Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
guys please help me with this questions. instruction:determine whether the following converge or diverge {n/n+1} (∑)(2^(n))/(n^(2)) (∑)((n!)^(2))/((2n)!) (∑) (n.3^(2n))/(5^(n-1)) (∑) (-1)^(n+1) n/(n^(2)+4) sum((-1)^n*n*(1/(ln*n)), n = 2 .. infinity) determine where the following power series converge: sum(n*x^n/(n^2+1), n = 2 .. infinity) (∑)(^(n) please
I have the following matrix solution problem. M * v = v where M is a square matrix (integer values). v is a vector of variables whose values I want to solve for. I cannot figure out how I can get Maple to do this. Do I need to use some other software? It seems to me that I should be able to obtain a soltion to the problem. Is there a reason why there may be no solution? Thanks.
I have a function which comprises a number of sub functions or procedures. E:= (r01,r12,r02) -> VrepR(r01,b01) + VrepR(r12,b12) + VrepR(r02,b02) + VattR(r12,b12)+Vbend(r02); > VrepR := proc(r,b): > rc:= evalf(b*2^(1/6)); if (r
As a simple progress bar, I want to print a dot every time one step of a for loop is finished, for example I tried for i from 1 to nsteps do printf("."); end do: However, this prints all dots at once the moment the complete loop is finished. Using for i from 1 to nsteps do writeline(default,`.`); end do: prints every step a dot, however it includes a new line command (dots appear below each other). Does anyone has suggestions how to make the progress bar? Niels.
I have been playing with Maple on and off for 3 months. This summer, now that school is out, I have set about trying to master this environment. My frustration with Maple has subsided a bit only to be replaced with an understanding of its limitations. I set about building my own package of doing surface and flux integrals as a way of discovering how to manipulate expressions. I think I know why Maple is so tough. I read somewhere on these forums a diatribe on what seemed an esoteric nuance in the difference between the way Mathematica approaches functions vs the way Maple does. Mathematica is essentially a functional programming language wrapped around list structures (ala LISP). In mathematica everything, at the ground level, is a list. Various types get defined for different quantities but they are essentially lists. Maple defines its types internally. I don't know how they are put together (rtables?) Maple has evolved over time so that these types have grown to a huge number that are hard to keep track of. The inability of maple functions to screen their inputs for different data types means that the Maple programmers have to write lots of different functions for the different data types. This is a very old style of programming.
I posted this question on the Newbie Forum without success, so I thought I should go ahead and post it here, too. My problem is simple algebra (except there is a lot of it). Every function involved is real, though I'm not sure exactly how to tell Maple that. The equation involves a term under a radical, which I think is the cause of my difficulties. To deal with the radical I use a the simplify/radical command, and I discover that the remaining radical exists in only one term. So I isolate that term on one side of the equation and square the equation. Then I discover that the variable I want to solve for is a common factor, and it appears in even powers. I do a subsitution and end up with a quadratic equation which I solve using the quadratic formula. When I plug the solutions back into the squared equation, I find that they correctly solve that form of the equation. However, when I plug them back into the original equation, I get a mess that I can't seem to simplify. I could use any help you can offer. I will attach a worksheet containing the relevant parts of my work here(with the messiest stuff removed).
hi my name is john.i just purchased maple last night and can't figure out how to use it can somebody help me do this questions using maple?this are the questions.i need to evaluate this four question.thanks! > int(x/(x^4+9), x = -infinity .. infinity); > int(1/(x-8)^2/3 ,x= -infinity..0); > int(x/sqrt(4-x^2), x= -2..0); > int(1/1-cos(x), x= 0..Pi);
hi!i tried using the limit tutor for the ff questions but it just said "no rule is applicable for this problem" please help me i dont know what to do..thanks!i appreciate it. > 1.) (lim)(sqrt(x-1)-2)/(x^(2)-25); > x approaches 5 > 2.) (lim)(x+1-(e)^(x))/(x^(3)); x approaches 0^+ > 3.) (lim)(x^(3/(2))+5x-4)/(x ln x); > x approaches infinity > 4.) (lim)tan x ln sin x; x approaches pi^-/2 > 5.) (lim)(cos x)^(x+1); x approaches 0 "6.) (lim)(1+1/(x))^(5x)" x approaches infinity
Hi: I have a complicated expression containing many Maple generated terms each of which typically looks like: 12/b/(b^s)*s/sin(Pi*b)^2*Pi^2 I absolutely can't figure out how to make 1/b/b^s become b^(s+1). I have tried using "patmatch", "match", "subs", "collect" and have now run out of ideas. For example: subs(1/b/(b^s) = 1/b^(s+1),...) does nothing. Can someone please suggest a way to do this so that the end product will look like 12/b^(s+1)*s/sin(Pi*b)^2*Pi^2 Ultimately, I want to identify the exponents of b in each term. Thanks Mike
Hello all,

only occasionally using maple, I calculated some matrices and vectors numerically with maple and would like to use the output for further processing with other computer programs.

My problem is that the output format created per default is far from being machine readable:

[0. , -0.374388562686400750 10 , -0.374388562686400750 10 ,

-18 -18]
-0.174912303608013020 10 , -0.174912303608013020 10 ]

[ -18 -18
[0. , 0.708119543904595083 10 , 0.708119543904595083 10 , can i use maple to distinguish wether a series converges or diverges?thanks guys!
hi i am a new user of maple soft.can anybody please help me.i need to know how power series works with maple.thanks!

Please help my with my program. First, I'll post the relevant code, then the questions:


with(Statistics); with(LinearAlgebra);

#k is a Vector everywhere in this program
ModeFreq := (k, m)->Norm(<Norm(k, 2), m>, 2);
OscillatorAmplitude :=(n, k, m, x) -> (ModeFreq(k, m)/Pi)^(1/4)*exp(-1/2*x^2*ModeFreq(k, m))*HermiteH(n, x*sqrt(ModeFreq(k, m)))/sqrt(2^n*factorial(n));
DeltaApproxAmplitude :=(x0, N, k, m, x) -> evalf(expand((sum(OscillatorAmplitude(n, k, m, x)*OscillatorAmplitude(n, k, m, x0), n = 1 .. N))/sqrt(sum(OscillatorAmplitude(n, k, m, x0)^2, n = 1 .. N))));
I am a newcomer to Maple, so I am going to assume that my problems are generally simple, and that I should be posting in this Newbie forum. My apologies in advance if I assumed wrong. My problem is that I take an equation that contains a radical as a common factor for several terms, rearrange it so the radical is on one side, square the equation to remove the radical, and then do a change of variables to convert the equation to a quadratic and solve it. All of that goes well, but when I convert back to the original variable and attempt to verify the solution it becomes very complicated, and I can't seem to simplify it enough to verify the solution.
This is a portion of my first Maple program. I included the part that had the relevant code and output of what is going wrong. The problem I am having is in the PlotTable I create. It is a table with specifically defined indices, which gets added to each time through a loop. What each indices refers to is a table of lists, representing an x,y coord pair. The first time an index is added is corrects puts the data. The second time you can see that it added the second data correctly, but it also overwrote the data for the previous index. for k from 1 to nops([indices(thicknesstable)]) do #loop for each structure
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