in the latest version, I face an error. 

Hello colleagues

I use Maple 2020 and I try to create Histogram of Poisson with a mean 200 [ Histogram(Sample(Poisson(200),10000))]. but I get an incorrect result in the form of a histogram as uniform distribution. But In my Maple 2015 I get a correct result.what is the problem?

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