
155 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 18 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Chia

Hi all,

Command collect can view a expression a as a general polynomial in specific indeterminate x with the calling sequence:

collect(a, x, form, func)

where form and func are optional arguments.


Then, I encountered a form like this:

collect(a, x, normal)


I'm not sure what does normal means in this case and cannot find the related information from Maple Help.

Does anyone know this? I'd appreciate any help on this topic.

Thanks a lot :)

(Sorry to not offer the worksheet file due to a private issue)

Hi everyone,

Command "discont" can return the discontinuous point of the function. 

In Maple Help, it says that multiple discontinuities may be expressed with _Zn, _NNn and _Bn but just show the _Zn case and the _NNn case.


Can anyone offer the _Bn case?


Hi everyone,

I have a question about surface fitting. I tried to follow the step of application "Fitting an Ellipse to Data" to fit the ellipsoid surface but got the incorrect result:



It seems that the convergence condition can be modified but I have no idea. 

The related Maple file is attached:

I'd appreciate any help on this topic. Thank a lot.

Hi All,

I have a stupid question.

I wanted to distinguish the fuction of map and Map and tried some test.

Sometimes, the Map is identical to the map:

But sometimes not:


Maple Help seems not to explain the difference very clearly.

I'd appreciate any help on this topic. Thank a lot.

Hi All,

I used the command map to apply a procedure to elements of a array like this:


Why did I get the null array "[]"?

A vector was also used and got the similar result: 


I'd appreciate any help on this topic. Thank a lot.

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