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16 years, 190 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Christopher2222

Thanks!  Yes I know about the e being exp I just used e for simplicity.

And if I had 4 paramaters, I'd encapsulate the seq by another seq




was getting some strange errors with the labelling and it wasn't plotting so I just left the labelling part out. 


expand(c) seems to work

This is good news indeed.  Maplesoft has a lot going for it, I would hope it would not change that much.  I suppose it's not like when Autodesk took over Maya and changed a lot of things, that wasn't good for them in the beginning but I think they've ironed things out. 

It's sounding like Maplesoft's takeover is a lot like what's happened to our company.   We were just bought out by a very large American company, shareholder vote pending and most likely, but it is a holding company and has left the day to day operations of the company up to original management teams, a key to continued success of any company really.

Pressing ALT and the number combination 0176 on the keypad will work to get the degree symbol.  Using the numbers across the top won't work must use the keypad on the right. 


Might I suggest a good 3rd party open source (free) program called Hotkeybind, it can be found here 

The only thing I don't like about it is you can't hotkey the cursor keys for shortcuts such as getting out of the exponent.  If anyone knows of a hotkey program that can hotkey cursors I would be interested in knowing. 

No, it doesn't work the way I want. 

I want the program to display the time[real] at that moment at every interval.  Sort of a realtime event.  I don't want it to print everything at the end when the loop is finished.  Essentially I want maple to tell me, by displaying, a marker (the time[real]() every 10 minutes) or user specified time or even have maple beep a signal 5 times at the specified intervals. 

Since the kernel has to continuously run it will most likely, as I mentioned at the beginning, have to be run on a separate worksheet.

Can maple display results from inside the loop while the loop is still running?

Yeah, I'm finding out using this sort of loop uses quite a bit of system resources. 

I found time[real] under time.  Can be found on the online help here 

Thanks for your little program.  I'll give it a try when I get home tonight.

while time[real]()<290 do
    a:=trunc(time[real]())    #had to set this to a variable since mod won't take the expanded version
    if mod(a,50)=0 then print(time[real]()) end if
end do

It didn't quite work.  It flashes a bunch of times.  Then prints everything out in the end.   time[real]() before I started was 270.   It printed a lot of 278 to 289's.

Okay, took me a while to find it but this should be of some great help for you "Creating Maple Documents:Deriving the Rocket equation" found here 


If you're in document mode just use F5 to toggle between text and math input or if you're in worksheet mode use # sign to ignore text after it. 

Search the maple application center I remember seeing a document in there about writing maple documents.  Ask google too.

That's a good point.  I'll stick to Maple, I'm biased to it anyways. 

I believe he means unterminated loop.  You're just missing an extra end do in that case. 

You can find some resources at the maplesoft application center:

go here for a complete set of Maple programming lessons.

Also here - maple programming
or here - advanced maple programming

Alternatively, you can go here for some basics ,old but still good.

I believe the two lectures above are related to this interesting course I found Algorithmic number theory and cryptography using maple


Okay finally I found out why it wasn't working.  It was because I had a space between the print and (n,m).

As for my loop breaking out and continuing on, I came up with this.

for m from 1 to 100 do
     for n from 1 to 355 do
          if mod(n*m,355)=0 and n<>355 then print(n,m); break end if
     end do
end do

The n<>355 is just to remove the trivial solutions and I couldn't figure out how to get it working with a counter. 



So I'm experimenting and I do this, nothing happens.  What's wrong with it?

for m from 1 to 5 do
     for n from 1 to 5 do 
          if (n*m)>10 then print (n,m)
     end if
     end do
end do

BTW in your if statement I believe you meant end if. 

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