
5860 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 191 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

I find it hard to believe when I enter the search term Maple 6 Maple 7 maple 8 etc.. old versions search prior to Maple 10 it only brings up a maximum of 4 pages.  I know there are more applications of old.  

Are all applications still there and the search just not bringing them up?

Just a simple graphical view of Maple releases over the years.

MapleVersions := [[1, 1982], [1.1, 1982.05], [2, 1982.33], [2.1, 1982.42], [2.15, 1982.58], [2.2, 1982.92], [3, 1983.17], [3.1, 1983.75], [3.2, 1984.25], [3.3, 1985.17], [4, 1986.25], [4.1, 1987.33], [4.2, 1987.92], [4.3, 1989.17], [5.1, 1990.58], [5.2, 1992.83], [5.3, 1994.17], [5.4, 1996], [5.5, 1997.83], [6, 1999.92], [7, 2001.5], [8, 2002.25], [9, 2003.42], [9.5, 2004.25], [10, 2005.33], [10.01, 2005.58], [10.02, 2005.83], [10.03, 2006.17], [10.04, 2006.42], [10.05, 2006.5], [10.06, 2006.75], [11, 2007.08], [11.01, 2007.5], [11.02, 2007.83], [12, 2008.33], [12.01, 2008.75], [12.02, 2008.92], [13, 2009.25], [13.01, 2009.5], [13.02, 2009.75], [14, 2010.25], [14.01, 2010.75], [15, 2011.25], [15.01, 2011.42], [16, 2012.17], [16.01, 2012.33], [17, 2013.17], [17.01, 2013.5], [18, 2014.17], [18.01, 2014.33], [18.015, 2014.5], [18.02, 2014.83], [19, 2015.17], [19.1, 2015.33], [20, 2016.17], [20.1, 2016.25], [20.15, 2016.30]]
a:=map(ListTools:-Reverse,MapleVersions): #swap x-y axis
plot(a, style = point, symbol = point)

The content in all comments posted on any Blog posts are missing.  What happened to them?

Below I have pasted the recent post of a spammer who's title was http:// 

First of all, I thought those spam filters had taken care of those. 
Secondly why isn't there an http:// with a zero rating user poster filter on this forum yet?



I don't understand why the spam issue has not been resolved yet.  A ton of spam this morning!

Here's some more help. 

Any title or question of a post containing http:// should be automatically deleted. 

Clearly there is a name generator in place somewhere creating new accounts.  Is there not some kind of higher security name creation account done here at mapleprimes?  Ironically you would think this being a math type forum it would be hard to spam.

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