Maple 2020 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2020


Download 111.mwFractional_محلوله.pdf

Hello my friends
How can I write the results inside the Maple code as in the picture? That is, writing the results in terms of gamma and alpha


Is it possible to have a common legend for different figures? I can plot them as Array of Plots (below) but then they each have a legend. 

Is it possible to have the two figures side by side and a common legend in the middle?

Thank you!

A := Array(1 .. 2):
A[1] := plot([2*sin(x), 3*sin(x)], x = -Pi .. Pi, labels = [x, b*sin(x)], color = [blue, red], legend = ["Case of b=2", "Case of b=3"]):
A[2] := plot([2*cos(x), 3*cos(x)], x = -Pi .. Pi, labels = [x, b*cos(x)], color = [blue, red], legend = ["Case of b=2", "Case of b=3"]):

Hey, guys! My Maple 2020 program does not build a plot. that is, it cuts it off. everything is correct in maple 2015.

plot(140^t*exp(-140)/t!, t = 0 .. 300)

Maple 2015

plot(140^t*exp(-140)/t!, t = 0 .. 300)


My maple 2020 creates





I use Maple 2020 on a Windows 10 PC.

The command ssystem("CMD") enables to launch any Windows command accessible from the shell.
But how to launch a PowerShell command?

For instance ssystem("get-process") returns -1 (not surprising in fact for get-process is not a shell process).
How can I tell Maple that this command is to be found in the PowerShell ?

And even, I this possible for, in the ssystem help page, it's said that not all the command can be launched by ssystem


Two of the three Watt's curves plotted in this worksheet display with gaps.

Why is this and how can these curves be displayed without gaps?


Keep getting "Error, null" on every calculation i make. It indicates hidden spaces or something weird????.

Screenshot of it is included.

Would be great with a fix or some help because this is driving me mad....

The uploaded worksheet is a failed attempt at this proof.

Please either refer me to or show me a valid proof.

  *** I have tried to upload my worksheet using the green arrow but the insert link operation of the upload failed ***



Error occurred during PDF generation. Please refresh the page and try again

I want to plot the solutions of the equation (x-y)^2+(1-z)^2=0.

However, implicitplot3d is not able to plot them, at least using the default arguments. Any recommendations?

I know a priori that it is going to be a curve contained in a plane in case that makes this task easier.

Can anyone tell me what this means? (workfile


how I can convert this maple code to Matlab ones?

restart; t1 := time(); with(LinearAlgebra); J := readstat("Please enter integer number J: "); N1 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1) end proc; N2 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, x, 1 < x and x <= 2, 2-x) end proc; N := proc (J, k) options operator, arrow; unapply(N2(2^J*x-k), x) end proc; Phi := proc (J, k) options operator, arrow; evalf((N(J, k))(x))*N1(x) end proc; PhiJ := Vector[column](2^J+1); for k from -1 to 2^J-1 do PhiJ[k+2] := Phi(J, k) end do; P := Matrix(2^J+1, 2^J+1); Map2[proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; evalb(i-j = 1) end proc](proc (x, a) options operator, arrow; x end proc, 1/6, P, inplace); Map2[proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; evalb(j-i = 1) end proc](proc (x, a) options operator, arrow; x end proc, 1/6, P, inplace); Map2[proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; evalb(i = j) end proc](proc (x, a) options operator, arrow; x end proc, 2/3, P, inplace); P[1, 1] := 1/3; P[2^J+1, 2^J+1] := 1/3; P := 2^(-J)*P; E := Matrix(2^J+1, 2^J+1); Map2[proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; evalb(i-j = 1) end proc](proc (x, a) options operator, arrow; x end proc, 1/2, E, inplace); Map2[proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; evalb(j-i = 1) end proc](proc (x, a) options operator, arrow; x end proc, -1/2, E, inplace); E[1, 1] := -1/2; E[2^J+1, 2^J+1] := 1/2; DPhi := E.(1/P); X1 := Vector[column](2^J+1, symbol = x1); X2 := Vector[column](2^J+1, symbol = x2); U := Vector[column](2^J+1, symbol = u); JJ := (1/2)*U^%T.P.U; x1t := X1^%T.PhiJ; x2t := X2^%T.PhiJ; ut := U^%T.PhiJ; for i from 0 to 2^J do PhiJxJ[i+1] := apply(unapply(PhiJ, x), i/2^J) end do; for i to 2^J+1 do eq1[i] := (X1^%T.DPhi-X2^%T).PhiJxJ[i] = 0; eq2[i] := (X2^%T.DPhi-U^%T).PhiJxJ[i] = 0 end do; for i to 2^J+1 do eq3[i] := X1^%T.PhiJxJ[i]-.1, 0 end do; eq1[0] := eval(x1t, x = 0) = 0; eq2[0] := eval(x2t, x = 0)-1 = 0; eq1[2^J+2] := eval(x1t, x = 1) = 0; eq2[2^J+2] := eval(x2t, x = 1) = -1; eqq1 := {seq(eq1[i], i = 0*.2^J+2)}; eqq2 := {seq(eq2[i], i = 0.2^J+2)}; eqq3 := {seq(eq3[i], i = 1.2^J+1)}; eq := `union`(`union`(eqq1, eqq2), eqq3); with(Optimization); S := NLPSolve(JJ, eq); assign(S[2]); uexact := piecewise(0 <= x and x <= .3, (200/9)*x-20/3, .3 <= x and x <= .7, 0, .7 <= x and x <= 1, -(200/9)*x+140/9); x2exact := piecewise(0 <= x and x <= .3, (100/9)*x^2-(20/3)*x+1, .3 <= x and x <= .7, 0, .7 <= x and x <= 1, -(100/9)*x^2+(140/9)*x-49/9); x1exact := piecewise(0 <= x and x <= .3, (100/27)*x^3-(10/3)*x^2+x, .3 <= x and x <= .7, 1/10, .7 <= x and x <= 1, -(100/27)*x^3+(70/9)*x^2-(49/9)*x+37/27); plot([x1exact, x1t], x = 0 .. 1, style = [line, point], legend = ["Exact", "Approximate"], axis = [gridlines = [colour = green, majorlines = 2]], labels = ["t", x[1](t)], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"])

t1 := 38.500


[`&x`, Add, Adjoint, BackwardSubstitute, BandMatrix, Basis, BezoutMatrix, BidiagonalForm, BilinearForm, CARE, CharacteristicMatrix, CharacteristicPolynomial, Column, ColumnDimension, ColumnOperation, ColumnSpace, CompanionMatrix, CompressedSparseForm, ConditionNumber, ConstantMatrix, ConstantVector, Copy, CreatePermutation, CrossProduct, DARE, DeleteColumn, DeleteRow, Determinant, Diagonal, DiagonalMatrix, Dimension, Dimensions, DotProduct, EigenConditionNumbers, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Equal, ForwardSubstitute, FrobeniusForm, FromCompressedSparseForm, FromSplitForm, GaussianElimination, GenerateEquations, GenerateMatrix, Generic, GetResultDataType, GetResultShape, GivensRotationMatrix, GramSchmidt, HankelMatrix, HermiteForm, HermitianTranspose, HessenbergForm, HilbertMatrix, HouseholderMatrix, IdentityMatrix, IntersectionBasis, IsDefinite, IsOrthogonal, IsSimilar, IsUnitary, JordanBlockMatrix, JordanForm, KroneckerProduct, LA_Main, LUDecomposition, LeastSquares, LinearSolve, LyapunovSolve, Map, Map2, MatrixAdd, MatrixExponential, MatrixFunction, MatrixInverse, MatrixMatrixMultiply, MatrixNorm, MatrixPower, MatrixScalarMultiply, MatrixVectorMultiply, MinimalPolynomial, Minor, Modular, Multiply, NoUserValue, Norm, Normalize, NullSpace, OuterProductMatrix, Permanent, Pivot, PopovForm, ProjectionMatrix, QRDecomposition, RandomMatrix, RandomVector, Rank, RationalCanonicalForm, ReducedRowEchelonForm, Row, RowDimension, RowOperation, RowSpace, ScalarMatrix, ScalarMultiply, ScalarVector, SchurForm, SingularValues, SmithForm, SplitForm, StronglyConnectedBlocks, SubMatrix, SubVector, SumBasis, SylvesterMatrix, SylvesterSolve, ToeplitzMatrix, Trace, Transpose, TridiagonalForm, UnitVector, VandermondeMatrix, VectorAdd, VectorAngle, VectorMatrixMultiply, VectorNorm, VectorScalarMultiply, ZeroMatrix, ZeroVector, Zip]


J := 4


N1 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1) end proc


N2 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, x, 1 < x and x <= 2, 2-x) end proc


N := proc (J, k) options operator, arrow; unapply(N2(2^J*x-k), x) end proc


Phi := proc (J, k) options operator, arrow; evalf((N(J, k))(x))*N1(x) end proc




PhiJ[1] := piecewise(16.*x <= 0. and 0. <= 16.*x+1., 16.*x+1., 0. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 1.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[2] := piecewise(0. <= 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 16.*x, 1. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 2., 2.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[3] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-1., 16.*x <= 2.), 16.*x-1., `and`(0. < 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 3.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[4] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 16.*x-2., `and`(0. < 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 4.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[5] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 16.*x-3., `and`(0. < 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 5.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[6] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 16.*x-4., `and`(0. < 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 6.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[7] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 16.*x-5., `and`(0. < 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 7.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[8] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 16.*x-6., `and`(0. < 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 8.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[9] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 16.*x-7., `and`(0. < 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 9.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[10] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 16.*x-8., `and`(0. < 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 10.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[11] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 16.*x-9., `and`(0. < 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 11.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[12] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 16.*x-10., `and`(0. < 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 12.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[13] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 16.*x-11., `and`(0. < 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 13.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[14] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 16.*x-12., `and`(0. < 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 14.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[15] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 16.*x-13., `and`(0. < 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 15.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[16] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 16.*x-14., `and`(0. < 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


PhiJ[17] := piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.*x-15., `and`(0. < 16.*x-16., 16.*x <= 17.), 17.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)










P[1, 1] := 1/3


P[17, 17] := 1/3










E[1, 1] := -1/2


E[17, 17] := 1/2










JJ := ((1/96)*u[1]+(1/192)*u[2])*u[1]+((1/192)*u[1]+(1/48)*u[2]+(1/192)*u[3])*u[2]+((1/192)*u[2]+(1/48)*u[3]+(1/192)*u[4])*u[3]+((1/192)*u[3]+(1/48)*u[4]+(1/192)*u[5])*u[4]+((1/192)*u[4]+(1/48)*u[5]+(1/192)*u[6])*u[5]+((1/192)*u[5]+(1/48)*u[6]+(1/192)*u[7])*u[6]+((1/192)*u[6]+(1/48)*u[7]+(1/192)*u[8])*u[7]+((1/192)*u[7]+(1/48)*u[8]+(1/192)*u[9])*u[8]+((1/192)*u[8]+(1/48)*u[9]+(1/192)*u[10])*u[9]+((1/192)*u[9]+(1/48)*u[10]+(1/192)*u[11])*u[10]+((1/192)*u[10]+(1/48)*u[11]+(1/192)*u[12])*u[11]+((1/192)*u[11]+(1/48)*u[12]+(1/192)*u[13])*u[12]+((1/192)*u[12]+(1/48)*u[13]+(1/192)*u[14])*u[13]+((1/192)*u[13]+(1/48)*u[14]+(1/192)*u[15])*u[14]+((1/192)*u[14]+(1/48)*u[15]+(1/192)*u[16])*u[15]+((1/192)*u[15]+(1/48)*u[16]+(1/192)*u[17])*u[16]+((1/192)*u[16]+(1/96)*u[17])*u[17]


x1t := x1[1]*piecewise(16.*x <= 0. and 0. <= 16.*x+1., 16.*x+1., 0. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 1.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[2]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 16.*x, 1. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 2., 2.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[3]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-1., 16.*x <= 2.), 16.*x-1., `and`(0. < 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 3.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[4]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 16.*x-2., `and`(0. < 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 4.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[5]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 16.*x-3., `and`(0. < 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 5.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[6]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 16.*x-4., `and`(0. < 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 6.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[7]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 16.*x-5., `and`(0. < 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 7.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[8]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 16.*x-6., `and`(0. < 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 8.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[9]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 16.*x-7., `and`(0. < 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 9.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[10]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 16.*x-8., `and`(0. < 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 10.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[11]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 16.*x-9., `and`(0. < 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 11.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[12]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 16.*x-10., `and`(0. < 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 12.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[13]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 16.*x-11., `and`(0. < 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 13.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[14]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 16.*x-12., `and`(0. < 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 14.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[15]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 16.*x-13., `and`(0. < 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 15.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[16]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 16.*x-14., `and`(0. < 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x1[17]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.*x-15., `and`(0. < 16.*x-16., 16.*x <= 17.), 17.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


x2t := x2[1]*piecewise(16.*x <= 0. and 0. <= 16.*x+1., 16.*x+1., 0. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 1.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[2]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 16.*x, 1. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 2., 2.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[3]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-1., 16.*x <= 2.), 16.*x-1., `and`(0. < 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 3.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[4]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 16.*x-2., `and`(0. < 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 4.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[5]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 16.*x-3., `and`(0. < 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 5.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[6]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 16.*x-4., `and`(0. < 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 6.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[7]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 16.*x-5., `and`(0. < 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 7.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[8]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 16.*x-6., `and`(0. < 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 8.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[9]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 16.*x-7., `and`(0. < 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 9.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[10]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 16.*x-8., `and`(0. < 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 10.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[11]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 16.*x-9., `and`(0. < 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 11.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[12]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 16.*x-10., `and`(0. < 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 12.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[13]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 16.*x-11., `and`(0. < 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 13.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[14]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 16.*x-12., `and`(0. < 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 14.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[15]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 16.*x-13., `and`(0. < 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 15.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[16]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 16.*x-14., `and`(0. < 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+x2[17]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.*x-15., `and`(0. < 16.*x-16., 16.*x <= 17.), 17.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)


ut := u[1]*piecewise(16.*x <= 0. and 0. <= 16.*x+1., 16.*x+1., 0. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 1.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[2]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1., 16.*x, 1. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 2., 2.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[3]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-1., 16.*x <= 2.), 16.*x-1., `and`(0. < 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 3.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[4]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-2., 16.*x <= 3.), 16.*x-2., `and`(0. < 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 4.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[5]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-3., 16.*x <= 4.), 16.*x-3., `and`(0. < 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 5.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[6]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-4., 16.*x <= 5.), 16.*x-4., `and`(0. < 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 6.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[7]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-5., 16.*x <= 6.), 16.*x-5., `and`(0. < 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 7.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[8]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-6., 16.*x <= 7.), 16.*x-6., `and`(0. < 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 8.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[9]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-7., 16.*x <= 8.), 16.*x-7., `and`(0. < 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 9.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[10]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-8., 16.*x <= 9.), 16.*x-8., `and`(0. < 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 10.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[11]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-9., 16.*x <= 10.), 16.*x-9., `and`(0. < 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 11.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[12]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-10., 16.*x <= 11.), 16.*x-10., `and`(0. < 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 12.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[13]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-11., 16.*x <= 12.), 16.*x-11., `and`(0. < 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 13.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[14]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-12., 16.*x <= 13.), 16.*x-12., `and`(0. < 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 14.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[15]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-13., 16.*x <= 14.), 16.*x-13., `and`(0. < 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 15.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[16]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-14., 16.*x <= 15.), 16.*x-14., `and`(0. < 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)+u[17]*piecewise(`and`(0. <= 16.*x-15., 16.*x <= 16.), 16.*x-15., `and`(0. < 16.*x-16., 16.*x <= 17.), 17.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1, 1, 0)




































eq1[1] := -20.28718708*x1[1]+25.72312247*x1[2]-6.892489894*x1[3]+1.846837101*x1[4]-.4948585097*x1[5]+.1325969380*x1[6]-0.3552924247e-1*x1[7]+0.9520031827e-2*x1[8]-0.2550884838e-2*x1[9]+0.6835075261e-3*x1[10]-0.1831452664e-3*x1[11]+0.4907353932e-4*x1[12]-0.1314889092e-4*x1[13]+3.522024353*10^(-6)*x1[14]-9.392064942*10^(-7)*x1[15]+2.348016235*10^(-7)*x1[16]-3.913360392*10^(-8)*x1[17]-1.*x2[1] = 0


eq2[1] := -20.28718708*x2[1]+25.72312247*x2[2]-6.892489894*x2[3]+1.846837101*x2[4]-.4948585097*x2[5]+.1325969380*x2[6]-0.3552924247e-1*x2[7]+0.9520031827e-2*x2[8]-0.2550884838e-2*x2[9]+0.6835075261e-3*x2[10]-0.1831452664e-3*x2[11]+0.4907353932e-4*x2[12]-0.1314889092e-4*x2[13]+3.522024353*10^(-6)*x2[14]-9.392064942*10^(-7)*x2[15]+2.348016235*10^(-7)*x2[16]-3.913360392*10^(-8)*x2[17]-1.*u[1] = 0


eq1[2] := -7.425625842*x1[1]-3.446244947*x1[2]+13.78497979*x1[3]-3.693674202*x1[4]+.9897170194*x1[5]-.2651938761*x1[6]+0.7105848494e-1*x1[7]-0.1904006365e-1*x1[8]+0.5101769676e-2*x1[9]-0.1367015052e-2*x1[10]+0.3662905327e-3*x1[11]-0.9814707864e-4*x1[12]+0.2629778184e-4*x1[13]-7.044048706*10^(-6)*x1[14]+1.878412988*10^(-6)*x1[15]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x1[16]+7.826720785*10^(-8)*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[2] = 0


eq2[2] := -7.425625842*x2[1]-3.446244947*x2[2]+13.78497979*x2[3]-3.693674202*x2[4]+.9897170194*x2[5]-.2651938761*x2[6]+0.7105848494e-1*x2[7]-0.1904006365e-1*x2[8]+0.5101769676e-2*x2[9]-0.1367015052e-2*x2[10]+0.3662905327e-3*x2[11]-0.9814707864e-4*x2[12]+0.2629778184e-4*x2[13]-7.044048706*10^(-6)*x2[14]+1.878412988*10^(-6)*x2[15]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x2[16]+7.826720785*10^(-8)*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[2] = 0


eq1[3] := 1.989690448*x1[1]-11.93814269*x1[2]-.2474292549*x1[3]+12.92785971*x1[4]-3.464009568*x1[5]+.9281785663*x1[6]-.2487046973*x1[7]+0.6664022279e-1*x1[8]-0.1785619387e-1*x1[9]+0.4784552683e-2*x1[10]-0.1282016864e-2*x1[11]+0.3435147752e-3*x1[12]-0.9204223643e-4*x1[13]+0.2465417047e-4*x1[14]-6.574445459*10^(-6)*x1[15]+1.643611365*10^(-6)*x1[16]-2.739352275*10^(-7)*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[3] = 0


eq2[3] := 1.989690448*x2[1]-11.93814269*x2[2]-.2474292549*x2[3]+12.92785971*x2[4]-3.464009568*x2[5]+.9281785663*x2[6]-.2487046973*x2[7]+0.6664022279e-1*x2[8]-0.1785619387e-1*x2[9]+0.4784552683e-2*x2[10]-0.1282016864e-2*x2[11]+0.3435147752e-3*x2[12]-0.9204223643e-4*x2[13]+0.2465417047e-4*x2[14]-6.574445459*10^(-6)*x2[15]+1.643611365*10^(-6)*x2[16]-2.739352275*10^(-7)*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[3] = 0


eq1[4] := -.5331359486*x1[1]+3.198815692*x1[2]-12.79526277*x1[3]-0.1776462123e-1*x1[4]+12.86632125*x1[5]-3.447520389*x1[6]+.9237603042*x1[7]-.2475208275*x1[8]+0.6632300579e-1*x1[9]-0.1777119568e-1*x1[10]+0.4761776926e-2*x1[11]-0.1275912022e-2*x1[12]+0.3418711639e-3*x1[13]-0.9157263318e-4*x1[14]+0.2441936885e-4*x1[15]-6.104842212*10^(-6)*x1[16]+1.017473702*10^(-6)*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[4] = 0


eq2[4] := -.5331359486*x2[1]+3.198815692*x2[2]-12.79526277*x2[3]-0.1776462123e-1*x2[4]+12.86632125*x2[5]-3.447520389*x2[6]+.9237603042*x2[7]-.2475208275*x2[8]+0.6632300579e-1*x2[9]-0.1777119568e-1*x2[10]+0.4761776926e-2*x2[11]-0.1275912022e-2*x2[12]+0.3418711639e-3*x2[13]-0.9157263318e-4*x2[14]+0.2441936885e-4*x2[15]-6.104842212*10^(-6)*x2[16]+1.017473702*10^(-6)*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[4] = 0


eq1[5] := .1428533469*x1[1]-.8571200814*x1[2]+3.428480326*x1[3]-12.85680122*x1[4]-0.1275442419e-2*x1[5]+12.86190299*x1[6]-3.446336519*x1[7]+.9234430872*x1[8]-.2474358293*x1[9]+0.6630023004e-1*x1[10]-0.1776509084e-1*x1[11]+0.4760133314e-2*x1[12]-0.1275442419e-2*x1[13]+0.3416363623e-3*x1[14]-0.9110302994e-4*x1[15]+0.2277575748e-4*x1[16]-3.795959581*10^(-6)*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[5] = 0


eq2[5] := .1428533469*x2[1]-.8571200814*x2[2]+3.428480326*x2[3]-12.85680122*x2[4]-0.1275442419e-2*x2[5]+12.86190299*x2[6]-3.446336519*x2[7]+.9234430872*x2[8]-.2474358293*x2[9]+0.6630023004e-1*x2[10]-0.1776509084e-1*x2[11]+0.4760133314e-2*x2[12]-0.1275442419e-2*x2[13]+0.3416363623e-3*x2[14]-0.9110302994e-4*x2[15]+0.2277575748e-4*x2[16]-3.795959581*10^(-6)*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[5] = 0


eq1[6] := -0.3827743894e-1*x1[1]+.2296646336*x1[2]-.9186585345*x1[3]+3.444969504*x1[4]-12.86121948*x1[5]-0.9157263318e-4*x1[6]+12.86158577*x1[7]-3.446251521*x1[8]+.9234203114*x1[9]-.2474297245*x1[10]+0.6629858642e-1*x1[11]-0.1776462123e-1*x1[12]+0.4759898512e-2*x1[13]-0.1274972816e-2*x1[14]+0.3399927509e-3*x1[15]-0.8499818772e-4*x1[16]+0.1416636462e-4*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[6] = 0


eq2[6] := -0.3827743894e-1*x2[1]+.2296646336*x2[2]-.9186585345*x2[3]+3.444969504*x2[4]-12.86121948*x2[5]-0.9157263318e-4*x2[6]+12.86158577*x2[7]-3.446251521*x2[8]+.9234203114*x2[9]-.2474297245*x2[10]+0.6629858642e-1*x2[11]-0.1776462123e-1*x2[12]+0.4759898512e-2*x2[13]-0.1274972816e-2*x2[14]+0.3399927509e-3*x2[15]-0.8499818772e-4*x2[16]+0.1416636462e-4*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[6] = 0


eq1[7] := 0.1025640885e-1*x1[1]-0.6153845311e-1*x1[2]+.2461538124*x1[3]-.9230767966*x1[4]+3.446153374*x1[5]-12.86153670*x1[6]-6.574445459*10^(-6)*x1[7]+12.86156300*x1[8]-3.446245416*x1[9]+.9234186678*x1[10]-.2474292549*x1[11]+0.6629835162e-1*x1[12]-0.1776415163e-1*x1[13]+0.4758254901e-2*x1[14]-0.1268867974e-2*x1[15]+0.3172169934e-3*x1[16]-0.5286949890e-4*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[7] = 0


eq2[7] := 0.1025640885e-1*x2[1]-0.6153845311e-1*x2[2]+.2461538124*x2[3]-.9230767966*x2[4]+3.446153374*x2[5]-12.86153670*x2[6]-6.574445459*10^(-6)*x2[7]+12.86156300*x2[8]-3.446245416*x2[9]+.9234186678*x2[10]-.2474292549*x2[11]+0.6629835162e-1*x2[12]-0.1776415163e-1*x2[13]+0.4758254901e-2*x2[14]-0.1268867974e-2*x2[15]+0.3172169934e-3*x2[16]-0.5286949890e-4*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[7] = 0


eq1[8] := -0.2748196469e-2*x1[1]+0.1648917882e-1*x1[2]-0.6595671526e-1*x1[3]+.2473376822*x1[4]-.9233940136*x1[5]+3.446238372*x1[6]-12.86155948*x1[7]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x1[8]+12.86156135*x1[9]-3.446244947*x1[10]+.9234184330*x1[11]-.2474287852*x1[12]+0.6629670801e-1*x1[13]-0.1775804679e-1*x1[14]+0.4735479144e-2*x1[15]-0.1183869786e-2*x1[16]+0.1973116310e-3*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[8] = 0


eq2[8] := -0.2748196469e-2*x2[1]+0.1648917882e-1*x2[2]-0.6595671526e-1*x2[3]+.2473376822*x2[4]-.9233940136*x2[5]+3.446238372*x2[6]-12.86155948*x2[7]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x2[8]+12.86156135*x2[9]-3.446244947*x2[10]+.9234184330*x2[11]-.2474287852*x2[12]+0.6629670801e-1*x2[13]-0.1775804679e-1*x2[14]+0.4735479144e-2*x2[15]-0.1183869786e-2*x2[16]+0.1973116310e-3*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[8] = 0


eq1[9] := 0.7363770250e-3*x1[1]-0.4418262150e-2*x1[2]+0.1767304860e-1*x1[3]-0.6627393225e-1*x1[4]+.2474226804*x1[5]-.9234167894*x1[6]+3.446244477*x1[7]-12.86156112*x1[8]+12.86156112*x1[10]-3.446244477*x1[11]+.9234167894*x1[12]-.2474226804*x1[13]+0.6627393225e-1*x1[14]-0.1767304860e-1*x1[15]+0.4418262150e-2*x1[16]-0.7363770250e-3*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[9] = 0


eq2[9] := 0.7363770250e-3*x2[1]-0.4418262150e-2*x2[2]+0.1767304860e-1*x2[3]-0.6627393225e-1*x2[4]+.2474226804*x2[5]-.9234167894*x2[6]+3.446244477*x2[7]-12.86156112*x2[8]+12.86156112*x2[10]-3.446244477*x2[11]+.9234167894*x2[12]-.2474226804*x2[13]+0.6627393225e-1*x2[14]-0.1767304860e-1*x2[15]+0.4418262150e-2*x2[16]-0.7363770250e-3*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[9] = 0


eq1[10] := -0.1973116310e-3*x1[1]+0.1183869786e-2*x1[2]-0.4735479144e-2*x1[3]+0.1775804679e-1*x1[4]-0.6629670801e-1*x1[5]+.2474287852*x1[6]-.9234184330*x1[7]+3.446244947*x1[8]-12.86156135*x1[9]+4.696032471*10^(-7)*x1[10]+12.86155948*x1[11]-3.446238372*x1[12]+.9233940136*x1[13]-.2473376822*x1[14]+0.6595671526e-1*x1[15]-0.1648917882e-1*x1[16]+0.2748196469e-2*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[10] = 0


eq2[10] := -0.1973116310e-3*x2[1]+0.1183869786e-2*x2[2]-0.4735479144e-2*x2[3]+0.1775804679e-1*x2[4]-0.6629670801e-1*x2[5]+.2474287852*x2[6]-.9234184330*x2[7]+3.446244947*x2[8]-12.86156135*x2[9]+4.696032471*10^(-7)*x2[10]+12.86155948*x2[11]-3.446238372*x2[12]+.9233940136*x2[13]-.2473376822*x2[14]+0.6595671526e-1*x2[15]-0.1648917882e-1*x2[16]+0.2748196469e-2*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[10] = 0


eq1[11] := 0.5286949890e-4*x1[1]-0.3172169934e-3*x1[2]+0.1268867974e-2*x1[3]-0.4758254901e-2*x1[4]+0.1776415163e-1*x1[5]-0.6629835162e-1*x1[6]+.2474292549*x1[7]-.9234186678*x1[8]+3.446245416*x1[9]-12.86156300*x1[10]+6.574445459*10^(-6)*x1[11]+12.86153670*x1[12]-3.446153374*x1[13]+.9230767966*x1[14]-.2461538124*x1[15]+0.6153845311e-1*x1[16]-0.1025640885e-1*x1[17]-1.00000000*x2[11] = 0


eq2[11] := 0.5286949890e-4*x2[1]-0.3172169934e-3*x2[2]+0.1268867974e-2*x2[3]-0.4758254901e-2*x2[4]+0.1776415163e-1*x2[5]-0.6629835162e-1*x2[6]+.2474292549*x2[7]-.9234186678*x2[8]+3.446245416*x2[9]-12.86156300*x2[10]+6.574445459*10^(-6)*x2[11]+12.86153670*x2[12]-3.446153374*x2[13]+.9230767966*x2[14]-.2461538124*x2[15]+0.6153845311e-1*x2[16]-0.1025640885e-1*x2[17]-1.00000000*u[11] = 0


eq1[12] := -0.1416636462e-4*x1[1]+0.8499818772e-4*x1[2]-0.3399927509e-3*x1[3]+0.1274972816e-2*x1[4]-0.4759898512e-2*x1[5]+0.1776462123e-1*x1[6]-0.6629858642e-1*x1[7]+.2474297245*x1[8]-.9234203114*x1[9]+3.446251521*x1[10]-12.86158577*x1[11]+0.9157263318e-4*x1[12]+12.86121948*x1[13]-3.444969504*x1[14]+.9186585345*x1[15]-.2296646336*x1[16]+0.3827743894e-1*x1[17]-1.00000000*x2[12] = 0


eq2[12] := -0.1416636462e-4*x2[1]+0.8499818772e-4*x2[2]-0.3399927509e-3*x2[3]+0.1274972816e-2*x2[4]-0.4759898512e-2*x2[5]+0.1776462123e-1*x2[6]-0.6629858642e-1*x2[7]+.2474297245*x2[8]-.9234203114*x2[9]+3.446251521*x2[10]-12.86158577*x2[11]+0.9157263318e-4*x2[12]+12.86121948*x2[13]-3.444969504*x2[14]+.9186585345*x2[15]-.2296646336*x2[16]+0.3827743894e-1*x2[17]-1.00000000*u[12] = 0


eq1[13] := 3.795959581*10^(-6)*x1[1]-0.2277575748e-4*x1[2]+0.9110302994e-4*x1[3]-0.3416363623e-3*x1[4]+0.1275442419e-2*x1[5]-0.4760133314e-2*x1[6]+0.1776509084e-1*x1[7]-0.6630023004e-1*x1[8]+.2474358293*x1[9]-.9234430872*x1[10]+3.446336519*x1[11]-12.86190299*x1[12]+0.1275442419e-2*x1[13]+12.85680122*x1[14]-3.428480326*x1[15]+.8571200814*x1[16]-.1428533469*x1[17]-1.00000000*x2[13] = 0


eq2[13] := 3.795959581*10^(-6)*x2[1]-0.2277575748e-4*x2[2]+0.9110302994e-4*x2[3]-0.3416363623e-3*x2[4]+0.1275442419e-2*x2[5]-0.4760133314e-2*x2[6]+0.1776509084e-1*x2[7]-0.6630023004e-1*x2[8]+.2474358293*x2[9]-.9234430872*x2[10]+3.446336519*x2[11]-12.86190299*x2[12]+0.1275442419e-2*x2[13]+12.85680122*x2[14]-3.428480326*x2[15]+.8571200814*x2[16]-.1428533469*x2[17]-1.00000000*u[13] = 0


eq1[14] := -1.017473702*10^(-6)*x1[1]+6.104842212*10^(-6)*x1[2]-0.2441936885e-4*x1[3]+0.9157263318e-4*x1[4]-0.3418711639e-3*x1[5]+0.1275912022e-2*x1[6]-0.4761776926e-2*x1[7]+0.1777119568e-1*x1[8]-0.6632300579e-1*x1[9]+.2475208275*x1[10]-.9237603042*x1[11]+3.447520389*x1[12]-12.86632125*x1[13]+0.1776462123e-1*x1[14]+12.79526277*x1[15]-3.198815692*x1[16]+.5331359486*x1[17]-1.00000000*x2[14] = 0


eq2[14] := -1.017473702*10^(-6)*x2[1]+6.104842212*10^(-6)*x2[2]-0.2441936885e-4*x2[3]+0.9157263318e-4*x2[4]-0.3418711639e-3*x2[5]+0.1275912022e-2*x2[6]-0.4761776926e-2*x2[7]+0.1777119568e-1*x2[8]-0.6632300579e-1*x2[9]+.2475208275*x2[10]-.9237603042*x2[11]+3.447520389*x2[12]-12.86632125*x2[13]+0.1776462123e-1*x2[14]+12.79526277*x2[15]-3.198815692*x2[16]+.5331359486*x2[17]-1.00000000*u[14] = 0


eq1[15] := 2.739352275*10^(-7)*x1[1]-1.643611365*10^(-6)*x1[2]+6.574445459*10^(-6)*x1[3]-0.2465417047e-4*x1[4]+0.9204223643e-4*x1[5]-0.3435147752e-3*x1[6]+0.1282016864e-2*x1[7]-0.4784552683e-2*x1[8]+0.1785619387e-1*x1[9]-0.6664022279e-1*x1[10]+.2487046973*x1[11]-.9281785663*x1[12]+3.464009568*x1[13]-12.92785971*x1[14]+.2474292549*x1[15]+11.93814269*x1[16]-1.989690448*x1[17]-1.00000000*x2[15] = 0


eq2[15] := 2.739352275*10^(-7)*x2[1]-1.643611365*10^(-6)*x2[2]+6.574445459*10^(-6)*x2[3]-0.2465417047e-4*x2[4]+0.9204223643e-4*x2[5]-0.3435147752e-3*x2[6]+0.1282016864e-2*x2[7]-0.4784552683e-2*x2[8]+0.1785619387e-1*x2[9]-0.6664022279e-1*x2[10]+.2487046973*x2[11]-.9281785663*x2[12]+3.464009568*x2[13]-12.92785971*x2[14]+.2474292549*x2[15]+11.93814269*x2[16]-1.989690448*x2[17]-1.00000000*u[15] = 0


eq1[16] := -7.826720785*10^(-8)*x1[1]+4.696032471*10^(-7)*x1[2]-1.878412988*10^(-6)*x1[3]+7.044048706*10^(-6)*x1[4]-0.2629778184e-4*x1[5]+0.9814707864e-4*x1[6]-0.3662905327e-3*x1[7]+0.1367015052e-2*x1[8]-0.5101769676e-2*x1[9]+0.1904006365e-1*x1[10]-0.7105848494e-1*x1[11]+.2651938761*x1[12]-.9897170194*x1[13]+3.693674202*x1[14]-13.78497979*x1[15]+3.446244947*x1[16]+7.425625842*x1[17]-1.00000000*x2[16] = 0


eq2[16] := -7.826720785*10^(-8)*x2[1]+4.696032471*10^(-7)*x2[2]-1.878412988*10^(-6)*x2[3]+7.044048706*10^(-6)*x2[4]-0.2629778184e-4*x2[5]+0.9814707864e-4*x2[6]-0.3662905327e-3*x2[7]+0.1367015052e-2*x2[8]-0.5101769676e-2*x2[9]+0.1904006365e-1*x2[10]-0.7105848494e-1*x2[11]+.2651938761*x2[12]-.9897170194*x2[13]+3.693674202*x2[14]-13.78497979*x2[15]+3.446244947*x2[16]+7.425625842*x2[17]-1.00000000*u[16] = 0


eq1[17] := 3.913360392*10^(-8)*x1[1]-2.348016235*10^(-7)*x1[2]+9.392064942*10^(-7)*x1[3]-3.522024353*10^(-6)*x1[4]+0.1314889092e-4*x1[5]-0.4907353932e-4*x1[6]+0.1831452664e-3*x1[7]-0.6835075261e-3*x1[8]+0.2550884838e-2*x1[9]-0.9520031827e-2*x1[10]+0.3552924247e-1*x1[11]-.1325969380*x1[12]+.4948585097*x1[13]-1.846837101*x1[14]+6.892489894*x1[15]-25.72312247*x1[16]+20.28718708*x1[17]-1.*x2[17] = 0


eq2[17] := 3.913360392*10^(-8)*x2[1]-2.348016235*10^(-7)*x2[2]+9.392064942*10^(-7)*x2[3]-3.522024353*10^(-6)*x2[4]+0.1314889092e-4*x2[5]-0.4907353932e-4*x2[6]+0.1831452664e-3*x2[7]-0.6835075261e-3*x2[8]+0.2550884838e-2*x2[9]-0.9520031827e-2*x2[10]+0.3552924247e-1*x2[11]-.1325969380*x2[12]+.4948585097*x2[13]-1.846837101*x2[14]+6.892489894*x2[15]-25.72312247*x2[16]+20.28718708*x2[17]-1.*u[17] = 0


eq3[1] := 1.*x1[1]-.1, 0


eq3[2] := 1.000000000*x1[2]-.1, 0


eq3[3] := 1.000000000*x1[3]-.1, 0


eq3[4] := 1.000000000*x1[4]-.1, 0


eq3[5] := 1.000000000*x1[5]-.1, 0


eq3[6] := 1.000000000*x1[6]-.1, 0


eq3[7] := 1.000000000*x1[7]-.1, 0


eq3[8] := 1.000000000*x1[8]-.1, 0


eq3[9] := 1.000000000*x1[9]-.1, 0


eq3[10] := 1.000000000*x1[10]-.1, 0


eq3[11] := 1.00000000*x1[11]-.1, 0


eq3[12] := 1.00000000*x1[12]-.1, 0


eq3[13] := 1.00000000*x1[13]-.1, 0


eq3[14] := 1.00000000*x1[14]-.1, 0


eq3[15] := 1.00000000*x1[15]-.1, 0


eq3[16] := 1.00000000*x1[16]-.1, 0


eq3[17] := 1.*x1[17]-.1, 0


eq1[0] := 1.*x1[1] = 0


eq2[0] := 1.*x2[1]-1 = 0


eq1[18] := 1.*x1[17] = 0


eq2[18] := 1.*x2[17] = -1


eqq1 := {-7.425625842*x1[1]-3.446244947*x1[2]+13.78497979*x1[3]-3.693674202*x1[4]+.9897170194*x1[5]-.2651938761*x1[6]+0.7105848494e-1*x1[7]-0.1904006365e-1*x1[8]+0.5101769676e-2*x1[9]-0.1367015052e-2*x1[10]+0.3662905327e-3*x1[11]-0.9814707864e-4*x1[12]+0.2629778184e-4*x1[13]-7.044048706*10^(-6)*x1[14]+1.878412988*10^(-6)*x1[15]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x1[16]+7.826720785*10^(-8)*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[2] = 0}


eqq2 := {-7.425625842*x2[1]-3.446244947*x2[2]+13.78497979*x2[3]-3.693674202*x2[4]+.9897170194*x2[5]-.2651938761*x2[6]+0.7105848494e-1*x2[7]-0.1904006365e-1*x2[8]+0.5101769676e-2*x2[9]-0.1367015052e-2*x2[10]+0.3662905327e-3*x2[11]-0.9814707864e-4*x2[12]+0.2629778184e-4*x2[13]-7.044048706*10^(-6)*x2[14]+1.878412988*10^(-6)*x2[15]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x2[16]+7.826720785*10^(-8)*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[2] = 0}


eqq3 := {0, 1.*x1[17]-.1}


eq := {0, 1.*x1[17]-.1, -7.425625842*x1[1]-3.446244947*x1[2]+13.78497979*x1[3]-3.693674202*x1[4]+.9897170194*x1[5]-.2651938761*x1[6]+0.7105848494e-1*x1[7]-0.1904006365e-1*x1[8]+0.5101769676e-2*x1[9]-0.1367015052e-2*x1[10]+0.3662905327e-3*x1[11]-0.9814707864e-4*x1[12]+0.2629778184e-4*x1[13]-7.044048706*10^(-6)*x1[14]+1.878412988*10^(-6)*x1[15]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x1[16]+7.826720785*10^(-8)*x1[17]-1.000000000*x2[2] = 0, -7.425625842*x2[1]-3.446244947*x2[2]+13.78497979*x2[3]-3.693674202*x2[4]+.9897170194*x2[5]-.2651938761*x2[6]+0.7105848494e-1*x2[7]-0.1904006365e-1*x2[8]+0.5101769676e-2*x2[9]-0.1367015052e-2*x2[10]+0.3662905327e-3*x2[11]-0.9814707864e-4*x2[12]+0.2629778184e-4*x2[13]-7.044048706*10^(-6)*x2[14]+1.878412988*10^(-6)*x2[15]-4.696032471*10^(-7)*x2[16]+7.826720785*10^(-8)*x2[17]-1.000000000*u[2] = 0}


[ImportMPS, Interactive, LPSolve, LSSolve, Maximize, Minimize, NLPSolve, QPSolve]


Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) constraints must be specified as a set or list of equalities and inequalities


uexact := piecewise(0 <= x and x <= .3, 200*x*(1/9)-20/3, .3 <= x and x <= .7, 0, .7 <= x and x <= 1, -200*x*(1/9)+140/9)


x2exact := piecewise(0 <= x and x <= .3, (100/9)*x^2-(20/3)*x+1, .3 <= x and x <= .7, 0, .7 <= x and x <= 1, -(100/9)*x^2+(140/9)*x-49/9)


piecewise(0 <= x and x <= .3, (100/27)*x^3-(10/3)*x^2+x, .3 <= x and x <= .7, 1/10, .7 <= x and x <= 1, -(100/27)*x^3+(70/9)*x^2-(49/9)*x+37/27)


Warning, expecting only range variable x in expression x1[1]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x+1. and 16.*x <= 0.,16.*x+1.,0. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1.,1.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[2]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x and 16.*x <= 1.,16.*x,1. < 16.*x and 16.*x <= 2.,2.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[3]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-1. and 16.*x <= 2.,16.*x-1.,0. < 16.*x-2. and 16.*x <= 3.,3.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[4]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-2. and 16.*x <= 3.,16.*x-2.,0. < 16.*x-3. and 16.*x <= 4.,4.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[5]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-3. and 16.*x <= 4.,16.*x-3.,0. < 16.*x-4. and 16.*x <= 5.,5.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[6]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-4. and 16.*x <= 5.,16.*x-4.,0. < 16.*x-5. and 16.*x <= 6.,6.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[7]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-5. and 16.*x <= 6.,16.*x-5.,0. < 16.*x-6. and 16.*x <= 7.,7.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[8]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-6. and 16.*x <= 7.,16.*x-6.,0. < 16.*x-7. and 16.*x <= 8.,8.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[9]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-7. and 16.*x <= 8.,16.*x-7.,0. < 16.*x-8. and 16.*x <= 9.,9.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[10]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-8. and 16.*x <= 9.,16.*x-8.,0. < 16.*x-9. and 16.*x <= 10.,10.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[11]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-9. and 16.*x <= 10.,16.*x-9.,0. < 16.*x-10. and 16.*x <= 11.,11.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[12]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-10. and 16.*x <= 11.,16.*x-10.,0. < 16.*x-11. and 16.*x <= 12.,12.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[13]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-11. and 16.*x <= 12.,16.*x-11.,0. < 16.*x-12. and 16.*x <= 13.,13.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[14]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-12. and 16.*x <= 13.,16.*x-12.,0. < 16.*x-13. and 16.*x <= 14.,14.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[15]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-13. and 16.*x <= 14.,16.*x-13.,0. < 16.*x-14. and 16.*x <= 15.,15.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[16]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-14. and 16.*x <= 15.,16.*x-14.,0. < 16.*x-15. and 16.*x <= 16.,16.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1)+x1[17]*piecewise(0. <= 16.*x-15. and 16.*x <= 16.,16.*x-15.,0. < 16.*x-16. and 16.*x <= 17.,17.-16.*x)*piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 1,1) to be plotted but found names [x1[1], x1[2], x1[3], x1[4], x1[5], x1[6], x1[7], x1[8], x1[9], x1[10], x1[11], x1[12], x1[13], x1[14], x1[15], x1[16], x1[17]]







This worksheet displays an intersection between two spheres based on a test which seems unrelated to the display.

How can this be explained?


This chunk of code gives me almost instantly the desired result with Maple 2015 but fails returning a result after 5 minutes when ran from  Maple 2020.
Changing the method or trying to tune their options doesn't fix the issue (for a larger value of the absolute tolerance the result, close to 1, is even obviously false).

Could you please help me to fix this?



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2015.2, Mac OS X, December 21 2015 Build ID 1097895`



Model_1 := (X, Y, Z) -> 1.3479120558270161+(-1)*.3390713110446567*X+1.0332964944900824*Y+(-1)*.8046331250569234*Z+0.9028899142595827e-1*X^2+(-1)*.28022910356641223*Y^2+1.3698461513469624*Z^2+0.6023630210658247e-1*Y*X+(-1)*.1988111077193626*Z*X+.6782902277463169*Z*Y+(-1)*0.7589729001497135e-1*X*Y*Z:

Model_2 := (X, Y, Z) -> .7215754021067852-.961682838202105*X+.4890842364596477*Y-.8214961524335734*Z+.15745942215497866*X^2-1.8023544416693338*Y^2+.36598799463016246*Z^2+1.3957614823018496*Y*X+.725398415577742*Z*X+1.9474707393604542*Z*Y-1.1780201448596594*X*Y*Z:

ExpMod_2 := unapply(expand(Model_2(Model_1(X1, Y1, Z1), Y2, Z2)), (X1, Y1, Z1, Y2, Z2)):

fy1 := PDF(Normal(0.1055, 0.0297), Y1):
fz1 := PDF(Normal(1, 0.2/3), Z1):
fy2 := PDF(Normal(0.17, 0.0476), Y2):
fz2 := PDF(Normal(1, 0.2/3), Z2):

C   := evalf(
         (1-eval(CDF(Normal(0.1055, 0.0297), Y), Y=0))
         (1-eval(CDF(Normal(0.17, 0.0476), Y), Y=0))
         (eval(CDF(Normal(1, 0.2/3), Z), Z=1.2)-eval(CDF(Normal(1, 0.2/3), Z), Z=0.8))^2

J  := Int(
        fy1*fz1*fy2*fz2*(1+tanh(10^4*(ExpMod_2(2.14, Y1, Z1, Y2, Z2)-1.25)))/2,
        method = _CubaDivonne, methodoptions=[absepsilon=1e-8]

Prob(X__2 > 1.25) = nprintf("%1.3e", evalf(J)/C);

Prob(1.25 < X__2) = `8.462e-08`




When trying to print a Maple Document as a PDF on Mac, I am now getting an "Error while printing" message. A 1-page pdf is created that's empty.   This is a new error, one that I've never seen when printing as PDF for any other Maple Document I've created.

I'm running Mac OS 12.3.1, the latest version of Mac OS and using Maple 2020.

I'm trying to solve a coupled inductor problem.  All I'm trying to do is solve for the currents (which I could do), then solve for resonance by setting the imaginary part of I1 to 0 and solving for omega.  I then want to plug this resonant frequency back into I1 and evaluate it for some component values and coupling coefficient.

The problem is that even though I define the various variables as real,  Maple doesn't seem to recognize them as such.  I suspect I've failed to define one of them, and that is why it is responding like it is, but I can't find it.  

I'm also getting some weird behavior.....for example if I type :  wres0, I get the value I assigned to it --that's fine.  But then, when I type : wres0/(2*pi), I get an error, "Error, unable to parse 'mverbatim"   --- what does this mean?

This should be a pretty straight forward calculation on Maple, but at this point, I think I may be better off doing it by hand!  I appreciate any help you can provide.  Thank you.

This worksheet animates part of the motion of the classic ladder sliding down a wall.

Please answer the two questions posed in the opening text.

Respondents will need to establish their own link to the DirectSearch package

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