MaplePrimes Questions

I'm trying to enter a piecewise function with three parts, but can't seem to figure out how to make an extra line (the "expression" selections have one, but it only allows two lines to be entered). I read somewhere else to do CTRL+Shift+R, but that didn't seem to work. What I'm trying to enter is
y=x^2-5 x<2
-3x-7 -x<-2 and x<5
abs value(x-2) 5<x

I can get the first two lines, but can't find a way to include the third line. I'm supposed to graph the function so that all 3 are shown (may not be connected), and then I have to evaluate f(-3),f(3), and f(7). I haven't tried the evaluate part, because I can't seem to get all three components to graph. I have Maple 10. I'm new to Maple, any help would be greatly appreciated, this is quite the learning experience!
Hi all, I was just wondering if there is a way to change the window settings for the display function. I am making a picture using Maple 9 for a school project and have many plots on the same graph, but I only see portions of it. Thanks for your help.
I have a problem that I'm somewhat confused about and I'm looking for help if possible. The problem states: Given the equation (x^2-1)/(x-1)=0, graph on an appropriate scale. What is the domain, what is the solution, and what are the x and y intercepts? I'm not sure how to put this one into Maple, if anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it! This is my first time using Maple and I'm a little confused. I have Maple 10. Thank you! Stacey
Help please! I have a problem that states "use implicit plot to graph 3x^2 + 2xy + y^2 = 4 on the interval [-5,5]". I'm not sure how to do an implicit graph, or how to identify the interval to plot. If anyone can help me, please let me know, I've been working on this one for hours (I have Maple 10). Thank you, Stacey
Is the Statistics package for Maple 11 able to handle, and or deal with conditional probabilities ? I may have to start using Bayes' Theorem really soon. Can you also create your own sample spaces and assign probabilities to the simple events in that space ? I would prefer accomplishing the latter using Maple's pre-defined packages instead of having to create my own, if it is possible to do so. thanks, v/r,
Hi, I have numerous terms all of the type opl[i]:= ... with i an integer . Now I want to calculate the total sum of all these terms. I've already worked with a commando like: "for i from 1 to 4 do opl[i]:=... end do;" but I can't find a way to make the sum of multiple terms. By the way is there a site of a good handbook where I could learn more about programming in Maple and make animated curves or objects?

The attached Maple10 worksheet solves a system of differential equations. A plot of the solutions y1(t) (red curve) and y2(t) (green curve) appears below. Download 2353_fsolve-avoid.mws
View file details As a check, I want to use fsolve and the "avoid" option to find both times at which y1 has the same value as when y1=y2, but I'm having trouble. I would appreciate any advice on how I can get the "avoid" option to work for me. fsolve finds the earlier time easily enough (t=.9036852930e-1), but when I use the "avoid" option (highlighted statement below) to find the later time (t=.5225499740), I get the error "Error, (in fsolve) avoid = {.9036852930e-1} is an invalid option." The code is appended below. Thanks. Glenn ======== > restart; > with(plots): > sys:= Diff(y1(t),t)=-3*y1(t) + 2*y2(t), Diff(y2(t),t)=y1(t)-3*y2(t); > ic := y1(0)=1, y2(0)=5; d d sys := -- y1(t) = -3 y1(t) + 2 y2(t), -- y2(t) = y1(t) - 3 y2(t) dt dt ic := y1(0) = 1, y2(0) = 5 > odesol:=dsolve({sys,ic},{y1(t),y2(t)},type=numeric,output=listprocedure); odesol := [t = (proc(t) ... end proc), y1(t) = (proc(t) ... end proc), y2(t) = (proc(t) ... end proc)] > Y1:=eval(y1(t),odesol); Y2:=eval(y2(t),odesol); Y1 := proc(t) ... end proc Y2 := proc(t) ... end proc > Teq:=fsolve('Y1'(t)='Y2'(t),t); Teq := 0.5225499740 > Yeq:=Y1(Teq); Y2(Teq); Yeq := 1.45974175440983366 1.45974175447049736 > T1:=fsolve('Y1'(t)=Yeq); T2:=fsolve('Y2'(t)=Yeq); T1 := 0.09036852930 T2 := 0.5225499740 > fsolve('Y1'(t)=Yeq, t, avoid={T1}); fsolve('Y1'(t)=Yeq, t=T2); Error, (in fsolve) avoid = {.9036852930e-1} is an invalid option 0.5225499740 > Y1(%); 1.45974175440983366 > plot({Y1(t),Y2(t)},t=0..3);

I am relatively new to Maple, and have been attmpting to solve this for the last few days, and if somebody would be able to help me out that would be great. I am attempting to make the list of following equations smooth (supposed to be for a roller coaster): u(x)=.8x (where x is less than 0) g(x)=kx^3 + lx^2 + mx + n (where is is greater than or equal to 0 but less than 10) f(x)=ax^2 + bx + c (where x is greater than or equal to 10 but less than or equal to 90) h(x)=px^3 + qx^2 + rx + s (where x is less than 90 but greater than or equal to 100) t(x)=-1.6x + 120 (where x is greater than 100)
how do i determine the coefficient of determination?
i am trying to find a regression plot for "n" data points with a degree of "n-1" but maple gives me this: Warning, there are zero degrees of freedom a regression curve with that degree should have a r^2 = 1. this regression curve is possible on my ti 83, but not in maple. how do i get it to work in maple?
How can I display one (or more) point using plot? E.g. How can I plot the following ycoord vector: [1,2,5,4,3] (xcoord=[1,2,3,4,5])? In the maple help it was discussing function plotting only...
I have a procedure with multiple outputs and one input -- how do I make a 2D plot of these outputs as a function of the input (i.e. a plot with multiple curves)? I have tried using single quotes and the -> operator in various combinations, to no avail. For example, say my procedure is: solset2:=proc(k) local eqn1,x; eqn1:=x^2+k=3; fsolve(eqn1,x) end proc; The following does not work: plot('[solset2(z)]',z=-1..1); I realize there are lexical scoping issues here, but I don't understand the subtleties...
With Maple 11, the 2-D editor has become greatly more reliable. So now I am trying Document Mode for the first time. My question is this: what disadvantages does Document Mode have compared with (Standard) Worksheet Mode? I.e. given that 2-D input is being used, why would someone use Worksheet Mode instead of Document Mode?
A user in Ireland is trying to learn Maple programming, and got stuck on trying to reproduce the examples on p.49 of the Introductory Programming Guide. First, I suspected it might have had to do with 2D mode (it doesn't, it works on Windows), so I asked him to try in the TTY version. The results there were really weird: 130_Picture_8.png What could be the problem? Is this Mac-only? Is this some locale issue?
I have four column vectors of data points; X1,Y1,X2,Y2 (n=30) where pointA is given by (X1[n],Y1[n]) and pointB by (X2[n],Y2[n]) I can plot lines using indvidual rows with n=rownumber plot([ [X1[n],Y1[n]],[X2[n],Y2[n]] ]) However, I want to animate the plot so it shows n=1, then n=2 and etc. I am aware of the "insequence" option but I don't want to have to write the 30 entries into a "display" command. Any tips
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