Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer



I am very beginner of Maple softs, in order to proceed with my project i need to model a simple Human Knee joint and  to do its simulation, Somebody please help on this, otherwise i cant able to proceed with my project.


Waiting for a solution


Hello, MaplePrimes!

I want to create a custom component to model dynamics of a movable pulley, which can rotate and move along some direction (translational motion). I’ve got dynamic system, which describes both motions of a pulley. Some information about this dynamic system:


Hey all you clever people


I have been leaning simulink in school today. The problem is that i like maple, and would like to solve all my problems in maple

The problem we solved i attached in a zip file.

Can anyone make a simulation in maplesim, that does the same, and mail it to me?


Looking forward to hear from you


Rune Behnk Eriksen

Is there a maple function that implements the semantics of the μ-recursive function (Wikipedia)?


I'm really new on using maple 14 and I need help please.

I want to either connect maple 14 software with an oscilloscope for data acquisition or import the data captured by the oscilloscope to maple 14 and manipulate this data with the software for dynamic system analysis so I was wondering if anyone knows a programming code or a command to do this please =( I'm stuck


Thanks for your attention...


I would like to define the following exceptions:

0/0 should be equal with 0, but any other x/0 should be infinity, if x>0 or -infinity, if x<0.

In the following example, I show what I achieved, however, I also would like to have equation (8) to be infinity.


Zoltan Faigl



I want to make a model with an inner moving circle touching a non-moving, stiff outer circle. 2 differential equations describe the movement of the inner circle, i already have modelled thisand i have the x and y coordinates of the most "exposed point" which will touch the outer circle, as output variables (i could also add the derivatives as output). When the 2 circles touch, i want to "tell" the differential equation model the 2 new derivatives for x and y...


I have got a question. I have an Hamiltonianfunctionand want to differentiate this function to all variables. There is no problem with most of the variables, but one doesn't work. The error above occures, when I use the button "execute the entire worksheet". When I just press Enter, the errror does not occure and the right results are presented. But I am not abel to use the results.

Has anyone an idea how I can solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

dear all,

          i have a simple optimization problem. the objective function is like A*X + B = E and the constraints are 100 <E < 8000 and 10<X<600. I want to find the Min and Max ranges of A and B such that Amin*Xmin+Bmin=Emin and analogous for maximum. I am not sure about the correctness of my modeling. Please guide me to proceed. Thanks.

How to interpolate in terms of any form of algebra in maple?

For example, to interpolate a time series in terms of exponential or mixed with cos and sin?

I would like to know how to find an extreme (max) point of function of two variables:

and how to manage with this error

"Warning, solutions may have been lost


How to solve a set or a system of differential equations in maple for motion with Schwarzchild metric?


************** Schwarzchild metric *****************
coord := [t, r, theta, Phi]:


g_compts[1,1]:=1 - 2*G*M/(r*c^2):
g_compts[2,2]:=-(1 - 2*G*M/(r*c^2))^(-1):

g1 := create([-1,-1], eval(g_compts)):

I have a nonlinear partial diff eq which I am sure has been categorized.  How do I go about finding literature on the eq & the approach to solve it.  I have visited various websites that have catalogs of nonlinear partial diff eq's.  The problem is notation is so NONSTANDARD I have no IDEA what I am reading.  I have included a PDF eq_of_choice.pdf with my notation which I am familiar with. ...

I'd like to add the summation with just the index below, not the i=1..n form, but Help seems to say that I can only expressions and entities from other palettes...

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