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16 years, 216 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Christopher2222

@C_R ok I see, I think. Since rolling body is massless there's no angular momentum ... ok that sounds wrong but seems right, at least for the object - the swinging pendulum would be providing angular momentum, wait I guess that would be torque? .. hard for me to envision a rotating object with zero momentum (unatural) but with mass 0 the math says it's zero p=m*ω and so momentum is zero.

I might be envisioning/confusing two different cases - a freely swinging pendulum on an axis inside a rotating disc and a fixed pendulum with a massless rod which is just a point mass some distance from the center of the mass on a disc.  I'll have to think more...

I edited one of my responses above, to say that a sign in the internal calculation of a solution may be wrong.  But it looks like a fix that C_R mentions is deleting all demultiplexers and loading new ones from the library.

@C_R  Does the animation in maplesim work correctly now?  Can you show the fixed animation?

So a similar thing ocurrs here with the ball bounce How to model a bouncing ball through event handling? - MaplePrimes

Could be related problems.

@OrangVahid It still seems that something is mishandled incorrectly within maplesim.  There is a similar issue that ocurs with a ball bouncing on a 3d terrain. 

@C_R I must say, your write up is an excellent addition using maplesim.  I must also say Maplesim is pretty awesome, although my use with it is very sporadic and liimited.

That's quite an in depth analysis.  Great job!

I asked a question like this about 6 years ago so here's some solutions others came up with in maple here's the link for others looking for more,

@C_R Did you fix the initial warnings and initialization problem?  What were they exactly?

Which MapleSim version are you using?  Looks like you made some progress, that wall at the 12.5 second mark is strange.  Probably some calculation that needs to be relaxed or something.  

**edit ** almost like a sign in an equation   a internally calculated solution is opposite of what it should be.  I think at 12.5 seconds if it rolled through that reflection it would look normal.  ... maybe not.  Just trying to think of ideas that might spur a "eureka" moment.  

@Ronan ok that makes sense.  Luckily there is that backup option.  Of course there is that query when you shut down a Maple session if you wish to save your work.  I think at that time a backup copy of the sheet should be made regardless of saving the file or not - perhaps that could be an option?

Ah, one thing I noticed.  I actually did save the file and discovered a dificiency in Maple.  A new file saved by Maple does not appear in the recent file list.

So this would be one good reason to leave the automatic saves on, especially if you haven't saved a worksheet yet. Saves a lot of work from being lost.

@Ronan Thank you.  That's it. 

So in Microsoft Word the option split window would perform like I would want a similar function to work in Maple.

@Scot Gould oh ok so you're talking about excel?

I'm using an ancient version of excel - Excel 2007, but 365 should have the same option.  Use the split icon. It splits the cells - ironically I haven't checked and don't even know if Microsoft Word can do that.  Although I've never used Microsoft Word enough to think I might need that option. 


@Scot Gould 

Operating system is windows.  Tiling, oh I meant tiling horizontally.

All the menu tabs are open for each Maple session.  Having it split in one window eliminates the need for duplicated menu tabs.  Sure it can be minimized but a split screen within a session would be best. Just something I though Maple could simply add on in the future. 

Apple or PC, that's a personal preference.  Personally I know nothing about MAC's at all, I've used it at the mother-in-laws surfing the net on Safari looking up things but that's about it. Daughter has an ipad and it does have some excellent software not available on any other OS.  But, it shouldn't matter with Maple whether it's on a MAC or a PC, with PC there's so many different setups that can affect the performance of the machine. 

With a MAC there's fewer options, (it's probably better) at least from my perception - that is if you buy a cheap MAC it works cheaply but buy an golden MAC it's golden but they aren't very .. what's the word .. versatile with different components, they have their standard sets of good components available for everyone - I don't know talk to a MAC person, they do have their problems, like updating without consent etc...

However with a PC - you can buy a golden PC but end up with crappy components there's a huge market out there - not saying you don't already know that, but a PC is just more versatile.  So many different manufacturers for the same thing like for example memory modules - the exact same RAM stick from Patriot rated at the same speed as one from say kingston might just work faster.  And video cards, pretty sure it affects Maple quite a bit and there's so many out there, which is where I think one bottleneck for Maple exists.  For example, a large calculation if not displayed can be done extremely quickly but could be very slow in displaying - and I'm talking about a second or so, to tens of seconds of difference.

@mmcdara this question shouldn't be deleted it is a new starting topic 

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