Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
I've been struggling with the integral 1/(1+x^2)^2 ... i managed to use the substitution x=sinh(x) to get it into the form 1/cosh x but now im stuck! im not sure if the initial substitution was even right ... any help much appreciated! ps i know this is not strictly a 'how to' maple qu ut i thought youd all be the type of people that could help me!
View 2483_func graph on MapleNet or Download 2483_func graph
View file details What's the correct Maple command to graph of the product of f(x) and g(x) ? How to graph conic sections in Maple? Lastly, How to evaluate and graph f(x) compose with g(x)?
As an engineer I typically do a lot of work with matrices and oftentimes symbolic matrices. I might generate a symbolic matrix and perform some computations that creates a function of the symbolic elements of the matrix. I now want to turn those symbolic expressions into a procedure that is a function of the matrix array input. How can this be done? There does not appear to be any simple solution. This task is so obvious and so common that I'm shocked there is no simple answer. Here is a trivial example The symbolic matrix with( LinearAlgebra) : U := Matrix(2,2, symbol=u) ;
I do not understand how to use this command (on strings), I want to convert
outputs from PARI like below - any hints for me doing that?

"5.2185454343674342011212095337 E444" ->
"0.E-66*I" -> 

"0.14237172979226366716527232070 +
which would work with 'parse', but not if exponential notation is involved.
Hello, I wonder if someone could help me understand the best way to insert images into a MAPLE worksheet. I am using TURBOCAD to create diagrams. When I was using MATHCAD I could select any area of the TURBOCAD worksheet, copy it, go into a MATHCAD worksheet and paste. While this proceedure has some problems, in general I could work around them and it worked pretty well. I have tried the same thing in MAPLE and it doesn't work very well, as indicated by the worksheet I have uploaded with this post, 'GeorgeWorksheet1'. What seems to be happening is that I get an extremely low-res copy which is useless. So I tried another approach. TURBOCAD has the ability to save a JPEG image of a worksheet, so I saved my TURBOCAD worksheet as 'F1.jpg' (which I have also uploaded). I then insert this file into a MAPLE worksheet using the using the Insert/Image command. This is the second image in my MAPLE uploaded worksheet, 'GeorgeWorksheet1'.This works better, but the image takes up alot of space on the MAPLE worksheet. The problem is, when I try to contract this image by clicking on it and grabbing the little thingies on the side of the frame and moving them, I am able to decrease the size of the image but in doing so I loose so much resolution as to make the image useless.
I have the polynomial 4*x(x^5+1)(7*x^2-6)(x^3+2*x^2+9)-7 and I need to find the coefficient of x^7. How can I do this? I've tried several different commands but none of them worked. Thanks.
how do I inverse my axes on my plot ? I have been looking in the ple help but I can't find anything. plot({d(p), s(p)}, p = 0 .. 50) how canI put (p) on the retical axe? thanks Jp
convert(407,binary); 101100111 I want the vector [1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1]. I don,t make this. Please help me!
i've been trying to evaluate this particular expression:
assume(x::real,0<x,x<1); is(x < tan(x);

and I keep getting a FAIL. Any ideas? is there something i'm not assuming? not enough info?
I teach a Maple course in a computer lab. There are many problems with Maple crashes. I've had the autosave feature disabled, which seems to help some. I'm running Maple 10.04 (New GUI version, Network, Windows XP). Last year, I used Maple 9 Classic and it worked beautifully. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any suggestions for improving the stability of the program ?
Given an implicit representation of a 3D surface, for example: 1 = 3/(z^2+3)*exp(-1/2*(3*y^2+2*x^2+x^2*z^2-2*y*x*z-12)/(z^2+3)) does Maple have a function to numerically integrate its volume? I was hoping to avoid the nuisance of computing the bounds on x,y and z myself and then performing the triple integration (I tried this, but the third integral hung Maple up...I gave up after it ran for 24 hours). The implicit plot seems to work fine, which shows a nice blob. This should be fairly easy to integrate... Thanks, Matt
Hi, I use maple 10 under linux (red hat). In a file I have created a module that has a structure like: Mymodule := module() description \"procedures for Quantum Mechanics\"; export DP, deltaK; option package DP:= proc(...) etc,etc end proc; deltaK:=proc(..), etc, etc end proc; end module; When I execute the group and then type: with(Mymodule); the procedures appear. I would like a library containing this module to be automatically loaded upon startup so I can call it with with(Mymodule); whenever I start a new worksheet.
Hi there, I'm trying to integrate some experimental data. I'm sure that what I'm doing is not the best or most convenient way, but I think it should work. I read the data in using the import assistant, which put it into a 2d matrix. I then manipulated that matrix. This is heat capacity data (for those of you familiar with physical chemistry), and I'm baselining the h.c. data to zero before I integrate it. This hasn't presented any problems for me, and it (seems to) give the expected result. When I integrate this baselined data, however, the integrated curve (enthalpy) at low values of x is not close to zero; it is much bigger. The integrated curve's topology is what I'd expect, it is horizontal at small x values. It is just off of zero by some (large) constant. My data starts at about 300, ends at 360.
How do it find fibonacci prime numbers using Maple?
Okay, I know Maple's not giving the wrong answer...I'm sure I'm just asking the wrong way. When I ask for the standard deviation (Statistics:StandardDeviation) of a list of individual data samples, I get the expected answer. However, when I provide a list of values and a list of frequencies, I don't get the answer I'm expecting. Hopefully the attached worksheet will make my problem obvious. View on MapleNet or
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