
955 Reputation

8 Badges

18 years, 148 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Earl

1) the two cylinders are centered on the x and z axis respectively

2) any two intersecting cylinders

As an example, the second display in the web site below shows the 42 possible triangulations of a cyclic heptagon polygon.


Is there any simple way that the colored shape created in the xy plane by the uploaded code can be projected in the z direction onto the surface of the unit sphere centred at the origin?


I would like to know which of the more than 100 worksheets I have in a Windows 11 folder execute the events operation within dsolve numeric.

Is there a way to identify which of this large number of Maple worksheets contain a given phrase e.g. "events"?

Please answer the commented questions in the uploaded worksheet.


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