Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
Is it possible to change and save the default background color and pen settings for a sketch?
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! :) I'm doin a problem on the restricted 3 body problem...What i want is to creat a proc "equilibria(mu)" which finds all five equilibria of (DE) when mu_1=mu and displays, in a neat table, the (x,y)-position of each equilibrium and the eigenvalues of the vector field's Jacobian at that equilibrium. In addition, the table should indicate if the equilibrium is hyperbolic (all eigenvalues are real and non-zero), elliptic (all eigenvalues are imaginary and non-zero), hyperbolic-elliptic (a mixture of non-zero real and imaginary eigenvalues), or otherwise.. Now the difficulty is this, i can find the equ's and get the evalues, but i have a proble with gettin them into a table...i've been told that prinf is a good one to use, but i have no idea at which bit to use it..this is how far i've got
Hi, I just bought Maple, and I'm really excited about it. I'm poking around in Maple, trying to get comfortable with it, by entering in a problem from my physics class. In this class, we use SI units, except that we express our angles in degrees. I'm trying to find an easy way to have the trigonometric functions take degree arguments. I tried "with(Units); with(Units[Natural])", and entered an expression this way: "R_x = R*sin(15*deg)", and that almost worked. There were two problems, though: 1. R is apparently a unit in its own right...not *too* much of a problem (I can choose another letter), but annoying.
How do i format numbers in maple output including comma separation and number of decimal points, etc (i.e. 33,444.00)

I want to ask about a small problem. I will present a paper at a conference in February. Because it involves time consuming calculations of numerical solutions for several onerous systems, I will do the calculations at home before the talk, save the results, and show the output to the conference. The folks attending the conference are not necessarily Maple Folks, so I do not want to have to explain the tilde after characters for which I have made assumptions. Of course, I know about


After making the calculations here at home, traveling to the meeting, opening the file to make the presentation then, alas, the tildes are back again. Try this.

> assume(a, real):
> interface(showassumed=0):
> equa:=a^2+a-1;

Run this file. No tilde. Close the file saving the output. Open the file. There is the tilde after each “a".

My question:is there some way to make the tilde stay gone when I save such a file and reopen it without recalculation the worksheet?

I define the tower function as base^^(-1)=0, base^^0=1, and base^^1=base. In general, base^^(height+1)=base^(base^^height). My program to calculate it has four inputs: base, iter( number of iterations),h(fractional part of height), and k(integral part of height). Two outputs: answer and prec(precision). For example 1.21^^(1/3)=1.1056691794 and 1.21^^(2/3) =1.1702307336. For this program .20<base<1.44, 0<=h<=1, and iter>=20 an even integer. If base<1 or k<=-2 the answer will be complex. This cannot be used for 1.60^^(7/2)=3.0863796925. I would like to put this in my library.

Maple 10 comes in both a 32bit and 64bit version for Linux. It's possible to run both versions, installed to the same base location, on a machine with the appropriate operating system runtime configuration. There are some interesting performance differences between the two versions.

I'll say a few words about the installation. I installed both under /usr/local/maple10 on an Athlon64 3200+ running the x86-64 version of the Fedora Core 2 operating system. I have the 32bit...

Hi all, I'm a new user'll forgive me if I've chosen the wrong forum. That's my problem: I've used Maple 10 3 or 4 times since the installation, but the last time I've tried to start it, the window was completely GRAY; after about a minute an error message appeared saying something about a 'peripheral error' and 'restart the computer to restore the system' (...sorry for bad translation from italian), the interesting thing is that the system has changed its graphical settings about the monitor resolution (800*600) and colors (I think 4 or 16). An other information... I noticed that a txt file was created just in that time and placed into maple directory: 'hs_err_pid1136.txt'; opening it you can read 'An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
Hi guys ;) I have a question. Is it possible to apply a PID controller with the following parameters(P=6,I=4,D=0.02)to a Non Linear System described with the differentiate equation like this mk*diff(x(t),t,t)+kfv*diff(x(t),t)-(ki^2*u(t)^2*kc)/(mk*(x(t)-x10)^2)-mk*g=0 or in the second form, as two differentiate equations like dx1 := (x1,x2) ->x2; dx2 := (x1,x2) ->((u*ki)^2*kc)/(mk*(x1-x10)^2)-g*mk/mk-kfv*x2/mk; without linearisation in operating point, where u - is input variable, x - position, dx/dt - velocity, d^2x/dt - acceleration ? Thanks for your help.
Delete a file or folder that I no longer want to retain.
Hi. I have a transfer function like this one: y:=(2.5)/((8*s^2+6*s+1)*s); and I can make inverse Laplace transformation in time and plot it by: y1:=invlaplace(y,s,t); plot(y1,t=0..25); I try it also with time delay in transfer function but it doesn`t work. y:=(2.5*exp(-1.5*s))/((8*s^2+6*s+1)*s); > y1:=invlaplace(y,s,t); > plot(y1,t=0..25); So i find a solution in differential equation and make an algorithm to convert transfer function to differential equation. ode := 8*(diff(x(t), t, t))+6*(diff(x(t), t))+x(t) = 2.5*Heaviside(t-1.5); ics := x(0) = 0, (D(x))(0) = 0;
I want to compile the appended code snippet from HelpExamples.c into a DLL using MSVC6 and added C:\Programme\Maple10\extern\include as well as C:\Programme\Maple10\ as pathes to the project. After compiling I get the following error message for linking: Linking... Creating library Release/MapleAPI.lib and object Release/MapleAPI.exp MapleAPI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__ToMapleString@8 It seems that i miss an import library - what should I do (except having a break for some more coffee)? Sh... upload does not work for 2 kB - exceeds maximum file size
Hi. I have searched the forums and haven't found any topics relating to what I am experiencing. If there are, I apologize and would appreciate a pointer to where I can get more info. I am creating some course content, and am working in document mode so as to make the document easier to view. I am working with Maple 10 on a mac (OSX 10.4.3). My frustration is this: I get very inconsistent behavior when I try to type a math equation in the document. If I have no typesetting (no sections, etc), then things work fine. If I am inside a section, however, and input something in math mode (option-R on a mac), then when I hit enter, instead of seeing the calculation, it just goes to a new line. Sometimes it gives me a calculation, but not often. I
I'm trying to find the largest prime number in consecutive digits of e but maple seems to have problems with large integers. Does anyone know a way to make this work better? for i from 0 to 100 do a := floor(e*10^i); #e is the natural base e if isprime(a) then print(a); end if end do it finds the first 3, then gives the error: Error, cannot determine if this expression is true or false: isprime(floor(100000000*exp(1))) I believe it is due to precision of integer values.
I would like to know if it is possible, how to plot a function that is stepwise, something like: for x< -1, y=2-x; for -1<= x <= 1, y=x; for x>1, y=2x+1;
Is it possible to do this all on one plot? I'm extremely new to Maple, so I apologize if the answer is quite obvious! Thanks!
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