Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
i am trying to find a regression plot for "n" data points with a degree of "n-1" but maple gives me this: Warning, there are zero degrees of freedom a regression curve with that degree should have a r^2 = 1. this regression curve is possible on my ti 83, but not in maple. how do i get it to work in maple?
How can I display one (or more) point using plot? E.g. How can I plot the following ycoord vector: [1,2,5,4,3] (xcoord=[1,2,3,4,5])? In the maple help it was discussing function plotting only...
I have a procedure with multiple outputs and one input -- how do I make a 2D plot of these outputs as a function of the input (i.e. a plot with multiple curves)? I have tried using single quotes and the -> operator in various combinations, to no avail. For example, say my procedure is: solset2:=proc(k) local eqn1,x; eqn1:=x^2+k=3; fsolve(eqn1,x) end proc; The following does not work: plot('[solset2(z)]',z=-1..1); I realize there are lexical scoping issues here, but I don't understand the subtleties...
With Maple 11, the 2-D editor has become greatly more reliable. So now I am trying Document Mode for the first time. My question is this: what disadvantages does Document Mode have compared with (Standard) Worksheet Mode? I.e. given that 2-D input is being used, why would someone use Worksheet Mode instead of Document Mode?
A user in Ireland is trying to learn Maple programming, and got stuck on trying to reproduce the examples on p.49 of the Introductory Programming Guide. First, I suspected it might have had to do with 2D mode (it doesn't, it works on Windows), so I asked him to try in the TTY version. The results there were really weird: 130_Picture_8.png What could be the problem? Is this Mac-only? Is this some locale issue?
Hello, I would like to use Maple in Statistics, but I have a problem with a speed of base functions, like generation, Mean, Range and Standard deviation. Maple computes slowly than MathCad. I have 4 test functions: Test of generation speed > restart: > > Digits :=10: > > test3:=proc(N,n) > local i,a,X; > use Statistics in > X := RandomVariable(Normal(0,1)): > for i from 1 to N do > a:=Sample(X,n): > end do: > end use; > end proc: > time(test3(30000,100)); Test of Mean speed > restart: > Digits :=10;
I have four column vectors of data points; X1,Y1,X2,Y2 (n=30) where pointA is given by (X1[n],Y1[n]) and pointB by (X2[n],Y2[n]) I can plot lines using indvidual rows with n=rownumber plot([ [X1[n],Y1[n]],[X2[n],Y2[n]] ]) However, I want to animate the plot so it shows n=1, then n=2 and etc. I am aware of the "insequence" option but I don't want to have to write the 30 entries into a "display" command. Any tips
Using the formula: ((A/B)^(3/2)*(C*D*E/F*G*H)/(I/J)^(3/2)*(K*L*M/N*O*P) I have a different list of [a1,a2....a11] for each variable except A,B,I,J which are constants. I've seen examples for using a single list, but never for using multiple lists. There are 11 numbers in each list, so I should get 11 answers. Thanks for the help. Will
I am trying to read from a embedded MathContainer a simple expression. I am using the expression func:=parse(GetProperty('MathContainer0', value)); When I execute the above code I get the error, "incorrect syntax in parse: missing operator or ';' (12)". I have read over the help pages on MathContainer, GetProperty, and parse to no help. The syntax looks fine to me. The parse help page did indicate that MathML may be reponsible, but the MathML help page was no help. What is the syntax error that is occuring? The expression works fine if I use func:=parse(GetProperty('TextArea0', value));
Hi Guys I just started learning Maple and I have basic question which is annoying me. I use Maple 10 and when I execute the following statement I get the final result as the output instead of a set of numbers. for i from 6 by 2 to 15 do print(i) end do; 14 what am I doing wrong? Am I missing something here? I tried searching all over but could not find a solution. Help is very much appreciated. Thx in advance
I have a situation which is not really complicated but it would be awkward to explain it in a text post, so I have described it in the attached worksheet. It has to do with the display of matrices. If anyone has the time to take a look at the worksheet and propose a solution I would be grateful. -Thanks View 2292_Matrix on MapleNet or Download 2292_Matrix
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I am using the output=array([]) option in dsolve which works fine if I write in each time step of interest eg output=array([0.1,0.2,0.3]). No problem for 3 values. However, I wish to input a large number of values. Can this be automated for regular time steps?
I would like to write a procedure which uses the Weierstrass M-test on uniform convergence. I wanted to use the maximize function (to recognize if the function is bounded and to get upper bound) but this function doesn't work in many simple cases. assume(x::float); assume(n::integer); maximize(2*sin(x)+cos(x));
          maximize(2 sin(x~) + cos(x~))
Actually, I don need maximize function but just to get any upper bound. Is there a way?
here is the matrix,for example, result:=Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 4*c-4, (1, 2) = -2*c+3, (2, 1) = -2*c+3, (2, 2) = 4*c-15/4}) for what region of c, this matrix is positive definite? I typed the following in Maple, > IsDefinite(result); / 2 \ 0 <>
Hey all just a quick question. How do you make a 3d house using the 3dplot. thanks
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