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16 years, 210 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Christopher2222

Okay, I finally found the problem. 

If Tools->Options->Display->Typsetting level is set to Extended ...  Precision round screen display will not work. 

That is interface(displayprecision=10); 



This is what was causing all the problems I was seeing.  If I set the Typsetting level to Maple standard, everything works fine. 




You can try it for yourself and see the results I was getting.  Can someone file a report for that?

Okay, thanks an older version works fine on my laptop and since it's working with yours there must be a problem at my end somewhere, probably my firewall or some conflict causing issues.  I'll reinstall and go from there, thanks for all the help. 

Thanks Jakubi, are you the only one not able to reproduce what I'm seeing?  I try exactly what you do and I still get 10.5

Just wondering if anyone else can reproduce what I'm seeing.

Okay, it works in classic worksheet mode but it doesn't work in the standard document interface mode. 

Thanks but that option doesn't appear to work.  I actually tried that earlier but that didn't change anything.

If I check the tools Precision box "Round screen display to ..."  with any number I still get 10.5 using evalf(10.5,10) and no following zeroes.



Thanks, yes that gives me what I want.  Does maple have a global option in the tools menu to set the number of decimal places after the decimal point?  Be a nice little addition if it doesn't. 

Some numbers won't display more digits.

Specified numbers in the numerator won't display more digits.  evalf(10.5,10) displays 10.5.  The only way to force maple to display more digits is to divide by 1.0 evalf(10.5/1.0,10) displays 10.50000000

Now if I want maple to only display 2 places after the decimal, specifying the number of digits won't work which brings me back to my original question in this thread. 

Okay I'll try to clear up what I mean.  What I want, is not to display it's current value but to display the expression with it's variables only.   

So if d=a*b+5/(3*h) and I've assigned values to a,b and h.  How do I get maple to display the original expression for d after the variables have been assigned?

Yes, thanks for the explanations.  It clears things up a lot except that glitch between the points -7 and -8 it's quite a huge jump and it does bug me.  Similar with the positive axis.  If I didn't know better to include a numpoints option and I was to hand that graph in to be marked I'd get zero. 

Maple should draw the graph without those jumps.  I think it's a glitch in the maple graph drawing that need to be fixed.

Okay that works a better.

The default for numpoints is 50 however I get different graphs with and without using numpoints. 

plot(cos(2*x^2),x)  graph shows the problems I initially had but when I explicitly use numoints=50 plot(cos(2*x^2),x,numpoints=50) ,the default, I get a nice graph no erroneous or wayward lines. 

Maybe the default maple states on the help page for numpoints being 50 is not actually 50.  Regardless wether I state it explicitly or not I should get the same graph result.  Should I not?

How do you add more lines in the vectorfield plot?  I followed this post then followed lemelinm's link and found that that graph drew a minimum number of lines.  The maple help on this ironically wasn't very helpful.  How do you get more lines in there using verctorfield?

I thought about changing the theme in windows but I didn't want everything changed.  Another nice work around trick though, thanks.

About changing the background in the classic interface, I couldn't find that option in any menu.  Do I have to modify the maple.ini file?


Thanks.  I want to be able to change it to a corn husk color - same as the help pages, much easier on the eyes as you said.  Or maybe to fancy it up a little, in any case I'd like to have the option available. 

BTW, that table tip is a nice little work around, thanks. 

I wonder if the option was too much hastle for Maple to bother with.  At least we know they're mostly focussing on the maple engine rather than fluffing it up with too much extras and eye candy. 



Thanks for the tips.  Maybe in a future release they'll have that option?  Maple 13?  Based on past release dates I suspect Maple13 will be released around the June/July timeframe.  Looks like a major issue change so it wouldn't be included in an update.

Also sorry for the multiple posts, I had a connection issue.  Can someone delete those posts?  Or can we the editor delete our own posts? 

I've taken the liberty to find out how it works so I hope this helps...

First create a directory where you want your database to be stored (ie. c:\Program Files\Maple 12\AddedHelpFiles)

Now in order for maple to use it and read it everytime you start maple instead of having to invoke it using the libname command for each session you want to access your help file, create a Maple.ini file in your c:\Program Files\Maple12 directory using notepad and include the line (for our example)     libname:=`c:/ProgramFiles/Maple12/AddedHelpFiles`,libname:      the colon will supress the output when maple loads and your new directory and help pages will be included in your following new maple sessions.  Note: be careful of the direction of the slashes, using the other slashes will give you an error.

Next open a worksheet and create a page you want added to the help database.  Then go to Tools->Help Database-> Save as help page.

Under select Writeable database enter your newly created directory c:\ProgramFiles\Maple12/AddedHelpFiles\Maple.hdb (You can call you help database file whatever you wish, I've just named it Maple.hdb for convenience) Also note the direction of the slashes, again I cannot tell you why but that's the way maple shows them in it's list of writeable database files so I've just followed the same convention.

Under Topic, enter the searchable name you want.  We'll call it, Helptopic.  So whenever you search, it will pull up your help page.  Also note to keep this name the same as the name you will put for your table of contents name or you will never be able to remove it from your database when they differ if you forget. 

Now the tricky part is that the Table of Contents entry is optional, unfortunately if you don't enter anything here you will have much difficulty if at all finding your page while browsing the help database except by using ?Helptopic to find it.  Your help page will be put somewhere by Maple in which I have had no luck in finding. 

For our example we'll enter the same as we put for our Topic entry, Helptopic.  So this help page will now be put in the help page under the name we entered here.  However most people likely will probably want the pages to be under a subdirectory name.  To do this you must enter a slash "/" after the name in the directory you want but don't forget to name the help page for the table of contents or it will be nameless.  So for our example we'll type in Helptopic/Helptopic and our help page will now be named Helptopic under the directory name Helptopic searchable by the name Helptopic from our entry we put in for the Topic field.  Confusing, eh?

Well we're done.  Then we just click okay and a box pops up The worksheet may contain features which are not compatible with the chosen format.  Continue?  Just ignore and click okay and the next box that pops up is The database c:\ProgramFiles\Maple12/AddedHelpFilesMaple.hdb does not exist.  Do you want to create it?  Just click yes.  And there you go. 

There's a bug where there's a missing slash in the pop-up box but it's not critical. 

Close maple and restart or invoke the libname command in your current maple session in order to use your maple help pages. 

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