What is the pattern in the following polynom: (how to generate them)
1: 12 n^2 + 12 n + 1
2: 300 n^3 + 450 n^2 + 160 n + 5
3: 840 n^4+1680 n^3+1030 n^2+190 n+3
4: 1260 n^5+3150 n^4+2730 n^3+945 n^2+107 n+1
5: 27720 n^6+83160 n^5+93030 n^4+47460 n^3+10689 n^2+819 n+5
1: 6n + 5
2: 150 n^2 + 200 n + 55
3: 420 n^33 + 770 n^2 + 410 n + 57
4: 630 n^4+1470 n^3+1155 n^2+343 n+29
5: 13860 n^5 + 39270 n^4 + 40740 n^3 + 18711 n^2 + 3591 n+205
In the Belgium lottery they pick 6 numbers out of 42 ( there can't be 2 equals numbers being picked out )
Now for my maple homework , i must do some exercices in maple
1 ) Simulate the lottery
2 ) If you partici
I would like to declare spin states; spin up (alpha) and spin down (beta)
such that they form an orthogonal basis not necessarily using Dirac Ket notaion. I am using the Physics package and Linear Algebra
When I try to use the Dirac Ket notation, I have noncommuting issues with the Cartesian basis
Cart := Vector[column](3, [Ket(X), Ket(Y), Ket(Z)]);
Spin := Vector[column](2, [Ket(alpha), Ket(beta)]);
<p>sys := [diff(v(s, n), n)+diff(u(s, n), s)+diff(xi(s, n), s)+A*n*(diff(c(s), s)) = 0, A1*(diff(xi(s, n), n))+diff(v(s, n), s)-c(s)+A2*v(s, n)+A3*c(s) = 0, diff(u(s, n), s)+2*A2*u(s, n) = A2*(xi(s, n)+A*n*c(s))-A1*(diff(xi(s, n), s))-A2*n*c(s)] The dependent variables are v,u and xi and the boundary conditions are: bc := {u(0, n) = 0, v(s, -1) = 0, v(s, 1)} other things: -1<=n<=1. I tried ans := pdsolve(sys, bc, xi(s, n), u(s, n), v(s, n)) i also tried ans := pdsolve(sys, bc) I keep getting error messages about the dependent variables.
According to my experience so far, maple is stupid in image processing.
Frustrated with its functions.
For example, in plotting functions, only bmp, gif, jpeg is supported
while in image package, only jpeg, tif and bmp are supported.
So we take the intersection, only bmp and jpeg files can be used if i want to use plot and image packages at the same time.
If i want to do image processing on the file generated from the plot, like transparency stuff, it is not achievable!
And it totally doesnot support opacity!!
hi all! i am **brand new** with maple 13 as well as trigonometry, which i am using the program for. i have figured out how to plot the unit circle with the command:
I would like to experiment with the Mastery Dialog option e.g. making a tutorial. Does anyone tried this in practice? And can I download a question bank that uses this option?
kind regards,
Harry Garst
I am uing cmaple.ext to generate batch of images.
However, i found some of the functions are not the same as i execute from the worksheet from standard maple interface.
There are lot of white space around the image...
Is there any way to reduce them?
Good Morning,
Would anybody be kind to help me with the attached Maple worksheet. My goal is to use Maple procedure to generate all the equations and then solve the equations for all the variables. Also, I have attached the PDF file on the paper I'm trying to develope, the equations are on page 8. Please Help.