Maple 2024 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2024


I need to use the Ritt algorithm to find the characteristic sets of a set of differential equations. In the past, it seems there was a Maple package by D. Wang available through Maple Applications, but this no longer appears to be the case. I managed to download an old set of files from the author’s site, dated February 1996, which is a Maple V3 package. The instructions in the Readme file mention that using the provided Makefile, an m-file containing all the functions will be created, which can then be loaded into Maple. Unfortunately, running make -f Makefile did not create anything, so I am wondering if I could get some assistance on how to convert this package to something compatible with the latest Maple releases.

The source (txt) files are structured as follows:


1) Comments
2) Definition of the User functions - something like


dcharsets[dcharset] := proc() `charsets/d_charset`(args) end:

dcharsets[dmcharset] := proc() `charsets/d_mcharset`(args) end:

dcharsets[dcs] := proc() `charsets/d_charser`(args) end:

dcharsets[dmcs] := proc() `charsets/d_mcs`(args) end:

dcharsets[dics] := proc() `charsets/d_ics`(args) end:


read `charsets.m`:

# set of non-zero remainders of d-polys in ps wrt d-ascending set as
#       user level function
`charsets/d_remset` :=


and lots of Maple procedures - Example below


`charsets/d_charset` := proc(ps,lst,medset)



the source file ends with the following lines.

read dhelp;
save `dcharsets.m`:

Many thanks


Note: Before posting this question here, I tried to contact the author but received no response.

 i observe this error as if a sum() was used instead of a add() in dsolve

> assume(g > 0): dsolve({diff(r(t), t$2) + g * t * r(t), r(0) = r0, D(r)(0) = r1},  r(t));
Error, (in dsolve) unsupported type of index, _a

any help or advice, please ?


I noticed sometimes Maple dsolve solves an ode using a method different than what odeadvisor says it is.

In this example ode, advisor said it is separable. But when solving it, dsolve actually solved it as dAlembert.

Why is that? Should not these be the same?

I also noticed Maple does not verify the solution of the ode when asked to solve it as separable, which is what the advisor says. But it does verify the solution using dAlembert.

So in this example, should not advisor have said this ode is dAlembert and not separable then?


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1786 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, August 10, 8:50 hours Pacific Time.`

ode:=y(x) = x + 3*ln(diff(y(x), x));

y(x) = x+3*ln(diff(y(x), x))



Methods for first order ODEs:

-> Solving 1st order ODE of high degree, 1st attempt

trying 1st order WeierstrassP solution for high degree ODE

trying 1st order WeierstrassPPrime solution for high degree ODE

trying 1st order JacobiSN solution for high degree ODE

trying 1st order ODE linearizable_by_differentiation

trying differential order: 1; missing variables

trying d'Alembert

<- d'Alembert successful

y(x) = x, y(x) = x+3*ln(exp(-(1/3)*x)*c__1/(-1+exp(-(1/3)*x)*c__1))


[0, 0]


Classification methods on request

Methods to be used are: [separable]


* Tackling ODE using method: separable

--- Trying classification methods ---

trying separable

<- separable successful

y(x) = -3*ln(exp(-(1/3)*x)-(1/3)*c__1)

#notice, solution does not verify.





I use a procedure called Isee  to print to screen procedures from my packages.

However if the procedure is overloaded it Isee doesn't print it. Is there a way around this.
I have inserted screen shots to show the outputs for the package.


end proc;

proc (a::{vector}) print(a) end proc


Test1:=overload([ proc(a::{vector})
                  option overload;
                  end proc,

                  option overload;
                  end proc

proc () option overload; [proc (a::{vector}) option overload; print(a) end proc, proc (a::{Matrix}) option overload; print(a) end proc] end proc


Isee := proc(a)
interface(verboseproc = 3);
printf("%P", eval(a));
end proc;

proc (a) interface(verboseproc = 3); printf("%P", eval(a)) end proc



end proc



    option overload;
    [proc(a::{vector}) option overload; print(a); end proc,
        proc(a::{Matrix}) option overload; print(a); end proc];
end proc



#An non overloaded procedure in a package





#An overloaded procecure in a package






I was looking at the application center about attractors and found the Rossler attractor app that illustrates the Rossler Attractor with animations, as you can see below. But when I try to run it on my laptop  the two last plots remain empty. Why is this happening?

Rossler Flow System - Rossler Attractor

by Yufang Hao, <>

This worksheet contains the images of the Rossler Attractor and the animations that follow the trajectory.

restart; with(DEtools): with(plots):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined


The Rossler attractor is defined by a set of three Differential equations:

x' = -(y+z)

y' = x+a*y

z' = b + x*z - c*z

where the coefficients a, b, and c are adjustable constants.

rosslerEqns := [
diff(x(t),t) = -(y(t)+z(t)),
diff(y(t),t) = x(t) + a*y(t),
diff(z(t),t) = b + x(t)*z(t) - c*z(t) ];

rosslerEqns := [diff(x(t), t) = -y(t)-z(t), diff(y(t), t) = x(t)+a*y(t), diff(z(t), t) = b+x(t)*z(t)-c*z(t)]


a:=0.17: b:=0.4: c:=8.5:
DEplot3d(rosslerEqns, {x(t),y(t),z(t)}, t=0..300,
         [[x(0)=0, y(0)=0, z(0)=0]],
         x =-15..15, y=-15..15,z=-5..25,
         stepsize=0.05, linecolour=1+sin(t*Pi/3)/2,
         thickness=1, orientation = [-110,71]);


a:=0.17: b:=0.4: c:=8.5:
    DEplot3d(rosslerEqns, {x(t),y(t),z(t)}, t=0..4*i,
         [[x(0)=0, y(0)=0, z(0)=0]],
         x =-15..15, y=-15..15,z=-5..25,
         stepsize=0.05, linecolour=1+sin((i-t)*Pi/5)/2,
         thickness=2, orientation = [-110,71]),
    i=1..25) # end seq
  ], # end DEplot3d list


a:=0.17: b:=0.4: c:=8.5:
    DEplot3d(rosslerEqns, {x(t),y(t),z(t)}, t=0..4*i,
         [[x(0)=0, y(0)=0, z(0)=0]],
         x =-15..15, y=-15..15,z=-5..25,
         stepsize=0.05, linecolour=1+sin((i-t)*Pi/5)/2,
         thickness=2, orientation = [-110,71]),
    i=1..25) # end seq
  ], # end DEplot3d list






Download rossler_attractor.mws

How to get Li(x) to display as result of int(1/ln(x),x) in Maple instead of -Ei(1,-ln(x))

I'd like to match result of Maple with another software I use and it is also simpler to look at


Now gives


How to make it show  Li(x) instead?

The Maple help page for Li is this

And the other software Li help page is this

I tried simplify in Maple but it does not do anything. How to get Li(x) in Maple for int(1/ln(x),x);  instead of -Ei(1, -ln(y)) ?

Note that 


Gives 1/ln(x) so Li(x) is the correct antiderivative.

Here is also the wiki page

I know that Maple's result is correct, I am just asking about the form it is shown. Since Maple has Li(x) function, why not use it for this result?


Maple 2024.1


An attractor is called strange if it has a fractal structure, that is if it has a non-integer Hausdorff dimension. This is often the case when the dynamics on it are chaotic, but strange nonchaotic attractors also exist.  If a strange attractor is chaotic, exhibiting sensitive dependence on initial conditions, then any two arbitrarily close alternative initial points on the  attractor, after any of various numbers of iterations, will lead to  points that are arbitrarily far apart (subject to the confines of the attractor), and after any of various other numbers of iterations will  lead to points that are arbitrarily close together. Thus a dynamic system with a chaotic attractor is locally unstable yet globally stable: once some sequences have entered the attractor, nearby points diverge  from one another but never depart from the attractor.

The term strange attractor was coined by David Ruelle and Floris Takens to describe the attractor resulting from a series of bifurcations of a system describing fluid flow. Strange attractors are often differentiable in a few directions, but some are like a Cantor dust, and therefore not differentiable. Strange attractors may also be found  in the presence of noise, where they may be shown to support invariant  random probability measures of Sinai–Ruelle–Bowen type.

Examples of strange attractors include the  Rössler attractor, and Lorenz attractor.



THOMAS``with(plots); b := .20; sys := diff(x(t), t) = sin(y(t))-b*x(t), diff(y(t), t) = sin(z(t))-b*y(t), diff(z(t), t) = sin(x(t))-b*z(t); sol := dsolve({sys, x(0) = 1.1, y(0) = 1.1, z(0) = -0.1e-1}, {x(t), y(t), z(t)}, numeric); odeplot(sol, [x(t), y(t), z(t)], t = 0 .. 600, axes = boxed, numpoints = 50000, labels = [x, y, z], title = "Thomas Attractor")





with(plots); a := 3.00; b := 2.7; c := 1.7; d := 2.00; e := 9.00; sys := diff(x(t), t) = y(t)-a*x(t)+b*y(t)*z(t), diff(y(t), t) = c*y(t)-x(t)*z(t)+z(t), diff(z(t), t) = d*x(t)*y(t)-e*z(t); sol := dsolve({sys, x(0) = 1.1, y(0) = 2.1, z(0) = -2.00}, {x(t), y(t), z(t)}, numeric); odeplot(sol, [x(t), y(t), z(t)], t = 0 .. 100, axes = boxed, numpoints = 35000, labels = [x, y, z], title = "Dabras Attractor")



NULLwith(plots); a := 1.89; sys := diff(x(t), t) = -a*x(t)-4*y(t)-4*z(t)-y(t)^2, diff(y(t), t) = -a*y(t)-4*z(t)-4*x(t)-z(t)^2, diff(z(t), t) = -a*z(t)-4*x(t)-4*y(t)-x(t)^2; sol := dsolve({sys, x(0) = -1.48, y(0) = -1.51, z(0) = 2.04}, {x(t), y(t), z(t)}, numeric, maxfun = 300000); odeplot(sol, [x(t), y(t), z(t)], t = 0 .. 600, axes = boxed, numpoints = 35000, labels = [x, y, z], title = "Halvorsen Attractor")





with(plots); alpha := 5.00; beta := -10.00; delta := -.38; sys := diff(x(t), t) = alpha*x(t)-y(t)*z(t), diff(y(t), t) = beta*y(t)+x(t)*z(t), diff(z(t), t) = delta*z(t)+(1/3)*x(t)*y(t); sol := dsolve({sys, x(0) = -7.00, y(0) = -5.00, z(0) = -10.00}, {x(t), y(t), z(t)}, numeric); odeplot(sol, [x(t), y(t), z(t)], t = 0 .. 100, axes = boxed, numpoints = 35000, labels = [x, y, z], title = "Chen Attractor")








Hi everyone...

How can I remove the warning (Warning, (in anonymous procedure created in Typesetting:-FI) `m` is implicitly declared local
) from this for command in Maple 2024? I know the warning can be ignored but I want to remove it anyway.

for k from 1 to 4 do
    A[k] := Matrix(k, k, (i, j) -> local m; ifelse(i + j < k + 2, add(Y[i - m + j - 1]*binomial(i - 1, m)*(-1)^m, m = 0 .. i - 1), 0));
end do


I do not think I ever saw this warning messages from dsolve. This is _Clairaut first order ode. When adding the option singsol=all in the dsolve call, Maple replies with 

I do not have earlier version of Maple to try as my C: drive died and lost all my Maple's installed versions. I need to to try to install older version of Maple sometime and check.

Is this new warning and why does it show? Is this suppose to happen? 




`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1782 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, August 8, 16:5 hours Pacific Time.`


ode:=a*(1 + diff(y(x), x)^3)^(1/3) + x*diff(y(x), x) - y(x) = 0;

a*(1+(diff(y(x), x))^3)^(1/3)+x*(diff(y(x), x))-y(x) = 0


Warning, only 1 systems are considered

Warning, only 1 systems are considered

y(x) = a*(c__1^3+1)^(1/3)+x*c__1




I also noticed these warning messages show up only the first time dsolve is called on this ode.

Calling it again right after, using the same command, the warning messages no longer show up, which is  even more strange.


I am plotting phase plot of two first order ode's.

I noticed when added +t to one ode, the plot generated losses all the slope fields. Any one knows why and if this is just limitation of DEplot or if there is a way to workaround it. 

THis worksheet has first example showing expected output, then second example where +t was added first ode. Now same code generates plot will all the slope field gone.



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`

sys:=[diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = x(t)+y(t), 2*diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)];
DEtools:-DEplot(sys,[x(t), y(t)],
        t = 0 .. 200,x = -1000 .. 1000,y = -1000 .. 1000,
        [[x(0)=1, y(0)=2]],
        labels = [x(t), y(t)],
        linecolor =red,arrowsize = 1.5,axes = boxed,
        color = 'magnitude[legacy]')

[diff(x(t), t)+diff(y(t), t) = x(t)+y(t), 2*(diff(x(t), t))+diff(y(t), t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)]

#added +t to the RHS of one ode. Everything else the same.
sys_2:=[diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = x(t)+y(t)+t, 2*diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)];
DEtools:-DEplot(sys_2,[x(t), y(t)],
        t = 0 .. 200,x = -1000 .. 1000,y = -1000 .. 1000,
        [[x(0)=1, y(0)=2]],
        labels = [x(t), y(t)],
        linecolor =red,arrowsize = 1.5,axes = boxed,
        color = 'magnitude[legacy]')

[diff(x(t), t)+diff(y(t), t) = x(t)+y(t)+t, 2*(diff(x(t), t))+diff(y(t), t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)]

dsolve([op(sys),x(0)=1, y(0)=2]);

{x(t) = 3*exp(t)-2*exp(-t), y(t) = 2*exp(-t)}

dsolve([op(sys_2),x(0)=1, y(0)=2]);

{x(t) = 4*exp(t)-4*exp(-t)+1-3*t, y(t) = 4*exp(-t)-2+2*t}





if someone is interested, I found Maple has builtin function to check if system of ode's is autonomous or not. So changed my code to check first. Here is how to check:



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


sys:=[diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = x(t)+y(t), 2*diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)];
if DEtools:-autonomous(sys,[x(t),y(t)],t) then
    DEtools:-DEplot(sys,[x(t), y(t)],
        t = 0 .. 200,x = -1000 .. 1000,y = -1000 .. 1000,
        [[x(0)=1, y(0)=2]],
        labels = [x(t), y(t)],
        linecolor =red,arrowsize = 1.5,axes = boxed,
        color = 'magnitude[legacy]');
  print("WARNING, non-autonomous system. Will not do phase plot");

[diff(x(t), t)+diff(y(t), t) = x(t)+y(t), 2*(diff(x(t), t))+diff(y(t), t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)]

#added +t to the RHS of one ode. Everything else the same.
sys_2:=[diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = x(t)+y(t)+t, 2*diff(x(t),t)+diff(y(t),t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)];
if DEtools:-autonomous(sys_2,[x(t),y(t)],t) then
   DEtools:-DEplot(sys_2,[x(t), y(t)],
        t = 0 .. 200,x = -1000 .. 1000,y = -1000 .. 1000,
        [[x(0)=1, y(0)=2]],
        labels = [x(t), y(t)],
        linecolor =red,arrowsize = 1.5,axes = boxed,
        color = 'magnitude[legacy]');
  print("WARNING, non-autonomous system. Will not do phase plot");

[diff(x(t), t)+diff(y(t), t) = x(t)+y(t)+t, 2*(diff(x(t), t))+diff(y(t), t) = 2*x(t)+3*y(t)]

"WARNING, non-autonomous system. Will not do phase plot"







I found that  DynamicSystems package uses global variable called s

THis makes zero design sense. Why would a package use a global variable that could have been used by a user? 

What is the correct way to prevent this warning message from showing up, as I have no control over what variable can be used in global space.  I also tried to declare as local to the function that is using the package, but that did not help. Only way was to remove variable from global space before.

Any suggestions?  And why DynamicSystems is even using global symbols in first place?



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`



 local sv;


end proc;

proc () local sv; DynamicSystems:-SystemOptions('statevariable' = sv) end proc



Warning, the global variable(s) {s} used by DynamicSystems are assigned values.  They must be unassigned to load DynamicSystems.  DynamicSystems:-SystemOptions may be used to reassign the options that use these variable(s):
  complexfreqvar = s



 local sv;
 local s;


end proc;

proc () local sv, s; DynamicSystems:-SystemOptions('statevariable' = sv) end proc



Warning, the global variable(s) {s} used by DynamicSystems are assigned values.  They must be unassigned to load DynamicSystems.  DynamicSystems:-SystemOptions may be used to reassign the options that use these variable(s):
  complexfreqvar = s



#warnign goes away when there is no global used  s before the call is made
 local sv;
 local s;


end proc;

proc () local sv, s; DynamicSystems:-SystemOptions('statevariable' = sv) end proc







For display of plot axes labels, I prefer to use the Typesseting in place so that diff(y(x),x) display as y'(x) (takes less space and looks better also).

It does that in the worksheet. But when using diff(y(x),x) as the Y axis label, the plot still shows diff(y(x),x) and not y'(x).

Is there a way to make plot and DEtools:-DEplot  use the Typesetting in place?   What is the point of using Typesetting if plots generated do not use it?


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1781 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, August 4, 11:27 hours Pacific Time.`


interface(typesetting = extended)


Typesetting:-Settings(prime=x,'typesetprime'=true); #this says to use y'(x) instead of dy/dx    
#Typesetting:-Suppress(y(x)); # this says to use y' and not y'(x)

x, false

#phase plot for second order ode. Y axis is y'(x) and X axis is y(x)
#uses DynamicsSystems for conversion.
ode := diff(y(x),x$2) = -y(x)-1/2*diff(y(x),x);   



            linecolor = red,        

diff(diff(y(x), x), x) = -y(x)-(1/2)*(diff(y(x), x))





Notice the label on Y axis above. I'd like that to display as y'(x) as it is in the worksheet.


I noticed very serious problem in Maple 2024.1

This is new windows 10  22H2  installation. With Maple 2024.1. I've only seen this using Maple and no other windows applications. I have 2 monitors and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 graphics card.

What happens is that sometimes (may be 2-3 times each day), Maple frontend gets all mangled up. I could not figure what causes it. it could be when I move the window from one terminal to the other. sometimes it happens when I open a debugger window.

Only way to fix this is to close all of Maple and start it again. 

Just wondering if anyone seen anything like this and what can cause it. Again, it is only Maple that shows this problem, no other windows application does this. Have 128 GB Ram and PC is only 2 years old.

This is the very first time I see this in Maple and used Maple for long time and on this same PC before and had two terminals also before all the time. I have no idea what causes it.

Could it be Java problem in Maple 2024.1 ?

Any idea why calling solve(eqs,unknowns) gives Error, (in is/internal) type does not exist when the unknowns are in a set, but the error goes away when the unknowns are in a list? Is this expected or is this a bug?



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1779 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, July 25, 8:56 hours Pacific Time.`


eqs:={0 = ln(2)+ln(-a*sech(1/2*2^(1/2)*b)^2), 1 = -tanh(1/2*2^(1/2)*b)*a^(1/2)*2^(1/2)};
unknown:={a, b};

{0 = ln(2)+ln(-a*sech((1/2)*2^(1/2)*b)^2), 1 = -tanh((1/2)*2^(1/2)*b)*a^(1/2)*2^(1/2)}

{a, b}


Error, (in is/internal) type `a` does not exist


Error, (in is/internal) type `a` does not exist


eqs:=[0 = ln(2)+ln(-a*sech(1/2*2^(1/2)*b)^2), 1 = -tanh(1/2*2^(1/2)*b)*a^(1/2)*2^(1/2)];
unknown:={a, b};

[0 = ln(2)+ln(-a*sech((1/2)*2^(1/2)*b)^2), 1 = -tanh((1/2)*2^(1/2)*b)*a^(1/2)*2^(1/2)]

{a, b}


Error, (in is/internal) type `a` does not exist


eqs:=[0 = ln(2)+ln(-a*sech(1/2*2^(1/2)*b)^2), 1 = -tanh(1/2*2^(1/2)*b)*a^(1/2)*2^(1/2)];
unknown:=[a, b];

[0 = ln(2)+ln(-a*sech((1/2)*2^(1/2)*b)^2), 1 = -tanh((1/2)*2^(1/2)*b)*a^(1/2)*2^(1/2)]

[a, b]







Reported to Maplesoft support.


Any idea why limit(e,x=0) fail to evaluate but  eval(e,x=0) does in this example? 


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1779 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, July 25, 8:56 hours Pacific Time.`





limit(-tanh(2^(1/2)*(a*x+b)), x = 0)






I tried the above using some other software, and there both evaluate to same result as expected:

In Maple, I found that by removing the sqrt(2) from inside the tanh, then limit now works


Is this a bug?

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