Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

I have tried unsuccessfully to follow the help but cannot figure it out.

I am using Maple 12 Standard with Windows XP.   I found the palette "Diacritical Marks" so I can make an umlaut and a u. I have tried various combinations of Crtl+R, Crtl + Shift, Ctrl + Alt  +O but wasn't able to find the right combination.  Could someone please tell me the right key stroke sequence.  I can manage to get the umlaut over the u, but it is too high up. :-(




Is there a way to generate a parametric curve that includes the orientation?  i.e. an arrow or series of arrows?


I solved the homogeneous differential equation of a damped oscillator ((D@@2)(x))(t)+d*(D(x))(t)+k^2*x(t) = A*sin(omega*t) with maple, the output is:

x(t) = _C1*exp((-(1/2)*d+(1/2)*sqrt(d^2-4*k^2))*t)+_C2*exp((-(1/2)*d-(1/2)*sqrt(d^2-4*k^2))*t)

Now, as there is damping, the limit for t->infinity shoud be 0. I substituted:

hommod := subs(d^2-4*k^2 = Delta, rhs(l_hom))

 Then, I tried the limit(hommod, t = infinity) command for the three cases

It's been half an hour that I am looking to the example 5 and I can't figured how you can state that x run from 1 to 3 and y from 1 to 2 just by looking at LL.  If I undestand this, I will know how to write those twelve points.

Does anyone would have the patience to explain it to me?


Thanks in advance.



i am deriving lagrangian shape function symbolically for an 1-D element of order p in the eleemnt will have p+1 nodes....


                                   N(k,i) = product((X-Xother)) / product(Xcurrent-Xother)

Hi everybody

de := diff(theta(t), `$`(t, 2))+c*(diff(theta(t), t))+9.8*sin(theta(t))/L = 0; c := 2; L := 2;
init := theta(0) = 0, (D(theta))(0) = 4;
sol := dsolve({de, init}, theta(t), numeric, output=listprocedure);
Theta := subs(sol, theta(t));
plots[animate](plots[arrow],[[0,0],[L*sin(Theta(t)),-L*cos(Theta(t))],colour=red],t=0..5, axes=none,scaling=constrained);

these lines of codes were posted by robert Israel in one of his posts.

As I understand to plot a surface in spherical coordinates we most establish the function relationship of  the radius in terms of theta and phi.  Then using plot3d and specifying coords=spherical gives you surface.  How does one do this for a cone:

Hi, people say that for-next loops are the worst way to apply repeated operations (why?). Assume i have the list


and the command line that does some stuff in it :

for i from 1 to nops(L)-1 do
 end do;

Whats a better way to do this? I guess map is useful here, but i cant get it to work.











I have a nice function whose graph is approximately quadratic; the plot shows the area under it should be around 1.6

However, it seems Maple thinks the area is 0.1465

Presumably there is something simple I am doing wrong, but I can't see it.

What follows may seem strange -- it is certainly strange to me -- but I need to be able to make integration work with my functions as apposed to the built-in functions one sees in examples...



 Digits:= 64;

Hi everybody,

I am trying to convert a String from a Maplet Texttfield into a polynom to use it.
Unfortunately it is not as easy as predicted. Can anybody help me with my problem?

I allready tried this, but it did not work:

polyString := "alpha";
poly := convert(polyString, poly);

Thanks a lot.


I'm trying to orthonormalize the set of basis vectors of the form form p(x)*exp(-x^2/2), where p(x) is a polynomial of degree less than N.

The basis I'm using for this function space is |e1> = exp(-x^2/2), |e2> = x*exp(-x^2/2), |e3> = x^2 * exp(-x^2/2), and so on.


However the GramSchmidt procedure in the LinearAlgebra package only accepts vectors.

Can someone help me to get around this, and use some procedure to orthonormalize the first four bases for this function space?

I'm using an old maple worksheet (Maple V) and some of the commands are now not valid (well actually most probably aren't).

Specifically numbers(string) and Digitize.  Numbers()  has gone to something like length() but I'm not sure about Digitize. 

Would be nice if you could look these up in a command update page that lists all the commands that are valid for what versions and what they translate to in the newer versions.  Be much easier than trying to trudge through and track down the history changes.


Dear all, I'm trying to solve a difficult metric in maple. I did the following: restart; with(tensor): coords:=[t, r, theta,phi]: g:=array(symmetric,sparse,1..4,1..4): g[1,1]:=1+mu*a(r); g[2,2]:=-(1+mu*b(r)): g[3,3]:=-r^2*(1+mu*b(r)): g[4,4]:=-r^2*(sin(theta))^2*(1+mu*b(r)): g[4,1]:=mu*omega*f(r)*r^2*sin(theta)^2*(1+mu*b(r))/c: metric:=create([-1,-1], eval(g)); tensorsGR(coords,metric,contra_metric,det_met, C1, C2, Rm, Rc, R, G, C): display_allGR (coords,metric,contra_metric, det_met, C1, C2, Rm, Rc, R, G, C);
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